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NCAA 6thFan Contest

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  • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

    Originally posted by TransAmBison View Post
    We aren't the ones who tried to organize another school against us...are we? Oh wait, we were the ones who clued you in to this contest. Oh yeah, that keeps getting forgotten about. Oh yeah.
    Okay, time out on this side skirmish. Let's get some facts straight: One person, me, had placed a post on UND's board which was subsequently deleted shortly after it was posted and the UND board showed it had not been viewed. I reported that I had made the post on this board and look at the reaction! There's no "ones who tried to organize another school" etc.

    Going forward, let's keep this thread on topic. Extraneous matter including hurt feelings by our friend from the north can go to a smack thread.


    • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

      Originally posted by JackJD View Post
      Okay, time out on this side skirmish. Let's get some facts straight: One person, me, had placed a post on UND's board which was subsequently deleted shortly after it was posted and the UND board showed it had not been viewed. I reported that I had made the post on this board and look at the reaction! There's no "ones who tried to organize another school" etc.

      Going forward, let's keep this thread on topic. Extraneous matter including hurt feelings by our friend from the north can go to a smack thread.
      Love pull a jerk move, and then say, "keep it on topic". Gotta love it when you can pull the MOD card. Good times. Not surprised.


      • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

        At least you now recognize that it was one person. And as I said: going forward, we're keeping this on topic.

        Added later: Seems to me voting strategies, particularly as this contest advances to the round of 8, then 4 etc., are appropriate to discuss. Somewhere there's a line separating strategies and what a prior poster referred to as posts that call for the wambulance -- The board, collectively, will probably figure out where that line is placed.


        • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

          Originally posted by Evolution Prime View Post
          Well back on topic, after lurking at Bisonville, they mentioned someone from Arkansas State came up with a macro to help assist one in voting. So I did some lurking over there. It doesn't enter the code for you, but does all the clicking for you. So you still have to be present to vote, but cuts the time down considerably. One said that he was able to vote about 50 times in 7 minutes.
          50 times in 7 minutes with a macro? Is he dyslexic and missing a hand?


          • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

            Originally posted by TransAmBison View Post
            Oh, it was a joke. I did not know it was a joke, that makes it completely different. In that case it is still classless.
            What part was classes?
            Originally posted by JackFan96
            Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


            • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

              Originally posted by Bozemaniac View Post
              50 times in 7 minutes with a macro? Is he dyslexic and missing a hand?
              Exactly,I don't consider myself fast, but i can do a vote in 6-7 sec,but sometimes i get one backwards .... mn combinations especially, or wrong , but not that often,so why risk my votes not counting for only a slight gain,if any?


              • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                He said he put in a 1.5 second delay in there, but I'm just reporting what they had on their board. I'm sure its a slight gain over time by not having to move the mouse around. I agree that it isn't worth the risk. They even admit its borderline cheating. Yet they still think we are using a full blown code for our voting.


                • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                  New page - relink.

                  "Life is short so make sure you spend as much time as possible arguing with strangers on the Internet." - Person


                  • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                    so are we teaming up against ucf or asu this round? We can knock the other out next round.

                    i'll be voting against ASU until someone tells me otherwise.


                    • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                      Judging by current percentages, it looks like UCF is more vulnerable. Though stAte is more dangerous.


                      • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                        Originally posted by frozennorth View Post
                        so are we teaming up against ucf or asu this round? We can knock the other out next round.

                        i'll be voting against ASU until someone tells me otherwise.
                        Why don't we just vote for our own team?


                        • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                          Bison are willing to help take out ASU next round if we help take UCF out this round. Put some extra votes on Southern this round since UCF is dangerous by looking what they did last round. Obviously we put the majority of our votes on us, but we should be able to spare some votes here and there. I am also putting a couple on WIU to assist them. UNI could also use some help.


                          • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                            Originally posted by MontanaRabbit View Post
                            Why don't we just vote for our own team?
                            I think the reasoning is that both of our teams look like they will make it through this round relatively easily, and UCF and ASU seem to be the biggest threats to NDSU and SDSU. If we could take out those other teams, it makes the road for both of us easier. Then it would be an all Dakota final, and I would much rather see that than having either of those other teams in there.


                            • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                              There are some who will be critical of such collusion!

                              As of about 4:10 PM Monday, SDSU 84%, UALR 16%.


                              • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                                Not a bad strategy. But in the meantime, those people who are going to have a lot of time to vote for another team, are needed right now: UALR has gained 7% points on us in the last 4 SDSU 82% and UALR 18%. I trust our after work crew will stop that movement.

