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NCAA 6thFan Contest

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  • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

    My theory is that Arkansas State is spending a lot of time voting for Western Illinois right now and not voting in their own match up. Western Illinois was not putting up these kind of numbers on their own in earlier rounds. Arkansas State's fan forum went dark with regards to talk about 6th fan lately, I have a feeling they are talking in their members only area and have decided to take us out. I would have to say if it works, they are putting themselves in a tough position because I for one will be spending a lot of time making sure Western Illinois gives them a run next week as I am sure many other Jacks fans will be if we don't make it to the next round. Back to the task at hand, taking care of Western and their Arkansas helpers.


    • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

      Thanks guys for all the posts...just felt like the place was dark. Knew some of you had to be around. I did 2 hours last night, and 4 1/2 today up until 10 p.m., when I was about to call it quits. Decided to keep going when it went to 52-48...know you all helped in that. I think they are not around and we can make some hay, so I'll keep her going for another hour or so.


      • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

        53%-47% Jacks


        • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

          Going to get a lot of votes in tomorrow afternoon.


          • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

            Hooray AGAIN! I'm shot and was going to finish out when the clock turned at midnight. Posted one more vote after it had turned to zeroes, and then refreshed the screen and 53-47 popped up. Made me feel like the last two hours were really worth it. Thanks to everybody who is still on, as well as those who had to call it a day. This is a tight race, but if we can hang onto the lead for a couple more days, it means the number of votes needed to make up the difference get to be large. Nite all!


            • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

              Voted for over an hr...seems funny to have this number of consecutive letters without a number in there some place.Anyway,the vote total stayed the same the entire time,53-47 %.The voting pool must be huge,so each % is a lot of votes.Either that or,some one was matching every one of my votes,so wasn't gaining any ground.My occasional insommnia has a side benefit for once.Tired now,hitting the sack.Will vote more after some good sleep.


              • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                Originally posted by jackdaniel View Post
                Voted for over an hr...seems funny to have this number of consecutive letters without a number in there some place.Anyway,the vote total stayed the same the entire time,53-47 %.The voting pool must be huge,so each % is a lot of votes.Either that or,some one was matching every one of my votes,so wasn't gaining any ground.My occasional insommnia has a side benefit for once.Tired now,hitting the sack.Will vote more after some good sleep.
                Thanks Jackdaniel for getting us down the road. Welcome to a new day everybody. Woke up at 4:30 and decided to vote for awhile, hoping I could get to that next magic number. And as I was getting ready to call it a morning for a little more sleep...on the last 20 minute update, the Gods were good...and 54%-46% popped on the board. Probably won't last long as it is just somewhere around 1-100 over the mark (my last 20 minute session), but fun to see it there!!


                • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                  One thing that surprises me this week is how NDSU appears to be struggling. They should be blowing BYU away! Apparantly, BYU has energized their very loyal base. I just spent a few minutes voting for the Bison and they would be winning their next matchup against UCF by 2%, yet they are down by 14% to BYU. Is their any chance that all those young men that you see walking door to door dressed in the white shirts and dark pants are actually showing people how to be a 6th fan? I guess their is benefit to coming to the party latter rather than early!


                  • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                    Keep in mind guys, as more and more votes are cast and we stay at the same percentages we are actually separating ourselves from them as it takes a larger margin to keep the same percent spread. If we gain a percent or two it means we are really separating ourselves.


                    • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                      I haven't been on the boards much either but I have been voting off and on all day. I usually vote for about 10 mins at a time during the day, but I do that at least 6 times. Last night my son took a nap on my lap, luckily my phone was within reach so I was able to get an extra 30 mins in. I will be at it again today, lets keep that margin growing.


                      • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                        Originally posted by wcrabbit View Post
                        I haven't been on the boards much either but I have been voting off and on all day. I usually vote for about 10 mins at a time during the day, but I do that at least 6 times. Last night my son took a nap on my lap, luckily my phone was within reach so I was able to get an extra 30 mins in. I will be at it again today, lets keep that margin growing.

                        Perhaps BYU and stAte are using "the Script" and hence they are winning handily(not over voting in stAte's case)

                        I have been putting in 15 Min at a shot 5 to 6 times a day lets go get them.

                        Also at this point it is all or nothing. 100K or the 10k we already secured.

                        Is the final round during the Summit @ the Falls?


                        • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                          Originally posted by slosho View Post

                          Perhaps BYU and stAte are using "the Script" and hence they are winning handily(not over voting in stAte's case)

                          I have been putting in 15 Min at a shot 5 to 6 times a day lets go get them.

                          Also at this point it is all or nothing. 100K or the 10k we already secured.

                          Is the final round during the Summit @ the Falls?
                          It's obvious by looking at the Bison-BYU match that there is some serious s*it being pulled. You read on Bisonville about how many of them are using a script and voting 10 times per minute for hours , and BYU continues to pull away ? This is turning from a fan voting contest into a contest about who has the best computer geeks who can figure out the best way to beat the system and then PM that to as many people as they can. Then you add in people from other schools using scripts to influence other races and it is getting ridiculous. Aren't there any people over-seeing this contest ? It's interesting that there is no contact info on the 6th Fan site other than a mailing address.


                          • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                            Originally posted by bigticket1 View Post
                            It's obvious by looking at the Bison-BYU match that there is some serious s*it being pulled. You read on Bisonville about how many of them are using a script and voting 10 times per minute for hours , and BYU continues to pull away ? This is turning from a fan voting contest into a contest about who has the best computer geeks who can figure out the best way to beat the system and then PM that to as many people as they can. Then you add in people from other schools using scripts to influence other races and it is getting ridiculous. Aren't there any people over-seeing this contest ? It's interesting that there is no contact info on the 6th Fan site other than a mailing address.
                            I've seen enough of these contests over the last 10 years to take them for what they are; an advertising ploy by the company or organization running the contest. Scripts are legal, voting for multiple teams, contestants is fine there are rarely any rules to make it "fair" for everyone. Ultimately, everyone involved is a winner as long as you aren't wasting work or family time spent on a website (oh, wait, never mind).
                            We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                            We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                            • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                              Its all about the scripts now and who can vote most "efficiently." UCF finally scrubbed their board of their board of their scripts since they saw I mentioned it here. BYUhas been using it this round. It sucks that this has what its become. It will probably come down to the winner of UCF or BYU who will win it all. I dont want to see either of those schools win it because they really dont need to win it. $100k is more like a drop in the b u cket to them compared to a school like us or NDSU. They already have a huge advantage having large fan bases, but adding scripts to that just baloons their advantage.


                              • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                                Originally posted by Evolution Prime View Post
                                Its all about the scripts now and who can vote most "efficiently." UCF finally scrubbed their board of their board of their scripts since they saw I mentioned it here. BYUhas been using it this round. It sucks that this has what its become. It will probably come down to the winner of UCF or BYU who will win it all. I dont want to see either of those schools win it because they really dont need to win it. $100k is more like a drop in the b u cket to them compared to a school like us or NDSU. They already have a huge advantage having large fan bases, but adding scripts to that just baloons their advantage.
                                In which case are we beating our heads against the wall?

