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Frost gets upgrade

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  • #91
    Re: Frost gets upgrade

    There's one simple solution to all of this....SDSU should completely drop intercollegiate athletics. Period. End of bickering. Someone's always getting screwed when changes are made so why even bother with it. You don't like the new seating, fine. We're dropping men's and women's basketball so that it doesn't matter. Not happy about where your student fees are going. Fine, we'll drop football too and while we're at it, since not all of the students use the wellness center either, we'll lock that puppy up and just charge people memberships instead.

    Once again, in our society, change can't happen without a vocal majority and minority bickering about it. Best just to either not make changes, or get rid of whatever people are complaining about.

    Or, another solution, just make all of the seats bleacher seats, make everything GA seating with no student section at all and call it good. In five year's we'd be a laughing stock because of a lack of money anyway. So, again, just drop sports all together.

    And while we're dropping sports, best stop building new dorms because without sports enrollment will drop down to half of what it is now anyway, so we're just wasting money.

    Problem solved.

    You are welcome.
    I updated my signature for the first time in six years.


    • #92
      Re: Frost gets upgrade

      Originally posted by CatchEmAll View Post
      There's one simple solution to all of this....SDSU should completely drop intercollegiate athletics. Period. End of bickering. Someone's always getting screwed when changes are made so why even bother with it. You don't like the new seating, fine. We're dropping men's and women's basketball so that it doesn't matter. Not happy about where your student fees are going. Fine, we'll drop football too and while we're at it, since not all of the students use the wellness center either, we'll lock that puppy up and just charge people memberships instead. Once again, in our society, change can't happen without a vocal majority and minority bickering about it. Best just to either not make changes, or get rid of whatever people are complaining about. Or, another solution, just make all of the seats bleacher seats, make everything GA seating with no student section at all and call it good. In five year's we'd be a laughing stock because of a lack of money anyway. So, again, just drop sports all together. And while we're dropping sports, best stop building new dorms because without sports enrollment will drop down to half of what it is now anyway, so we're just wasting money.Problem solved.You are welcome.
      So through all those three paragraphs that I read, I only got one message. Either the alumni get their way or it's the highway. It was a terrible sarcasm, and personally students pay enough through fees so students are paying enough. Also some college students can't watch games, because they have part time jobs so they can actually pay for college. Sports are never going away so I laughed at your solution. Btw, have you been to the Wellness at all? It was pretty darn busy the last time I checked and I though I remember hearing they charge memberships anyways to the public but don't quote me on that.
      "This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time." -Tyler Durden


      • #93
        Re: Frost gets upgrade

        Originally posted by witness View Post
        So through all those three paragraphs that I read, I only got one message. Either the alumni get their way or it's the highway. It was a terrible sarcasm, and personally students pay enough through fees so students are paying enough. Also some college students can't watch games, because they have part time jobs so they can actually pay for college. Sports are never going away so I laughed at your solution. Btw, have you been to the Wellness at all? It was pretty darn busy the last time I checked and I though I remember hearing they charge memberships anyways to the public but don't quote me on that.
        Holy smokes...relax.
        1. not all season ticket holders are alumni, so it's not alumni getting their way over students.
        2. fantastic. students do pay enough for school. I get that. However, a minority of SDSU students are affected by this move simply by the sheer number of students who do NOT attend games versus those that do. So the reality is 12,000 students are paying activity fees for 2,000 or so regular attendees to be at the game. And I say regular because I know 2 - 3 times a year more show up, but for the most part if 2,000 students are at a game it's a stretch.
        3. Never been to the Wellness center except a brief walk through. Tell me this, how many students utilize the Wellness Center - unique students, not repeat usage - compared to the student body population? Again, many are paying for a few to utilize.
        4. Actually, that's how most campus activities supported by student fees operate. Many pay, few utilize.

        I'm not for "screwing" the students out of anything. I was one once. Students need all the support they can get. I am, however, fully aware that college athletics is a BUSINESS and without sources of funding that can be increased (i.e. season ticket sales or corporate ticket sales) funds will dry up. The students aren't going to allow an activity fee increase to pay for DI athletics, so the money has to come from somewhere.

        Oh, one last first post was pure sarcasm....I forgot the <sarcasm> </sarcasm> tags. My bad.
        I updated my signature for the first time in six years.


