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2008 Recruits

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  • Re: 2008 Recruits

    The link is to an article with a blurb about Rollin and a future Jackrabbit, the other, time will tell.
    One hand points to campus...the other to the liquor store.


    • Re: 2008 Recruits

      If a high school athlete has a scholarship offer from SDSU or another school and decides to walk on at Nebraska instead, fine.
      If a player on scholarship at SDSU or somewhere decides on his own to chase his dream, transfer to Nebraska and walk on, fine.
      What is wrong is a college coach calling a kid who has verbally committed to SDSU the night before signing day and convincing him to ignore his commitment and walk on at Nebraska with no scholarship. That may not be illegal but it's certainly unethical.
      Bo Pellini has lost my respect. The NCAA ought to investigate his tactics. With this kind of morality in play behind the scenes, look for Nebraska's hallowed program to blow up in a couple of years.
      This space for lease.


      • Re: 2008 Recruits

        Originally posted by Jacked_Up View Post
        If a high school athlete has a scholarship offer from SDSU or another school and decides to walk on at Nebraska instead, fine.
        If a player on scholarship at SDSU or somewhere decides on his own to chase his dream, transfer to Nebraska and walk on, fine.
        What is wrong is a college coach calling a kid who has verbally committed to SDSU the night before signing day and convincing him to ignore his commitment and walk on at Nebraska with no scholarship. That may not be illegal but it's certainly unethical.
        Bo Pellini has lost my respect. The NCAA ought to investigate his tactics. With this kind of morality in play behind the scenes, look for Nebraska's hallowed program to blow up in a couple of years.
        I agree with you 100%


        • Re: 2008 Recruits

          Originally posted by Jacked_Up View Post
          What is wrong is a college coach calling a kid who has verbally committed to SDSU the night before signing day and convincing him to ignore his commitment and walk on at Nebraska with no scholarship. That may not be illegal but it's certainly unethical.
          Bo Pellini has lost my respect. The NCAA ought to investigate his tactics. With this kind of morality in play behind the scenes, look for Nebraska's hallowed program to blow up in a couple of years.
          While I respect your opinion to lose respect for Pellini over this, he did nothing that violates any NCAA rule. There are no written rules against contacting a student-athlete who has yet to sign a letter of intent. Many coaches follow an un-written rule of respecting verbal commitments, but not always. Over the years I would venture to guess SDSU's own staff has continued to recruit players even after a verbal committment. Anyone who thinks otherwise is seeing the world thru rose colored (or blue and yellow colored) glasses.
          I updated my signature for the first time in six years.


          • Re: 2008 Recruits

            I'm just pissed we lost Holt. I guess if I knew if UNL had made contact before the night before, it might make a difference. But if it is 12th hour recruiting, I don't agree with that.


            • Re: 2008 Recruits

              There was mention of a video being made with Stig talking about all the recruits. Is that still in the works and does anyone have any idea when it will be available?


              • Re: 2008 Recruits

                Originally posted by CatchEmAll View Post
                While I respect your opinion to lose respect for Pellini over this, he did nothing that violates any NCAA rule. There are no written rules against contacting a student-athlete who has yet to sign a letter of intent. Many coaches follow an un-written rule of respecting verbal commitments, but not always. Over the years I would venture to guess SDSU's own staff has continued to recruit players even after a verbal committment. Anyone who thinks otherwise is seeing the world thru rose colored (or blue and yellow colored) glasses.
                Its a BS move by NU and you know it. They have everything to gain while the player has everything to lose. I don't think Stig would behave this way. I never had any respect for Pellini so I won't lose any. I hope NU continues to struggle, why wouldn't they?
                We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                • Re: 2008 Recruits

                  Ya I agree..... There is an unwritten law that you don't talk to recruits that have verballed unless they contact you first.... and then not even to offer a scholarship? If there was a scholarship offer I understand but to call a guy that has verballed the night before he has to choose is BS, Nebraska new that he was a UNL fan and new that he would choose on emotions rather then reason.....

                  I really think that the NCAA needs to take a look into this... maybe its nothing but when you are calling kids that have verballed the night before something isn't right, not to mention giving preferred walk-ons to 40+ kids many who had already verballed to a school and inviting way over the maximum amount to practice is just wrong....

