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2008-09 Recruits

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  • Re: 2008-09 Recruits

    Why do you think Miles relates better to SD athletes then Nagy??
    Is Schilling from South Dakota?? I kow Ellsworth is right across the border...

    If Miles leaves I could see some of his recruits following but as far as transfers I doubt it maybe 1 or 2 but not the whole team..

    I know its been said that NDSU has the inside track on Colton but heres what I know about the Iverson family, they are a real close family and I believe that his Parents would want to catch as many of his games as possible along with his sisters (USD) and SDSU is alot closer then NDSU... And with Chuck coaching at MMC brookings wouldn't be that hard to catch mid week games but with NDSU it would be alil tougher... So I think its alot closer then you think...

    So am I correct in saying that the Heat will have

    Jared Vlastuin
    Louie Krogman
    Colton Iverson
    Cody Schilling

    MAN I hate to say it but thats probally the 4 best players in the state/area all on the same summer team.. WATCH OUT this team could be AMAZING


    • Re: 2008-09 Recruits

      Cody is playing for the Heat. Miles played in a small town (Doland) and just can live of his experiences better with SD players and Schilling from MN, yet close enough for me to call him as SD due to his playing for the Heat


      • Re: 2008-09 Recruits

        Heat roster is:

        Louie Krogman
        Cody Schilling
        Colton Iverson
        Jared Vlastuin
        Andy Kruse
        Isaac Jorgensen
        Josh Nielson
        Ben Friesen


        • Re: 2008-09 Recruits

          Off topic but I believe John Thunes wife is also from Doland

          I know a bunch of people from Conde through Long distance learning classes... Great Kids...

          I know Nagy isn't from South Dakota but I think 2 things help him 1 he was an assistant at Illinois (a big 11 college basketball team) that big time athletes can relate too and the fact hes been at SDSU for awhile and barring North Carolina or a top 25 D-I school knocking on his door I believe he is there to stay.
          He also puts alot of the blame on himself.. he doesn't rage on the officials doesn't complain that there only suiting up 8 guys, and doesn't blame the kids... just says he isn't getting them ready enough to play


          • Re: 2008-09 Recruits

            I don't believe many NDSU players wil transfer and follow their coach. Most of them already red-shirted as freshmen and would lose a year of elgibility by transferring.


            • Re: 2008-09 Recruits

              Where is Miles going again??? I must have been under a rock or something! I've heard none of this....
              Jackrabbits: Long ears, strong hind legs, gritty, relentless, fearless.


              • Re: 2008-09 Recruits

                Colorado State - It just broke last night. The articles are just printing today.


                • Re: 2008-09 Recruits

                  Originally posted by joeboo22
                  I've seen him play 3 times this year and once last year and he is by far the best d-I collibar athlete i've seen.. He is small though ya hes 6-5/6-6ish but he needs to get stronger he is a great leaper and has exellent post moves, I know that his brother got big at about that age and if Jared does he would be just what SDSU is looking for, a post that can score and rebound... I'm thinking about catching a heat game or 2 this summer just to see how he does against D-I tallent.
                  I watched him play a couple times down in Rapid last weekend. While he appears to be a great athlete, I don't think he's even close to big enough to play the 4 or 5 spot at the DI level (maybe even D2 level). I didn't think he looked any taller than the listed 6'4". He's got great ups, that's for sure. I couldn't believe it when I saw him drop step and throw down a monster two handed dunk. That was impressive. If he grows a couple 3 inches, then, who knows???


                  • Re: 2008-09 Recruits

                    Originally posted by WestSideRabbit
                    Where is Miles going again??? I must have been under a rock or something! I've heard none of this....
                    I think (just me here) that Miles leaving NDSU gives us the inside track on Colton. Joeboo makes a good point about the Iverson family. They were not able to make it to the NDSU/SDSU game in Fargo due to weather. Its a lot easier to get to Brookings. The Iversons will be at Frost tonight. Lets show them the atmosphere that Colton could play in front of.
                    We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                    We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                    • Re: 2008-09 Recruits

                      I will be there with bells on(whoops) no bells.


                      • Re: 2008-09 Recruits

                        Good luck to the ladies tonight......sure is an exciting time for SDSU women's hoops.