        • #94
          Re: Frost gets upgrade

          Let me see if I have this straight. The average student .....
          1) is on campus only 4 to 5 years. After graduation, the vast majority will move out of the area (at least the radius in which most season ticket holders reside).
          2) If they do stay in the radius, most will never consider or become a season ticket holder.
          3) 90% or more don't attend basketball games with any frequency.
          4) Make a donation with their fees whether they want to or not, so there is an inherent apathy toward athletics that resides in the majority of that group. (See attendance above)

          The average season ticket holder....
          1) has the opportunity to be one for upwards of 50 to 60 years depending on how early they start and how long they live.
          2) Most likely is a donor of some other sort to the university.
          3) Has a much higher attendance rate.
          4) They made a choice with their discretionary income, so they have a vested interest in the program.

          After looking at both sides of the argument, I would definitely put all my eggs in the students basket.


          • #95
            Re: Frost gets upgrade

            Originally posted by NebraskaJack View Post
            Let me see if I have this straight. The average student .....
            1) is on campus only 4 to 5 years. After graduation, the vast majority will move out of the area (at least the radius in which most season ticket holders reside).
            2) If they do stay in the radius, most will never consider or become a season ticket holder.
            3) 90% or more don't attend basketball games with any frequency.
            4) Make a donation with their fees whether they want to or not, so there is an inherent apathy toward athletics that resides in the majority of that group. (See attendance above)

            The average season ticket holder....
            1) has the opportunity to be one for upwards of 50 to 60 years depending on how early they start and how long they live.
            2) Most likely is a donor of some other sort to the university.
            3) Has a much higher attendance rate.
            4) They made a choice with their discretionary income, so they have a vested interest in the program.

            After looking at both sides of the argument, I would definitely put all my eggs in the students basket.
            Gee why even bother letting them in the gym.
            "The most rewarding things you do in life, are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.” Arnold Palmer

            Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.


            • #96
              Re: Frost gets upgrade

              Originally posted by goon View Post
              Gee why even bother letting them in the gym.
              Nope, only let them in the gym....they're our future.


              • #97
                Re: Frost gets upgrade

                This thread is the best.

                Originally posted by JackFan96
                Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


                • #98
                  Re: Frost gets upgrade

                  I know one thing that is not a Pinnochio Lie, and that is my loyalty and generosity to SDSU rest on the fact that every job opportunity door that has opened has been the result of having a degree from SDSU. You guys can have all the fun you want with that one.


                  • #99
                    Re: Frost gets upgrade

                    I attended the commencement ceremony in Frost Arena today. I watched too many senior citizens, and some not all that senior, struggling to clime the upper level bleachers. Some of the older women actually came up the stairs on their hands and knees. I hope that SDSU can soon address the upper level bleachers. They need real steps and hand rails before one or more of our supporters falls and sustains serious injuries.
                    Finding is never about seeking. It is about opening yourself to what is already there. - Henry Meloux


                    • Re: Frost gets upgrade

                      IDK, I wish Frost was like it was back in the 90's where it fit 8K+ and the students were right on the floor.....

                      I'll continue to hold comment on this move until I see it in action. Though I do agree with West-River_Jack I thought the funds could have been better used replacing the upper level bleachers, but I'm wondering if they want to wait until the field house is done, and then put fixed seating instead of rolling bleachers.

                      Does SDSU have any type of season ticket exchange program? Does SDSU appropriate the points system to tickets used, or is it just tickets bought?

                      The reason I ask is because there are numerous people who buy the season tickets as a way to support the University, and to get their seats for one of/all of/some of the USD, NDSU, Oakland and Oral Roberts game(s), and won't even bother to come, or make an attempt to make sure their tickets are used at the rest of the schedule. Then you have X guy, who wants to actually use his season tickets, come to most if not all the home games, but his seats are at a place where it is not worth it to get the season ticket package.

                      People can attack the students, and their low turnout, but they buy their tickets with their fees whether they like basketball or not. Season ticket holders choose to buy their tickets, and if they are not showing up to most of the games maybe something should be done about that.