                  I don't think its wrong to keep in contact with a player after he has chosen but as far as I can tell it sounds like Nebraska hadn't had much of any contact before the call the night before...... I also think its different when you are at the D-I level..... If SDSU is recruiting a local kid that is thinking of walking on at SDSU or playing at USF there is a difference because even a walk-on at SDSU is a good shot at playing on special teams and maybe even playing good minutes at a position.... At Nebraska its a chance that you will make the team...... I just think there is a big difference......

                  A. hes out of state... if he is in state then you have the understanding of it being you back yard and so on
                  B. Nebraska had a top 25 recruiting class... does inviting 40+ walk ons sound reasonable? maybe they need to raise there GPA
                  C. Its the night before.... from the article it sounded like he was going to go to SDSU before he got a phone call the night before about Nebraska not that he was in contact with them and he planned on going to SDSU but was still thinking about UNL he was going to SDSU before....
                  D. Its just wrong, call a kid and say hey come play for Nebraska.... what is a life time Nebraska fan going to say, the Nebraska coach knows that he has to choose by the next day and all what the kid can think of is playing in front of 90,000+


                  • Re: 2008 Recruits

                    I was of the opinion that Nebraska encouraging a resumption of their successfull walk on program was a good idea for them. I have however changed my opinion in light of them asking 40 players to do so?

                    A coach may have a genuine intrest in five or six or even ten players that he could not offer but 40? This tells me that the coaching staff at Nebraska is just throwing it against the wall and doesn't give a hoot for most of these kids best intrest especially the ones who truly want to play.

                    How many of these guys will a year or two from now be regretting their emotional decision while the coaches who encouraged them knew full well, they had little or no opportunity of stepping on the field?

                    I am not saying a kid shouldn't dream or even pursue his ambition but on the other hand a coach who in truth has little faith himself in the prospect shoudn't encourage it, in hopes he will get the one while discarding dozens of others.


                    • Re: 2008 Recruits

                      Originally posted by jackmd View Post
                      Its a BS move by NU and you know it. They have everything to gain while the player has everything to lose. I don't think Stig would behave this way. I never had any respect for Pellini so I won't lose any. I hope NU continues to struggle, why wouldn't they?
                      No, I wouldn't say I know it's a BS move. That's not my opinion. I guess I'm not as tuned into SDSU's recruiting class and wasn't attached to the Holt kid so I don't know what we could have been missing out on. My "opinion" is that until that kid has signed on the dotted line he's not committed. Why not be pissed at Holt, he's the one who renegged on his commitment, not Pellini. Pellini just picked up the phone and invited him to play some footaball at Nebraska. Holt didn't have to say yes. I guess he could have come to SDSU, been on the scout team for a year, played sparingly the next year, then transferred out...but then he would have been ripped on this fan board for not living up to the commitment he made to SDSU when he accepted a scholarship.

                      Here's the sad reality, of the 19 players who signed scholarships 2 or 3 will be out of football in a couple years, another 5-6 will never start a game, but will keep that scholarship for four years, 5-6 will start at some point in their career and earn their keep and the rest will be the names everyone knows. Oh, and of the "blue shirts" and other walk-ons that end up on the squad there will be 2-3 that will earn scholarships to replace the "highly recruited" ones who couldn't hack it. So in my opinion, get as many friggin' walk-ons as possible because you never know which one will become a league MVP (see Adam Timmerman).

                      I'm sure Stig and the rest of the staff are a bit miffed but they realize that life happens and someone else will get a chance to shine at SDSU. And if someone can confirm and prove 100% that not one single SDSU coach called a player after his verbal commitment to another school this football recruiting season I will proclaim Stig as the greatest coach that has ever stepped onto the field at Coughlin Alumni Stadium (and many know how hard that would be for me).
                      I updated my signature for the first time in six years.


