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2008 Recruits

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  • Re: 2008 Recruits

    Since these 40+ kids at Nebraska are not on scholarship, can we still recruit/stay in touch with them? After a couple of years of riding the pine on their own dime, maybe a few would like to bring their talents north. If they did transfer to SDSU would they have to sit out a year? Maybe Nebraska's walk-on program could be looked at as a sort of JUCO for us. Nebraska takes and develops them for two years until the athlete wants to play and then gives up the Big Red dream. We get a kid with the desire to play, has proven himself in the classroom, and only eats up a scholarship for a few years.
    One hand points to campus...the other to the liquor store.


    • Re: 2008 Recruits

      they shouldn't have to sit out a year....

      I think the whole thing is, is how Nebraska does things..... I talked to Reiff and he said it was pretty bad.... they called him up and offered him a field pass for the Nebraska USC game.... then they gave him a scholarship then when he got hurt they pulled it..... As far as the walk-ons go I just think that 40 is too many...... of the class they are bringing in over 2/3rds of them will be walk-ons...... As far as Holt at least from reading the article in the Lee Summit newspaper is bs..... it said that they called him up the night before and offered him a preferred walk-on..... That would be like if the night before I was going to sing Notre Dame called me up.... I'm a big ND fan and in the heat of the moment I would choose there and then in a year I would be like damn wrong decision....

      I'm all for a walkon program and I think everybody is Catchum but come on when you are giving preferred walkons to 40+ kids and inviting over 140 to fall camp something is wrong..... You are right a walk on can become a lot but when you are inviting way over the practice amount to fall camp I think they are feeding a bunch bs to the players....


      • Re: 2008 Recruits

        Nebraska is trying to hoard talent like they did in the old days. Isn't that why roster limits are in place? Pellini must not have much confidence in his ability use scholarships wisely. With 40 walk-ons, he's giving himself a big margin for error. What a joke.
        This space for lease.


        • Re: 2008 Recruits

          Originally posted by JimmyJack View Post
          Sent it in this morning. Didn't get posted on yet. Pretty busy day for the staff over in athletics. I'm sure it'll appear on Monday.
          Cool, thanks for the update.


          • Re: 2008 Recruits

            I have been a Nebraska fan for a long time , but not to the level of being a Jacks fan. I think bringing back the walk-on program is a good thing, but I think it's gotten way out of control and they are simply taking advantage of these kid's emotional ties to the program. Holt, Bryan and Ebke may all have been very solid contributors to the Jacks program, but we will never know for sure. As Huskers there is a good chance they will be modern day "Rudy's". While every so often there is a feel good story around a walk-on making it on the field and the Husker's can then point to this example, however the cold reality of this happening is remote. If practicing, attending school and running out the tunnel for their favorite team since childhood is what will make them cherish the college experience then they will accomplish their goal. If being a major contributor on the field is a goal then I think many of these walk-ons will be sorely dissapointed. Like JackMD I don't know enough about Bo to know if I have any respect for him, but I will say I don't like what I see so far! In the end the Huskers don't want to be embarrased they made the wrong decision over who got a scholarship and who didn't and the field is slanted towards the scholarship player and this mass walk-on program is simply a way to cover their ass if some player went to another program and really made something happen. Nothing irks me more than seeing a fan at an SDSU game dressed in UNL garb.
            Last edited by JACKGUYII; 02-10-2008, 03:09 PM.


            • Re: 2008 Recruits

              Well, like it or not I think we just have to buck up. I'm sure the NCAA would take action if Nebraska has dome something improper (which it isn't). It's not as if this is new thing. It was around for decades and many of thought "What a great story!" Ask the other Nebraska schools about the gems they found when the Huskers' walk-on program went away. (They reaped the benefits.) Ask Chadron folks how they liked their record-setting running back. We need to deal with it. What sucks is that we had a verbal and it went in the tank at the last minute. I'm not happy about it, but ... it probably won't be the last. Jumping on the new coach (who has the support of the old coach) won't do any good, isn't the answer and is the wrong tact.
              Grumbling along and embracing my role. If I didn't care, I wouldn't care. Go Jacks!


              • Re: 2008 Recruits

                I don't know if anyone has posted this article regarding Matt Holts decision to walk on at Nebraska:


                Time to move on.


                • Re: 2008 Recruits

                  "I was born and raised a Nebraska fan, so this is awesome for me," Holt said. "I have to go there and work as hard as I can and perform, but from what I've heard, I have a good chance of playing and getting a scholarship."
                  Well, some questions have been answered. I have to wonder how many phone calls the Ebke residence received from Tom Osborne before he decided to transfer.

