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2009-10 Recruits

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  • Re: 2009-10 Recruits

    Originally posted by jackrabbit1979 View Post
    I know this discussion has been hashed out on the this board before, but I'll still take Cordova...especially after what I have seen this season thus far. I think it's much more difficult to find an AC type player versus another player out on the wing like Tviedt.

    But it would be nice to have both players on our squad.
    Ditto. I will take Cordova any day of the week. I think he has much more upside and his game seems to improve every week. A wide body with an assortment of inside post moves is very valuable. What he did to Iowa State was incredible and remember he doesn't have much help down low!


    • Re: 2009-10 Recruits

      Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
      A couple of things, first of all what does Tveidt have to do with the 09-10 recruiting class?
      Second of all, Chad White is quicker and a better wing that Tveidt will ever be. Watched him play in high school and though he was good, Sam Williard was the bright spot on that team, a solid center that was fundamentally sound.... Letting Tveidt go to NDSU doesn't bother me, the class we recruited that year was better then NDSU's anyway.... Letting Williard get by bothered me a bit more, the early signings of Sargent and Moss was pretty good though, and we had Cordova....

      This years recruits of Chad White and Tony Feigen where a lot like Pierre's team with Williard and Tveidt, except Chad White is better, and Tony Feigen has a little bit better outside game and not quite the game inside the paint though they are very similar.....

      Too many people look back and say we should of recruited this guy or that guy, anybody can second guess, anybody can say what if, only the coaches can make the call, and only the coaches coach the kids they recruit....
      Joe, how many times did you watch Pierre play?? I would love to hear that answer, because I can guarantee you it was no where near the times I watched them. Both Sam and Michael were very valuable to that Pierre team, but Tveidt was the center of it and had defenses keying on him night in and night out. Tveidt made the decision to go to NDSU and I am sure he is 100% happy up there but he could have had a big impact on this team. I'm not going to say he's better than Chad or vice versa as they both are extremely talented players.

      Also I've said this before and I'll say it again, if SDSU would have gotten Tveidt to come here, Willard was going to follow.

      Originally posted by 90Jackrabbit View Post
      According to TV's blog last year before the Bison game, if I remember right, he said that Tviedt didn't make a campus visit to SDSU when he was being recruited. So its pretty hard to sign a guy who won't even come and take a look around. He's a Bison, and I'll take Cordova.
      From what I understand, the coaches weren't pursuing Michael very hard so why should he make a visit to campus? Michael did take a long time to make up his decision but I don't think it was an easy one for him to come up with.

      I'm not trying to bash AC at all because I think he is a tremendously talented basketball player but I feel like the SDSU coaches dropped the ball when it came to recruiting Michael.

      I'm just going to leave it at that.
      Last edited by mango4; 01-13-2009, 10:13 AM.


      • Re: 2009-10 Recruits

        I'm like everyone else thinking it would have been nice to see them both in Jacks uniforms. But as it is now, we need AC more than MT. AC is our down-low pressence. Without him, Kai is moved to center and made to play out of position again. AC's post moves have improved a lot since last year and he is a threat down-low.
        Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


        • Re: 2009-10 Recruits

          Originally posted by bub94 View Post
          I'm like everyone else thinking it would have been nice to see them both in Jacks uniforms. But as it is now, we need AC more than MT. AC is our down-low pressence. Without him, Kai is moved to center and made to play out of position again. AC's post moves have improved a lot since last year and he is a threat down-low.
          I too, vote both, but that was not an option for our coaching staff. If we are going to kick around the past, why not think both as AC and MT ARE both assets to both programs, be it SDSU or NDSU. There is no question that both will contribute a great deal before they are done. Let them face off on the playing floor.

          I realize coaches often have some tough choices to make. Sometimes the wrong one gets picked and the right one gets away. It happens and I would be reluctant to suggest it happened with the choice between AC and MT.


          • Re: 2009-10 Recruits

            Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
            I too, vote both, but that was not an option for our coaching staff. If we are going to kick around the past, why not think both as AC and MT ARE both assets to both programs, be it SDSU or NDSU. There is no question that both will contribute a great deal before they are done. Let them face off on the playing floor.

            I realize coaches often have some tough choices to make. Sometimes the wrong one gets picked and the right one gets away. It happens and I would be reluctant to suggest it happened with the choice between AC and MT.
            I definitely don't want to take away from MT's abilities. Like others have posted, he sure lit us up last year. They have different games though. AC is down low while MT is the 3 pointer and a little bit of a driver.
            Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


            • Re: 2009-10 Recruits

              Originally posted by mango4 View Post
              Joe, how many times did you watch Pierre play?? I would love to hear that answer, because I can guarantee you it was no where near the times I watched them. Both Sam and Michael were very valuable to that Pierre team, but Tveidt was the center of it and had defenses keying on him night in and night out. Tveidt made the decision to go to NDSU and I am sure he is 100% happy up there but he could have had a big impact on this team. I'm not going to say he's better than Chad or vice versa as they both are extremely talented players.

