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2009-10 Recruits

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  • joeboo22
    Re: 2009-10 Recruits

    As far as recruitment in the past, I think what Nagy did wrong was not going hard after them, but I think he was trying to do something a little bit different by going after a little more shady guys or more risk players and trying to reward the benafit and it failed.

    But at the same time, I think he was right to go after White and Feigen when they were young. I think hes signed some good players to expand on. And I think he is targeting the right type of kids. I understand that people are frustrated but I think that a lot of it isn't so much with the recruits its keeping them for a couple of years and building on from it with chemistry and team work. Something I think we will see this year for the first time in awhile.

    As far as the kid from Sioux Valley, I watched him at the state tournament and it was odd, because he looked like a kid that had the D-I tallent with out the D-I game, I guess you could say. I think with a redshirt year he could become a help to the team, but its just a guess.

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  • Cadsev
    Re: 2009-10 Recruits

    Originally posted by Jacks#1Fan View Post
    Cadsev...I've noted in other posts that I appreciate your insight into the relative abilities of prospective athletes...and I've found those insights to be responsible and accurate.

    Having said that, while I agree with most of your post...I don't believe the phrase "SDSU has failed miserably" (in keeping top athletes in state) to be very appropriate. Transition to Division I, particularly in men's basketball, is, indeed, "hell". Certainly your statement wouldn't have been accurate before the move, as pointed out by the athletes we kept in state by your own post. In the early going of the transition, SDSU, indeed, was unable to recruit some of the top in-state talent. You point out that we have made inroads lately in that area. I think "failed miserably" is way too harsh and instead, "has been unable in the move up" is far more accurate IMHO.
    Ok...."failed miserably" might be harsh (insert apology here) but losing out on Tveidt, Willard, Templeton, Martin, Paulsen, Smith and Finley doesn't fare well for SDSU. They land a majority of these athletes and the past five years is much different. They have signed the best prospective athletes in the 2009 and 2011 classes. No idea who will emerge as the 2nd best in the 2010 class but based on position need really don't know if the state would offer someone in the class of 2010. Therefore, it's conceivable the athletes might come from out of state to fill the need. Thats my point in saying lately the tide is turning and they are landing kids earlier in each class. 2012 is way too early to tell who would be DI level athletes but there are a few good candidates in state that the staff I'm certain will follow the next three years.

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  • SF_Rabbit_Fan
    Re: 2009-10 Recruits

    Is Midnight Madness free admission?

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  • Jacked_Up
    Re: 2009-10 Recruits

    I look forward to Midnight Madness, even if it starts at 10 p.m. ... Dwight Pederson, the walk-on from Sioux Valley and USF, should be a nice addition for next year's squad.

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    Re: 2009-10 Recruits

    I'm confident the Jacks coaches will continue to recruit the players in the state who can contribute. I have heard there is frustration over our inability to attract more out-state minority players to Brookings.

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  • bub94
    Re: 2009-10 Recruits

    And just a reminder to everyone, "Midnight Madness" is this coming Friday.

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  • SF_Rabbit_Fan
    Re: 2009-10 Recruits

    Originally posted by NorCalJack View Post
    Terry has some information on our lastest addition to the roster here. Sounds like he will have to sit out the year. Maybe someone could comment about his playing abilities, since I have never seen him play.

    The top portion of the article is about the wrestling team and the bottom of the article talks about the latest addition to the Men's BB team.

    Don't forget to hit that "Recommend" button.

    Go State!!!
    Go Jacks!!!
    Dwight has a similar skill set to Ben Beran out of high school, except his jumper could use some work and he could be a bit more explosive off the floor. Sitting out a year will be good for him to gain some muscle. I think he is a lefty, for what that's worth.

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  • jack power
    Re: 2009-10 Recruits

    Quite frankly,i don't care if we get recruits from South Dakota or Mars. As long as they have talent, are good students, and represent the University well, is good enough for me.

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  • NorCalJack
    Re: 2009-10 Recruits

    Terry has some information on our lastest addition to the roster here. Sounds like he will have to sit out the year. Maybe someone could comment about his playing abilities, since I have never seen him play.

    The top portion of the article is about the wrestling team and the bottom of the article talks about the latest addition to the Men's BB team.

    Don't forget to hit that "Recommend" button.

    Go State!!!
    Go Jacks!!!

