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Time for a change?

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  • Re: Time for a change?

    Originally posted by timeforachange View Post
    Tob's performance yesterday topped anything I have ever seen watching football. Two pick sixes sliding at the half yard line with the closest defender two yards away. When is stig going to pull his ****ing ass out of his damn ass! Its also a disgrace to put Sumner in for one series when tob should be finishing a game he started like that. There are other problems but it starts with qb play they are the leaders! Take some accountability as a coach and make the damn change that's needed. I've been hearing Sumner may not be performing in practice but that's not what players say. As allen iverson said practice were talking about practice! Sumner I believe can help turn this around he wouldn't have slid he would have taken a hit if need be he looks off his receivers has great accuracy and strong arm. It's time to stop fiddling tob and make the damn change!!!!!!!!
    why perform good in practice and bust a nut if you already know that no matter how hard you work TOB is going to start no matter how bad he performs. And stig, get rid of all that crap hanging around your neck, you aint calling the plays or much of anything it seems, you look like a walking table. sorry,


    • Re: Time for a change?

      Originally posted by SturgisJeff View Post
      why perform good in practice and bust a nut if you already know that no matter how hard you work TOB is going to start no matter how bad he performs. And stig, get rid of all that crap hanging around your neck, you aint calling the plays or much of anything it seems, you look like a walking table. sorry,
      Its get to a point also that younger players may consider leaving the program. No I don't have any info on this but could easily happen!


      • Re: Time for a change?

        I have never played or coached football, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.....ummm, nevermind.

        In my current job, I manage 120 people with 3 assistant managers working with me and a small tier of management below them.....ironically the same makeup as a football team. Our best performance has never come when we had the most talented employees, sure it made it easier, but when we had the strongest group of leaders working with me and when I had them all on the same page. The same can be said for the associates, it hasn't always been the strongest but the ones who were committed to the cause and whether I made the decision to pull the plug on the associate who was hurting the cause or whither I tried to be a nice guy and give them another chance.

        We are in the same position with this football team. We have to figure out which players are there athletically, and more important, which ones are there mentally. Stig and his staff have to figure this out quickly. Loyalty is a great thing, people love to play with and work for someone who is loyal. The problem is that they love it because they know they won't be dealt with if they are part of the problem. The other problem with loyalty is that your bosses aren't always as loyal to you as you may be to the people you work with......Stig needs to figure that part out also.....the performance can't slip year after year without some type of repercussion.

        As for the coaching staff, it looks clear to me that they aren't on the same page. Either they aren't able to teach the kids what is expected of them or they aren't able to motivate them....that's a problem. I'm not sure what changes have happened to the staff over the years, but we all know that in the real world the best talent moves on and up and it is usually the weak links that stay behind. If you don't replace the talent that leaves with someone just as strong, then your staff gets weaker with every movement. I'm not sure if that is what is happening to SDSU but it is starting to appear that way. Stig has to make it clear that they are coaching for their jobs right now.

        End of real world business perspective view....probably off base but that is how I see it.


        • Re: Time for a change?

          That's pretty good NebraskaJack!

          I would never ask for Stig's head as I was a coach for many, many years, been there done that!

          You are right, they are not on the same page and Stig would agree that the buck stopis with him. They are/should be coaching for their jobs and hopefully the boys come out with some anger and an edge next Saturday. I would also say that TOB is not the only problem, the "d" is struggling!


          • Re: Time for a change?

            Having just watched the movie ,We were soldiers, with Mel Gibson and having a flair for the dramatic,maybe it's time to get on the radio and scream "broken arrow","broken arrow",as we are getting overran by our opponents on the football field.What impressed me the most,was the acting ability of Gibson, who clearly shows anguish and emotion ,but makes a decision regardless of how distasteful it is.....he showed he was a leader.It's time for our leaders of the football team to make the tough calls now or continue to be overrun,"broken arrow"


            • Re: Time for a change?

              Originally posted by RowdyRabbit View Post
              Yep, I was supportive of TOB and pretty hopeful his decision making would come around, but that slide at the 1 yard line was the last straw.

              Get Sumner in there.

              Agree 100%. Before the season started I was fully supportive of TOB. I was clearly in his corner with high expectations. Poor choice after poor choice has changed my mind. The question we need to ask is....can we win this year with TOB? Right now I have to say no. Can we win next year with TOB? Don't see any reason to say yes! So, now we ask ourselves can we win this year to Austin? Likely NOT. But, can we win in the future with Austin? Don't know. But, I clearly believe Austin gives us a better chance to win in the future than TOB does.

              In no other sport would the coach stick with a player as long as Stig has with TOB. No time to worry about his feelings only. His team members have feelings as well.

              If your starting pitcher struggles you pull him.

              If your point guard continually turns the ball over your try someone else.