                  I for one had been a Husker fan (I stopped wearing the clothes 5 years ago) but something is definitely stinking from the south. I also don't beleive that anything can or will be done. The NCAA isn't going to investigate Nebraska due to the allegations of a few little schools.

                  The coaches did the right thing by showing disappointment and moving on. We will lose many more over the years and we really can't be babies about it. The best thing that can happen is keeping good relations with these kids so that if they want out they can come back or some of the kids they meet hear good things about South Dakota State.
                  "The purpose of life is not to be happy - but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all."
                  -Leo Rosten


                  • Re: 2008 Recruits

                    The thing that upsets me is the Tuesday night stuff..... if Nebraska was talking to him all along and he was split on the decision I understand but to call a kid the night before and say hey do you want to walk on at nebraska, if you impress us we'll give you a scholarship and you'll get to play....... They don't say well we've invited around 130 kids to try out, way over the NCAA allowed to make the team or even practice with the team.... They don't say that we had a top 25 recruiting class...... My point is if you are recruiting a kid for along time alot of questions are asked and answered when you swoop in the night before say a bunch of good stuff those questions aren't asked or answered..... I'm all for strong walkon programs but when you are calling already committed recruits the night before you are getting close to crossing the line......


                    • Re: 2008 Recruits

                      Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
                      The thing that upsets me is the Tuesday night stuff..... if Nebraska was talking to him all along and he was split on the decision I understand but to call a kid the night before and say hey do you want to walk on at nebraska, if you impress us we'll give you a scholarship and you'll get to play....... They don't say well we've invited around 130 kids to try out, way over the NCAA allowed to make the team or even practice with the team.... They don't say that we had a top 25 recruiting class...... My point is if you are recruiting a kid for along time alot of questions are asked and answered when you swoop in the night before say a bunch of good stuff those questions aren't asked or answered..... I'm all for strong walkon programs but when you are calling already committed recruits the night before you are getting close to crossing the line......
                      Sorry to defend the Huskers on our Jackrabbit board. Please skip over this if you're offended.

                      Joe, I agree. The night before take-it-or-lose it call sucks. But so does reneging on your commitment. That's what happens with 18-year-old kids.

                      Nebraska has only announced 19 walkons, but they say they want 40-60. I don't get where everybody thinks this is new. That's the way it always was under Osborne and Solich, and probably Devaney before them. Seemed to work out OK.

                      If the kids (especially as walkons) don't know they're coming in to compete with 130 others, then shame on them. Joe, where do you get that there are NCAA limits on how many can practice or make a team? I know there are conference-imposed (and maybe/probably NCAA imposed) limits on how many can travel, but I think the individual schools/coaches decide how many to practice/dress for games. Callahan cut way back on numbers because he wanted to run practices like an NFL team. Then, he didn't let the handful of walkons he kept around dress for his first game as head coach. Brilliant PR move there.

                      I've long admired coach Osborne. I'm drinking the Pelini Kool-Aid so far. He's got great passion and he's given me no reason not to believe what he says. It sounds like it ain't going to get any easier for the Jacks to recruit Nebraska. Pelini said on his coach's show last night that he believes in the tradition of the Nebraska walkon program and in keeping Nebraska kids in Nebraska. Basically, any Nebraska kid that wants a spot in the Husker program just has to show up. I still say most of us would love to live to see the day where darn near every kid in South Dakota grows up dreaming of being a Jackrabbit.

                      I've always believed that if someone wants to run a country, he should know how to run a tractor first.
                      --Steve Hartman, CBS Sunday


                      • Re: 2008 Recruits

                        If Holt didn't have any more desire than that to play for the Jacks then we don't want him. Good luck at NU.


                        • Re: 2008 Recruits

                          Seems to me that this thread should be about the 19 kids who are committed to SDSU rather then the 1 who isn't. Maybe a new thread should be started about Nebraska's recruiting practices. Just a suggestion.

                          I just hate to see the focus of this thread taken away from the outstanding class of young men that are coming to Brookings.

                          Go State!


                          • Re: 2008 Recruits

                            Does anybody have any leads who the coaches are going after now?


                            • Re: 2008 Recruits

                              Coach Stig discussing this years recruits is now posted on Jackrabbit Extra. It runs a little more than 13 minutes.
                              LET'S TAKE A TRIP TO BIRDLAND!


                              • Re: 2008 Recruits

                                Just wondering how to veiw this video of the recruits. Do you have to have a Jackrabbit Extra video subsctiption, as the registration asks for, or what other ways can you view it. I see that on youtube there is a video of last years recruits. What is the chance that this video is or will be on youtube? Thanks