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  • 91jack
    Re: 2009-10 Recruits

    This is an interesting debate. I tend to agree with Cadsev. He named off 5 players that should be on SDSU's radar. I think they could help SDSU. White(if 100%) and Fiegen are good ball players. They will fit in on SDSU's team. If SDSU loses the top 1 or 2 players each year, players 3-6(or so) could fit at SDSU and make the team better. They have enough talent and have the attitude to play at SDSU.
    I think the main problem has been retaining players. If you get the local kids, they will stay at SDSU. The problem with players leaving was at an all-time low and it won't be that way again(hopefully). I'm not saying just get local players but there is enough talent in the state to compete in the Summit. I think that the red-shirt year helps all players. It's not just players from here that the extra year helps. If you look at most of the good mid-major programs, they have several upperclassmen. There are a few that play underclassmen but not many.
    SDSU's team now is a lot more athletic than it was the last few years of DII. I think this team doesn't quite shoot as well(that's my main knock on the team). Micheal and Moss are extremely athletic and they play their rolls. Micheal will break the press and press. Moss will play hard nose defense and rebound. I like both players. Could you imagine Moss if he could nail the 3, with his rebounding and defense?

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    Re: 2009-10 Recruits

    Originally posted by Cadsev View Post
    The Summit League is not a High Major DI league and the late 90's SDSU teams could have won the league with the talent on the team. There are talented athletes in SD (not a ton) that can help SDSU succeed.

    I respect your opinion an awful lot and your posts are always insightful. That being said, I have to disagree with the above part of your post. I don't believe that any of the '90's teams would have competed for a conference title in the Summitt League. I agree that the Summitt isn't a high major, far from it, but the level of play is a huge step forward from D2. It just simply takes bigger, stronger, and faster athletes.

    The teams in the '90's played much better as a team than we have seen. That will change as the teams start to stay together year after year. My expectations are that there will be a big improvement this year for that very reason.

    GB, GB, GJ!


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  • Jacks#1Fan
    Re: 2009-10 Recruits

    Cadsev...I've noted in other posts that I appreciate your insight into the relative abilities of prospective athletes...and I've found those insights to be responsible and accurate.

    Having said that, while I agree with most of your post...I don't believe the phrase "SDSU has failed miserably" (in keeping top athletes in state) to be very appropriate. Transition to Division I, particularly in men's basketball, is, indeed, "hell". Certainly your statement wouldn't have been accurate before the move, as pointed out by the athletes we kept in state by your own post. In the early going of the transition, SDSU, indeed, was unable to recruit some of the top in-state talent. You point out that we have made inroads lately in that area. I think "failed miserably" is way too harsh and instead, "has been unable in the move up" is far more accurate IMHO.

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  • Cadsev
    Re: 2009-10 Recruits

    Originally posted by MontanaRabbit View Post
    I would have to agree that there are some very very good ball players in the state of SD. The problem is SDSU has to retain the talent they recruit so they can mature to be able to compete at the mid-major level....most of the kids from SD are not ready to help out a mid-major program straight out of HS. We need to get back to the point where we are red-shirting our freshman and not expecting them to step right in and be a force at the college level. I think we call all agree the mid-major DI players are light years ahead of SD high school basketball. That doesn't mean they can't just means it may take them a couple years to gain the necessary strength and maturity.

    Until Nagy can keep a team intact for a three or four years I believe it is impossible to judge him.
    Disagree...(not trying to argue but...) Mid Major players aren't lightyears ahead of SD athletes. The kids in SD aren't weeny scrawny kids. Chad White is 6'7" and pushing close to 215 right now. Tony Fiegen is in the same range. Both will step in from day one and contribute. Tetzlaff another 6'7" 200 pound athlete.

    There may have been a time when SD kids were smaller, less athletic and couldn't contribute but with the advancement of POWER and Acceleration programs available plus better weight rooms combined with more individual skill workouts available (TIBBS, Warwick etc) kids in SD are as good as any at a comparable level in the country. Again it's naive and misinformed to think otherwise. Mid Majors are High Majors....SDSU beat Northern Iowa last year a team one year removed from the NCAA tournament. It's not unrealistic to expect that every year.