              If your volleyball setter struggles - guess what? Someone else gets an opportunity.

              I am sorry TOB, but the pick 6's and that dive at the one yard line has changed my opinion on who should be the Jacks QB now and in the future.

              I still love my Jacks and wish them the best. They will continue to get my support.



              • Re: Time for a change?

                See, to me its not just that they haven't pulled TOB, god knows that I have been begging for that since the end of his first year starting, its more the fact that we don't know WHY he is still in there, other than he just needs to play better. If we at least got some serious, real reasons, like Sumner doesn't know the offense well enough for gametime adjustments and audibles, or we don't want to feed Sumner to the wolves and make him gunshy like we did with TOB, I would feel better. This "he gives us the best chance to win" crap is too vague for me to really believe, especially after these last three games, because if thats true, we better be going after some transfer QB's from Brookings Jr. High. Give us a solid, real reason at least to the madness.
                Remember Gun Saftey-Treat Every Hunter as if he were Loaded


                • Re: Time for a change?

                  Just a thought that I haven't seen brought up before (apologize if it has). But has anyone attributed any lack of on field continuity to the fact that we have co-coordinators on both sides of the ball? I can appreciate titles and such, but when it comes to game day versus game planning do we have one guy making the calls on Saturday's? Is Meadows calling all of the plays even if Eidsness has the title of passing game coordinator? And what does that mean then? Meadows game plans the run game, Eidness the passing game, but Meadows makes all the calls on Saturday (with some input I would imagine). Same on the defensive side of the ball. Who's calling what down after down?

                  Either have faith that the one guy with the title of coordinator is THE guy to be making the calls on game day, or find someone that can.
                  I updated my signature for the first time in six years.


                  • Re: Time for a change?

                    Originally posted by CatchEmAll View Post
                    Just a thought that I haven't seen brought up before (apologize if it has). But has anyone attributed any lack of on field continuity to the fact that we have co-coordinators on both sides of the ball? I can appreciate titles and such, but when it comes to game day versus game planning do we have one guy making the calls on Saturday's? Is Meadows calling all of the plays even if Eidsness has the title of passing game coordinator? And what does that mean then? Meadows game plans the run game, Eidness the passing game, but Meadows makes all the calls on Saturday (with some input I would imagine). Same on the defensive side of the ball. Who's calling what down after down?

                    Either have faith that the one guy with the title of coordinator is THE guy to be making the calls on game day, or find someone that can.
                    Seems to me Meadows should spend more time with the O-Line cause we are bad right now-I mean bad!!!


                    • Re: Time for a change?

                      Good point, CatchEm. I've wondered who is in charge. I thought there must be some semi-secret pecking order that I'm not aware of but that everyone else knows about. If that's not the case, that should change, too.
                      This space for lease.


                      • Re: Time for a change?

                        For me, a change in view came with TOB's 100-yard pick six against CP. Time to give Sumner a shot. If Sumner shows he's not ready, TOB will at least benefit from some sideline mentoring for awhile, and the clamoring for the second-stringer will end.
                        This space for lease.


                        • Re: Time for a change?

                          Ask yourself this: can TOB look his teammates in the face and say he is laying it on the line and trying to win when he slides at the goal line to avoid a hit? If I was on the team and he pulled that ****, I don't even know what I'd do. Think of our QBs going back over the last decade. Every single one of them would have stuck their face in there to score. Sumner should play. Its not even a debate at this point. TOB is a proven commodity. We know he's not good. We must see what we have for the future. If Stig continues to say that TOB gives us the best chance to win, I want to know who I need to bitch at for doing such a bad job of recruiting at the QB position.
                          "All I know is what I read on the message boards."
                          "Oh, well, there's your problem, then."


                          • Re: Time for a change?

                            Another thing to consider: if he is playing at the next home game, the ENTIRE student section will be booing him lustily after every poor throw. I do not want to see or hear that.
                            Originally posted by JackFan96
                            Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


                            • Re: Time for a change?

                              Originally posted by RabbitObsessed View Post
                              Another thing to consider: if he is playing at the next home game, the ENTIRE student section will be booing him lustily after every poor throw. I do not want to see or hear that.
                              Scary thought and if Sumner is way behind TOB in play making ability etc our future is not a bright one. Wonder how our AD is feeling at this point??


                              • Re: Time for a change?

                                Last night when TOB slid at the 1 yd line, with time running out, he lost any respect that the team might have had in him. The TEAM no longer looks at him as a guy that is "ALL IN". Why would an offensive line continue to block for him, when there blocking is rewarded by him sliding at the 1??? Sumner may not be ready, but i guarantee you he could do no worse than what TOB has done up to this point.

                                I really like stig, but if he is unwilling to address the QB problem and unwilling to address the poor performance of his coordinators, then at that point, maybe we need more than new coordinators.