              Also I've said this before and I'll say it again, if SDSU would have gotten Tveidt to come here, Willard was going to follow.

              From what I understand, the coaches weren't pursuing Michael very hard so why should he make a visit to campus? Michael did take a long time to make up his decision but I don't think it was an easy one for him to come up with.

              I'm not trying to bash AC at all because I think he is a tremendously talented basketball player but I feel like the SDSU coaches dropped the ball when it came to recruiting Michael.

              I'm just going to leave it at that.
              I'm not saying that Tveidt isn't good, all what I am saying is adding Williard to this team would have a better impact that adding Tveidt to this team...


              • Re: 2009-10 Recruits

                I agree--Tveidt was wavering in committing to SDSU---with the way the team was last year, who knows if Nagy could've kept him, and with Cordova and the Madison kids coming along, Tveidt became someone we could afford to lose.

                I mean, you'd like to keep all the talent in your state, but sometimes there's too much. I think we'll be fine with AC & the Madison kids.


                And there, Joe Boo, we got Tveidt back around to the upcoming class of recruits.


                • Re: 2009-10 Recruits

                  Enough with the thread drift.


                  • Re: 2009-10 Recruits

                    Originally posted by mitchell View Post
                    Enough with the thread drift.
                    I agree!!!

                    To get this thread back on topic, does anyone know who we are looking at with the last available scholarship? I heard about a point guard in Minneapolis, Marcus Williams? Can anyone tell me more about him?
                    (")_(") Feed the Rabbit!!


                    • Re: 2009-10 Recruits

                      Originally posted by NorCalJack View Post
                      I agree!!!

                      To get this thread back on topic, does anyone know who we are looking at with the last available scholarship? I heard about a point guard in Minneapolis, Marcus Williams? Can anyone tell me more about him?

                      There is his preps profile.... I've heard a lil about the guy, seems that as a sophomore he was looked at pretty high, but between injuries and being recruited for football his basketball looks have died down quite a bit.... It just seems like there is a huge basketball class in Minnesota this year.


                      • Re: 2009-10 Recruits

                        Originally posted by mitchell View Post
                        Enough with the thread drift.
                        Sorry, I was a huge part in it, I was just sick of some people, not people on here but some SDSU fans I have come across, bash Michael because he chose NDSU over SDSU even though he was from South Dakota. This was not the right place for me to vent it, but I felt the need to let it out.

                        The recruits that are coming in are going to be very good for SDSU, but I agree with Nidaros in that the only time I've seen the two Madison boys play was at the state tournament last year and wasn't overly impressed.


                        • Re: 2009-10 Recruits

                          Originally posted by mango4 View Post

                          The recruits that are coming in are going to be very good for SDSU, but I agree with Nidaros in that the only time I've seen the two Madison boys play was at the state tournament last year and wasn't overly impressed.
                          I did go to the game when they played in Brookings a couple of weeks ago. Chad has healed from last years injury. We didn't see the real Chad in the State Tourney last year. They play very well together and with the team. They were actually the front two players on their press in the game I watched. I only wished they faced some players their height in the game I watched. They had a 2-3" advantage on the other players but they still are very good players.
                          Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


                          • Re: 2009-10 Recruits

                            Originally posted by bub94 View Post
                            We didn't see the real Chad in the State Tourney last year.
                            I think you are correct. Others have seen good things to since the tourney. So not really questioning their ability(Fiegen and White) so much as Joeboo's comment that they are something to the affect head and shoulders in ability over Micheal Tviedt. That conclusion remains to be seen. Michael had a pretty good game against us in Fargo and that was hard for me to take, as they ran a certain play that allowed a three from MT and he executed 100 per cent. We could not stop this play and that sticks in mind too, and also made me ponder why he was not wearing yellow and blue.


                            • Re: 2009-10 Recruits

                              Originally posted by bub94 View Post
                              I did go to the game when they played in Brookings a couple of weeks ago. Chad has healed from last years injury. We didn't see the real Chad in the State Tourney last year. They play very well together and with the team. They were actually the front two players on their press in the game I watched. I only wished they faced some players their height in the game I watched. They had a 2-3" advantage on the other players but they still are very good players.
                              Yeah I knew Chad wasn't fully healthy as State last year, I only watched the first game of State too. there is no doubt in my mind both of them are going to be very good here at State, just pointing out I wasn't blown away with them. I think they do the little things right and don't always stand out.


                              • Re: 2009-10 Recruits

                                Chad White's a complete player and very doubt he'll be better than MT.