    To retain talent...recruit kids who identify with the program....avoid kids from far away that have SDSU as their fall back school...those kids bolt when the going gets tough, get benched for lack of effort, can't take the weather etc. Kids from the region understand the culture, expectations much better and when you build internally then you land a "Blue Chip" athlete from the state that may have looked elsewhere because you lock that kid up at an earlier age before he blows up on a nation scene. SDSU has done a good job of getting verbals recently from local kids, however prior to that stretch they failed miserably and thats why you have seen a mass exodus of top athletes leaving the state.

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  • MontanaRabbit
    Re: 2009-10 Recruits

    Originally posted by Cadsev View Post
    Promoting athletes on a website doesn't equate into scholarship offers. No coach is scouring the internet message boards reading opinions on athletes to see if they have missed anyone. Give me a break..... I'm am simply giving my opinion on the athletes ability from my first hand perspective after watching kids play outside the states borders against competition arguably much more talented than what they see in state.

    Austin Hanson
    Matt Jones
    Anthony Cordova
    Chad White
    Tony Fiegen

    All scholarship athletes at SDSU from the past or in the future. All played for our summer program....the first two did outstanding at SDSU......Cordova has played one year and trust me Chad White will have an outstanding career as will Fiegen. The Summit League is not a High Major DI league and the late 90's SDSU teams could have won the league with the talent on the team. There are talented athletes in SD (not a ton) that can help SDSU succeed.

    Chad White is the best senior basketball player in SD. He's healthy and ready to have a monster senior year. He'll be capable as will Fiegen to step in day one at SDSU and help out the team. They are both Mid Major talents. I've listed athletes above who played DI last year from SD and all could have help SDSU succeed (and it should be noted that not all played for the Dakota Schoolers). There is talent within SD that can help the team. If you don't believe it, then you are too narrow minded and living in a world of denial. Take that with a grain of salt as well if you'd like.
    I would have to agree that there are some very very good ball players in the state of SD. The problem is SDSU has to retain the talent they recruit so they can mature to be able to compete at the mid-major level....most of the kids from SD are not ready to help out a mid-major program straight out of HS. We need to get back to the point where we are red-shirting our freshman and not expecting them to step right in and be a force at the college level. I think we call all agree the mid-major DI players are light years ahead of SD high school basketball. That doesn't mean they can't just means it may take them a couple years to gain the necessary strength and maturity.

    Until Nagy can keep a team intact for a three or four years I believe it is impossible to judge him.

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  • Cadsev
    Re: 2009-10 Recruits

    Originally posted by JACKGUYII View Post
    I think most SDSU fans would love to have as much "local talent" on the squad as possible. The cold reality is the best of the best (Krabenhoft, Miller, Larson and Iverson) are going to choose major conference programs in the forseeable future. The question is do the best of the rest have enough talent to help the program succeed in the Summit League. I like the fact we have gotten some early comittments from local kids who appear on the surface to be capable of being great players for the program. I personally don't want us to extend scholarships to local or regional players for the sake they are local as I think there is a balance. I want us to have the best talent possible regardless of where they come from. What Cadsev and his program do is provide the players an opportunity to showcase their talents and help prepare/ promote the Dakota Schooler players to Colleges. While he does a good job of that on here and elswhere I take most of it with a grain of salt as I don't believe all these players can help the Jacks. If the coaches think they can so be it.
    Promoting athletes on a website doesn't equate into scholarship offers. No coach is scouring the internet message boards reading opinions on athletes to see if they have missed anyone. Give me a break..... I'm am simply giving my opinion on the athletes ability from my first hand perspective after watching kids play outside the states borders against competition arguably much more talented than what they see in state.

    Austin Hanson
    Matt Jones
    Anthony Cordova
    Chad White
    Tony Fiegen

    All scholarship athletes at SDSU from the past or in the future. All played for our summer program....the first two did outstanding at SDSU......Cordova has played one year and trust me Chad White will have an outstanding career as will Fiegen. The Summit League is not a High Major DI league and the late 90's SDSU teams could have won the league with the talent on the team. There are talented athletes in SD (not a ton) that can help SDSU succeed.

    Chad White is the best senior basketball player in SD. He's healthy and ready to have a monster senior year. He'll be capable as will Fiegen to step in day one at SDSU and help out the team. They are both Mid Major talents. I've listed athletes above who played DI last year from SD and all could have help SDSU succeed (and it should be noted that not all played for the Dakota Schoolers). There is talent within SD that can help the team. If you don't believe it, then you are too narrow minded and living in a world of denial. Take that with a grain of salt as well if you'd like.

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