                      • Re: Frost gets upgrade

                        Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
                        IDK, I wish Frost was like it was back in the 90's where it fit 8K+ and the students were right on the floor..... I dont, we are not Black Hills State nor D2

                        I'll continue to hold comment on this move until I see it in action. Though I do agree with West-River_Jack I thought the funds could have been better used replacing the upper level bleachers, but I'm wondering if they want to wait until the field house is done, and then put fixed seating instead of rolling bleachers.I know what West River Jack and you are referring to, and graduation is about the only time the upper bleachers are used except for some of the BB games, and its a struggle at CAS in the upper rows on the west side without hand rails and it's because both Frost and CAS preceded the ADA, the American Disabilities Act.Corrective action should have taken place in both, but other priorities like funding scholarships have gotten in the way

                        Does SDSU have any type of season ticket exchange program? Does SDSU appropriate the points system to tickets used, or is it just tickets bought? Point system is based on contributions mainly, but you can earn points by getting friends and neighbors to join the Jackrabbit club, more contributions, but other peoples money

                        The reason I ask is because there are numerous people who buy the season tickets as a way to support the University, and to get their seats for one of/all of/some of the USD, NDSU, Oakland and Oral Roberts game(s), and won't even bother to come, or make an attempt to make sure their tickets are used at the rest of the schedule. Then you have X guy, who wants to actually use his season tickets, come to most if not all the home games, but his seats are at a place where it is not worth it to get the season ticket package.
                        HUH? If you are in the point system and buy season tickets you do have a good seat with good sight lines. The last couple of seasons, I have sold or lent my tickets to other people and bought GA ticket when I wanted to attend such as the Oakland game, and you really get crappy sight lines and you are far away from the action. Season tickets are in demand and I am beginning to see why.
                        People can attack the students, and their low turnout, but they buy their tickets with their fees whether they like basketball or not. This is true, was true back in the 1950's so what else is new?Season ticket holders choose to buy their tickets, and if they are not showing up to most of the games maybe something should be done about that.
                        When you shell out $600 bucks for a single season ticket, you are a fool to not sell your tickets or give them away which I assume they do. If I knew some students I would gladly give them away when I can not attend, which might not be too often.
                        Last edited by Nidaros; 05-06-2012, 08:27 AM.


                        • Re: Frost gets upgrade

                          Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
                          When you shell out $600 bucks for a single season ticket, you are a fool to not sell your tickets or give them away which I assume they do. If I knew some students I would gladly give them away when I can not attend, which might not be too often.
                          I like watching games on the floor. That is just me, not a D-II, D-III, or high school thing. I just like attacking the officials, refs, opposing players. I'm sure it was hectic back in the day when they were on the floor, and I'm sure those in the AD love that the students are no longer on the floor.

                          I'm not saying that its everyone, but you damn well that there are people, and companies that do it. Just like there are people who buy all session passes for the SL tourney and then only show up to 1 or 2 games.

                          I know that there are people that try to, and that is why I was wondering if there was a way to create some type of exchange program.

                          I'm trying to think of ideas. And again, I'm sure most season ticket holders are great season ticket holders. But there are those that are not.

                          And then again, I'm not going to totally back up the students either. I think tickets like USD should be given to those who come to the other games first. Nothing bothers me more then a fair whether fan, and that includes students, season ticket holders, or anyone for that matter. I understand not showing up to the Tuesday night Dakota St. game, but when you aren't showing up to the North Dakota St. or Oral Roberts game, I begin to have an issue with you. That goes to everyone as well. I had some personal things going on, so I couldn't but I had planned on going to both the NDSU and Oral Roberts games, and it would have been a 2 1/2 hour trip for me. If I can make it (and again I would have if I didn't have major stuff going on), those in Brookings, those on campus, heck those in Sioux Falls should be.

                          I think the bigger argument (from us) should be how to increase attendance, not how to increase season ticket sales. I'll trust the Athletic Department if they say they need more space for that. But the ideas on how to increase attendance should come from the fans. How do you get more students to the games? My experience has been those who go to games as freshman, tend to keep going to games. Does something need to change in Residence Life? Do the teams need to do something, go talk to the freshman, be more visible, IDK just thinking of things.

                          I know this was kinda rambly


                          • Re: Frost gets upgrade

                            Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
                            I like watching games on the floor. That is just me, not a D-II, D-III, or high school thing. I just like attacking the officials, refs, opposing players. I'm sure it was hectic back in the day when they were on the floor, and I'm sure those in the AD love that the students are no longer on the floor.

                            I'm not saying that its everyone, but you damn well that there are people, and companies that do it. Just like there are people who buy all session passes for the SL tourney and then only show up to 1 or 2 games.