                        On the mens side I'll stick to my guns on the SD recruiting for 2008 class. Yes Louie put up lots of big numbers in Aberdeen last weekend. He lit SB up for 42 and 50 points respectively this year so the 50 in the state isn't a huge surprise. A little more shocking that they only won by 6 points. In the 42 point effort the team lost the game.

                        SDSU is between a rock and a hard place on Louie. He's got the huge name and everyone is on his bandwagon. Still I can't help but wonder if they would even offer him if they were a DII school. NSU has not offered him and neither has SSU or Augie. Past history has shown that our high recruits are offered at the DII level prior to I's coming on board.

                        Lets say SDSU offers Louie due to public opinion and pressure. What happens if he doesn't pan out and he leaves SDSU? Is it more damaging to not offer a kid you think isn't capable of playing at a Mid Major level or worse to offer and have him ride the pine and eventually leave. Cody Volmer (sp?) comes to mind as a highly thought of athlete that didn't make it at the DII level. I think these issues are weighing heavily into the minds of Coach Nagy and staff. Yes, they offered a few years ago but eventually pulled back. Heck they could pull back on White and Fiegen but doubt it will happen since both verballed.

                        We all wish the best for SD HS athletes and consider them all to be high level potential but the reality is that we don't produce many each year. That could change as the landscape of hoops changes but it won't happen soon.

                        At the begining of the year I listed the names of 5 athletes I felt would sign DII and higher. All five signed in November. Since that time no one else out of SD has signed higher than DII. The following are uncommitted in the 2007 class:

                        Kyle Doerr
                        Chris Schwartz
                        Mike Pajor
                        Chad Oteken

                        Thats about the extent of the remaining "big named" signees. Of this list I'd venture a guess that Kyle Doerr has the best opportunity of going to a DII or higher school. With the late signing period around the corner it will be interesting to see how it plays out.

                        Either public opinion is wrong and we evaluate with our hearts more than our heads or the college coaches are just flat out wrong.

                        In 2008 the list is smaller.....Colton is by far the BEST prospect of all the players in the 2008 class in SD (including Cody Schilling). He's almost 6'10" and will be a magnet this summer for college coaches. Still he's virtually an unknown around the country. That could change after the July evaluation period. I don't see others in SD having much of an opportunity to play DI outside of SD. If they go to the DI level they most likely will stay in state.

                        One needs to remember that there are many Louie Krogman type players around the country in the back yards of the other DI schools. They don't have to go far to sign that caliber of a player. What we consider "special" in our state is typical in another state. That statement is not meant to be a negative it's just the perception of those making the decisions and perception is reality most of the time. With that said I wish the Heat Athletes success this summer. Play hard and have fun....opportunites could become greater with success.


                        • Re: 2008-09 Recruits

                          I think the key phrase is we the public evaluate with our hearts and not our heads. Good post. We don't need to recruit and have them sit and leave. There have sure been some good articles from around the area about this game tonight.


                          • Re: 2008-09 Recruits

                            Hey Cadsev:

                            What do you think of 6'7" Dwight Peterson from Sioux Valley. He's got a nice outside touch. I think you said he grew 5" last summer. He doesn't have much meat on his bones. From my uneducated evaluation of him at State A's I'd say he'd be best suited at the 3 spot in college (no idea what level he could play at). I should note I'm a little biased as I'm from Sioux Valley.


                            • Re: 2008-09 Recruits

                              I'll take this one for cadsev, and I hope he does not mind.

                              Dwight Peterson could be a very nice fit for the right NAIA program. That is not a knock. That makes him better than 90% of the other kids that played high school ball this year. You are right about playing the "3" spot. I hope he plays at DSU or USF or DWU or Mt. Marty so we can watch him continue to improve.


                              • Re: 2008-09 Recruits

                                Originally posted by collegewatcher
                                I'll take this one for cadsev, and I hope he does not mind.

                                Dwight Peterson could be a very nice fit for the right NAIA program. That is not a knock. That makes him better than 90% of the other kids that played high school ball this year. You are right about playing the "3" spot. I hope he plays at DSU or USF or DWU or Mt. Marty so we can watch him continue to improve.
                                That's kinda what I was thinking...

