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Time for a change?

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  • Re: Time for a change?

    Originally posted by KUlawJack View Post
    I'm going to go fall in a pail of whiskey after this debacle. Can't wait to read this thread in the morning.
    Think I will stick with Shiner tonight. Might help ease the pain. USD wins big, we lose big, and my st louis cardinals pulled a tob and sucked it up.
    "The most rewarding things you do in life, are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.” Arnold Palmer

    Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.


    • Re: Time for a change?

      I believe he has thrown more touchdowns to the other team than he has for our team this year. I don't think that is a good stat to have after 3 games.
      Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


      • Re: Time for a change?

        "Rex, is still our quarterback." Lovie Smith


        • Re: Time for a change?

          3 weeks in a row, pick 6 - and two in one game. Come on Stig, it is past time to make a change. Do it for the team, do it for the University, do it for TOB, just do it already. This is just getting silly


          • Re: Time for a change?

            P.S. please for the love of all that is holey don't tell anyone that TOB has to play better . . . he can't we alllllllllll know that, you saying it over and over again is just silly. If you are going to play him, just say "he is my guy no matter how bad he plays" and be done with it.


            • Re: Time for a change?

              Originally posted by bub94 View Post
              I believe he has thrown more touchdowns to the other team than he has for our team this year. I don't think that is a good stat to have after 3 games.


              • Re: Time for a change?

                If stig won't Pull him; it's time for a new coach!


                • Re: Time for a change?

                  Originally posted by bub94 View Post
                  I believe he has thrown more touchdowns to the other team than he has for our team this year. I don't think that is a good stat to have after 3 games.
                  I looked it up, if you count the screen pass for the td today, then he has thrown one more td to the good guys, a 5-4 margin.
                  Remember Gun Saftey-Treat Every Hunter as if he were Loaded


                  • Re: Time for a change?

                    Stig has some questions to answer. For him to not take the opportunity the last two weeks to see what he has in Sumner is irresponsible and quite frankly poor coaching. Maybe TOB looks better than Austin Mon.-Fri. but why not see if it"s true on Saturday's? He had two perfect scenarios to get Austin some significant playing time to see what he can do. Not only did he have a chance to see what he has in Austin, he had the chance to do it before conference play starts!!! So tell me Coach Stig, why in two complete blowouts did you manage to get Austin only two series?

                    And whatever Stig says this week, I really don't want to hear him say "Thomas needs to play better". I think we all realize this coach.


                    • Re: Time for a change?

                      I'll put my money on this in some form being said this week:

                      "The guys need to play better, but heck the coaches need to put our players in a position to win ball games. That's what it really comes down to. We have to do a better job preparing our guys to go out and compete on Saturday's. There can't be any finger pointing because no one did a good job on Saturday. In the end, we're going to put the best 22 guys on the field that will give us a chance to win. Our goal is to be 1-0 each week and that's what we're going to focus on."

                      That's probably a cliff notes version of a longer evaluation, but I think we've all heard the same things be said time and time again.

                      Nidaros did make a very valid's just a game. But it's one that we all want to see our team win. Stig gets paid the big bucks to make the tough decisions. Maybe he is making the touch decision in that Sumner isn't ready, but if that's the case, WHY isn't he ready and who does that fall on.
                      I updated my signature for the first time in six years.


                      • Re: Time for a change?

                        If I was coaching the Jacks right now I would be wishing this was a bye week so the coaching staff could sit down, review film of the last three games and make some decisions about the future role of players and rotations being made. Players, start with the quarterback and move on down the depth chart. Stop the running back by platoon and changing every series. Zenner obviously is a better back than Kool. Keep him in and spell him when he's tired, move Kool to a tailback and get some big guy that can run and block at full back and Zenner at half. Keep Moss in the game, guy can catch and actually knows what to do after catching the ball, like stretch for first downs, and the goal line unlike some quarterback we know. Offensive line, coach them that they actually have to push the defensive guys backwards on running plays, not just stand there like your pass blocking. Receivers, you have to run and sell your route even if your not going to catch the ball, act like you are. get open. Defense, overpower that guy in front of you, beat him off the line and for god's sake use your arms when trying to make a tackle. they are there for that purpose, not just for holding your water bottle and scratching your heads when your getting your butt kicked. linebackers, dont take the fake, assign someone to watch the quarterback and stay with the quarterback especially if the guy is like the last two. and when you tackle, use those arms that god gave you, see above. Defensive backs, please keep your assigned man in front of you, don't let him get behind you. Keep your eyes on him, not the ball, until you hear ball, ball, then kind of look to see if its coming to your guy. And if you have to make a tackle, use your arms, and really there is no reason for a defensive back to make a tackle if the defensive line and linebackers are doing their jobs. no reason for a db to lead the team in tackles. Special teams, punter is doing a great job, busiest guy on the team. just don't make him tackle anyone. Kicking team, has a pooch kick ever worked besides setting up the opponent in good field position? kick the dang ball to the goal line, better yet out of the endzone if your afraid on the return guy. coaches in the crowsnest, you guys got the best position to see whats going on. spot it, spot it early, and make the changes early, not when its too late. And everyone quit the excuses and cliches, say it, WE ARE A BAD FOOTBALL TEAM AND WE ARE WORKING ON THE PROBLEM. NO JOB IS SAFE AND CHANGES WILL BE MADE.


                        • Re: Time for a change?

                          I try to be the last guy making a fanatical call for the promotion of the backup QB, but that halftime slide absolutely went too far. It is time.

                          Let's not kid ourselves, this team has major issues all over the field. It is not a simple QB thing. It is doubtful that we will finish the season with 4 wins, no matter who is at QB. This is now a rebuilding year. At least play some young people to get the most out of it - including Sumner.


                          • Re: Time for a change?

                            Tob's performance yesterday topped anything I have ever seen watching football. Two pick sixes sliding at the half yard line with the closest defender two yards away. When is stig going to pull his ****ing ass out of his damn ass! Its also a disgrace to put Sumner in for one series when tob should be finishing a game he started like that. There are other problems but it starts with qb play they are the leaders! Take some accountability as a coach and make the damn change that's needed. I've been hearing Sumner may not be performing in practice but that's not what players say. As allen iverson said practice were talking about practice! Sumner I believe can help turn this around he wouldn't have slid he would have taken a hit if need be he looks off his receivers has great accuracy and strong arm. It's time to stop fiddling tob and make the damn change!!!!!!!!


                            • Re: Time for a change?

                              Originally posted by jackmd View Post
                              To clarify, I'm here, anyone other than TOB would have crossed the goal line on the last play. He laid down at the 1 to avoid a hit. You can't do that and then look your guys in the eye and be their leader.
                              Yep, I was supportive of TOB and pretty hopeful his decision making would come around, but that slide at the 1 yard line was the last straw.

                              Get Sumner in there.
                              "Life is short so make sure you spend as much time as possible arguing with strangers on the Internet." - Person


                              • Re: Time for a change?

                                I wasn't able to watch. Was listening and went into a restaurant at halftime. Can someone tell me why we used a TO with 27 seconds left after we got called for a penalty(I think False Start). Was the clock going to continue run? If not, we would have had a timeout when TOB slid at the 1. Not to mention the other two timeouts wasted during the 1st half on the team not knowing what was going on.

                                Issues appear to start with the coaching staff. A team that 2-3 years ago played hard and smart(maybe not as athletic as other teams but got the job done) has turned into even less-talented players who struggle to make good decisions on the field. It is embarrassing to watch/listen to a game that sounds like Cal Poly is a FCS team and SDSU was an NAIA team playing for a paycheck.