                            I know that there are people that try to, and that is why I was wondering if there was a way to create some type of exchange program.

                            I'm trying to think of ideas. And again, I'm sure most season ticket holders are great season ticket holders. But there are those that are not.

                            And then again, I'm not going to totally back up the students either. I think tickets like USD should be given to those who come to the other games first. Nothing bothers me more then a fair whether fan, and that includes students, season ticket holders, or anyone for that matter. I understand not showing up to the Tuesday night Dakota St. game, but when you aren't showing up to the North Dakota St. or Oral Roberts game, I begin to have an issue with you. That goes to everyone as well. I had some personal things going on, so I couldn't but I had planned on going to both the NDSU and Oral Roberts games, and it would have been a 2 1/2 hour trip for me. If I can make it (and again I would have if I didn't have major stuff going on), those in Brookings, those on campus, heck those in Sioux Falls should be.

                            I think the bigger argument (from us) should be how to increase attendance, not how to increase season ticket sales. I'll trust the Athletic Department if they say they need more space for that. But the ideas on how to increase attendance should come from the fans. How do you get more students to the games? My experience has been those who go to games as freshman, tend to keep going to games. Does something need to change in Residence Life? Do the teams need to do something, go talk to the freshman, be more visible, IDK just thinking of things.

                            I know this was kinda rambly
                            I know very few students, and why they do not show up in greater numbers is a student problem from my point of view and perhaps that of AD Sells. I think the Athletic Department has tried a number of things to get students at the game such as a drawing for free tuition, and that might have worked some, but its a student problem and a problem that can only be solved by students and student organization. I keep saying if 40% show up for every game, attendence records will be shattered. Working students are excused and its understandable that they cant be present at games, but others.... I hope I am not viewed as anti students or some old olger picking on college kids.


                            • Re: Frost gets upgrade

                              I come to this thread way late (just read all 100+ comments...phew!!! Just a couple of comments: alumni and non-alumni (lots of them) who buy season tickets can't look at this move and say the students got shafted or got a good deal...we simply don't know...and none of us will until we actually see how it turns out. In fact, not even the students on this board really know if it is a really bad deal (given the needs for revenue -- and anybody who reads any part of this board's comments know how SDSU stacks up with athletic revenue needs in trying to make it in D-1) or a not-so-bad or break-even deal.

                              I do know the students were involved (not a token involvement) and I believe el-presidente in an earlier post did the best job I have seen of explaining the realities in student support of the decision. I also know that end-bleacher seating is the norm in D-1 (sure there are some exceptions). It has been stated numerous times that the upper level will come next, once an indoor practice facility (with track) is available.

                              Success of the men's program, joining the success of the women's program, has led to a full-fledged growth of pride of students AND alumni for SDSU. I can guarantee you that alumni across the country (whether they were fans or not as students) are wearing the yellow and blue more proudly now than when their alma mater was a D-2 school. Which leads to my final two-bits: 1) Support is there to make a move for more favorable numbers of season ticket holder seats NOW (not several years from now)...this season. It WILL benefit the program. 2) Students who are now in school, will in the years that follow, enjoy the benefits of having a D-1 institution as their alma mater. D-1 is not just athletics...but it gets a huge amount of market publicity for graduates of the school.

                              I won't criticize students who are upset or mad...I've seen very few moves that don't have two sides to the issue. It is going to happen, though, and all of us will have to wait and see how it turns out.


                              • Re: Frost gets upgrade

                                It is going to happen and if folks read the story I posted to start this thread you will see that it has the support of the Student's Association.


                                Sell presented the idea to some student groups Monday, bringing along four basketball players to help solicit input.“There’s always a perception that you’re moving students to worse seats just to take care of big donors,” he said. “The students were very supportive and understanding of the environmental issues and they’re understanding of the importance for us to positively impact our budget so we can conceivably not ask for more student support or more state support. We’re trying to depend more on our own revenue sources to make things go.”

                                Wyatt DeJong, the vice president of the SDSU Student Association, attended the meeting Monday and is on board with the plan.“I think there’s some pros and cons to it, but I think overall it brought into consideration what other major universities are already moving toward doing with moving the student seating to behind the basketball hoops,” he said. “I think the athletic department is doing a good job understanding how they can best serve the students and provide them with the best means of creating (an active) environment.”