                      • Re: 2008 Recruits

                        Originally posted by CatchEmAll View Post
                        No, I wouldn't say I know it's a BS move. That's not my opinion. I guess I'm not as tuned into SDSU's recruiting class and wasn't attached to the Holt kid so I don't know what we could have been missing out on. My "opinion" is that until that kid has signed on the dotted line he's not committed. Why not be pissed at Holt, he's the one who renegged on his commitment, not Pellini. Pellini just picked up the phone and invited him to play some footaball at Nebraska. Holt didn't have to say yes. I guess he could have come to SDSU, been on the scout team for a year, played sparingly the next year, then transferred out...but then he would have been ripped on this fan board for not living up to the commitment he made to SDSU when he accepted a scholarship.

                        Here's the sad reality, of the 19 players who signed scholarships 2 or 3 will be out of football in a couple years, another 5-6 will never start a game, but will keep that scholarship for four years, 5-6 will start at some point in their career and earn their keep and the rest will be the names everyone knows. Oh, and of the "blue shirts" and other walk-ons that end up on the squad there will be 2-3 that will earn scholarships to replace the "highly recruited" ones who couldn't hack it. So in my opinion, get as many friggin' walk-ons as possible because you never know which one will become a league MVP (see Adam Timmerman).

                        I'm sure Stig and the rest of the staff are a bit miffed but they realize that life happens and someone else will get a chance to shine at SDSU. And if someone can confirm and prove 100% that not one single SDSU coach called a player after his verbal commitment to another school this football recruiting season I will proclaim Stig as the greatest coach that has ever stepped onto the field at Coughlin Alumni Stadium (and many know how hard that would be for me).
                        Alright fonz have it your way. Pellini used the lure of NU football to get Holt if thats okay with you then I'd say your a Husker, I can't fix that. Its not a "sad reality" that some of these kids won't start or even play a major role on a college football team its just a fact. The larger question for me....Why defend NU on a Jackrabbit fan board? Don't answer that, I know the line of crap that will follow. I had a guy in the clinic yesterday who was wearing all NU stuff, I mean everything, boxers, socks, even his slippers were NU. Disgusting to say the least....well maybe annoying would be a better way to describe it. Anyway, I'd rather Holt be a Jackrabbit. Disagree if you'd like.
                        We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                        We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                        • Re: 2008 Recruits

                          Sorry, got my sad realities confused with fact.

                          I'm not a Husker fan in the least...actually my family lineage is tied to the University of Iowa. That's even worse in some eyes.

                          I'm not trying to defend Nebraska on a Jackrabbit fan board, I'm pointing out that in my opinion what happened with Holt happens all over the country every years. Fox Sports Radio spent a good 20 minutes talking about it today because I guess Rich Rodrigues (sp) did it at Michigan this year. I just don't see it being as bad as others on here make it out to be. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I'm not trying to change anyone's. I'm just pointing out my opinion the same as others are pointing out there's.

                          I personally wish someone had lured me to play football anywhere DI. I had to "settle" for walking on at SDSU. I guess that turned out OK though.

                          Like I said, I know nothing of Holt so I can't say if I'd want him to be a Jackrabbit or not. I can't agree or disagree with your enthusiasm for the kid because I just don't know anything about him.

                          Sorry for the line of "crap". I guess I'm good for it though if you knew it was coming.
                          I updated my signature for the first time in six years.


                          • Re: 2008 Recruits

                            Originally posted by jackmd View Post
                            Alright fonz have it your way.
                            Nice pickup on the Jumping the Shark reference by the way.
                            I updated my signature for the first time in six years.


                            • Re: 2008 Recruits

                              Originally posted by CatchEmAll View Post
                              Nice pickup on the Jumping the Shark reference by the way.
                              Thanks for the bone. Still not buying the crap. I'm not arguing that what happened with Holt doesn't happen all over the country. I'm just flip-flopping by saying that I don't like someone trying to justify a program convincing a kid to flip the Jackrabbits the bird. I've got very little ground to stand on but fortunately I'm use to falling on my butt and getting back up. I'm standing on one leg now.
                              We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                              We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                              • Re: 2008 Recruits

                                Originally posted by Jacks-02 View Post
                                There was mention of a video being made with Stig talking about all the recruits. Is that still in the works and does anyone have any idea when it will be available?
                                Sent it in this morning. Didn't get posted on yet. Pretty busy day for the staff over in athletics. I'm sure it'll appear on Monday.
                                Holy nutmeg!

