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Time for a change?

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  • #76
    Re: Time for a change?

    Originally posted by SDSUAlum08 View Post
    I agree with this. I walked away in the middle of the 3rd quarter. I couldn't take it anymore. TOB looked bad, but so did everyone else. I still think TOB deserves the start on Saturday against Cal Poly with a very short leash. Losing his job against a team that was obviously much better isn't warranted. A poster in TV's chat was making comments that I was a TOB fan/follower. Not sure where that came from. My position on TOB is that I've heard nothing but bad things about the back-up QBs on the roster. Many think Sumner is the savior, and he may be someday. According to the coaches, he's NOT ready yet; however, if TOB comes out and struggles Saturday, do they have a choice?There are many concerns regarding the ENTIRE team right now. QB play is definitely one of them. I too wonder if they're changing play calling because of him, which makes it an even bigger issue. Fact is, it's time to move on to next week. Hopefully the team has already and can come out and get a win Saturday. Being 2-1 would still be a huge start for the team moving into conference play. The season has only just begun.
    The answer is yes. Playcalling has changed because of him. I also hope the team moves on and gets a win. Cal Poly will be tough and that's an understatement. Going to have to bring it.
    "All I know is what I read on the message boards."
    "Oh, well, there's your problem, then."


    • #77
      Re: Time for a change?

      Whoever is to blame, one thing is for certain: Cal Poly's defensive gameplan will be fairly simple. They will put every available person within 3 yards of the line of scrimage and keep them there until there is something that resembles a vertical passing threat. The Jacks offense better be ready to have linebackers, safeties, cornerbacks, cheerleaders, band members, boosters, student managers, and the mascot standing right on top of them when they line up for the first play. It's going to be crowded up front until they at least prove they are comfortable going downfield.


      • #78
        Re: Time for a change?

        Originally posted by Southeast View Post
        Whoever is to blame, one thing is for certain: Cal Poly's defensive gameplan will be fairly simple. They will put every available person within 3 yards of the line of scrimage and keep them there until there is something that resembles a vertical passing threat. The Jacks offense better be ready to have linebackers, safeties, cornerbacks, cheerleaders, band members, boosters, student managers, and the mascot standing right on top of them when they line up for the first play. It's going to be crowded up front until they at least prove they are comfortable going downfield.
        Southeast- u r wise beyond your 47 posts!!!!!! I hope the Offensive coaches read this!!!!!!


        • #79
          Re: Time for a change?

          After watching some of the game again you can see that there are routes that are being ran deeper. T.O. instead of stepping up in the pocket and going down field will always take the swing pass when feeling any pressure. IMO all I see when I watch the game is someone who is scared to step up or slide in the pocket and if you are unwilling to do this it will always be difficult to complete balls down field.


          • #80
            Re: Time for a change?

            Originally posted by SpeedRabbit View Post
            Southeast- u r wise beyond your 47 posts!!!!!! I hope the Offensive coaches read this!!!!!!
            The offensive coaches know this. The problem is that they don't want to throw even more interceptions by going downfield. I guess the downfield interceptions are harder to return for TDs at least.
            "All I know is what I read on the message boards."
            "Oh, well, there's your problem, then."


            • #81
              Re: Time for a change?

              Originally posted by KUlawJack View Post
              The offensive coaches know this. The problem is that they don't want to throw even more interceptions by going downfield. I guess the downfield interceptions are harder to return for TDs at least.
              how bout the swing pass at NDSU last yr thrown to the DEnd for a 5 yard TD for them.. At least we have a chance to tackle the corner or the safety if/when they pick it off!


              • #82
                Re: Time for a change?

                Originally posted by SpeedRabbit View Post
                how bout the swing pass at NDSU last yr thrown to the DEnd for a 5 yard TD for them.. At least we have a chance to tackle the corner or the safety if/when they pick it off!
                Those are supposed to be easy completions, however not to the other team. That's not on the coach. They don't throw it right to the defense. Its really a vicious circle. We don't throw down field because we can't and we have to throw easy routes like an out. The out is the easiest throw for an accurate QB. Problem is teams know we can't go downfield so they can cheat. At that point, its a lose lose situation.
                "All I know is what I read on the message boards."
                "Oh, well, there's your problem, then."


                • #83
                  Re: Time for a change?

                  Originally posted by KUlawJack View Post
                  Those are supposed to be easy completions, however not to the other team. That's not on the coach. They don't throw it right to the defense. Its really a vicious circle. We don't throw down field because we can't and we have to throw easy routes like an out. The out is the easiest throw for an accurate QB. Problem is teams know we can't go downfield so they can cheat. At that point, its a lose lose situation.
                  Answer me this- haven't I heard on many different occasions on how TOB has a cannon for an arm?? Its time to see it!!


                  • #84
                    Re: Time for a change?

                    Originally posted by SpeedRabbit View Post
                    Answer me this- haven't I heard on many different occasions on how TOB has a cannon for an arm?? Its time to see it!!
                    Cannon arm doesn't mean accurate. He also will have to let the play develop, step up into the pocket most likely and maybe even look off a safety.
                    "All I know is what I read on the message boards."
                    "Oh, well, there's your problem, then."


                    • #85
                      Re: Time for a change?

                      I was at Memorial Stadium, I guess I'm a glutton for punishment because I also DVR'd the game and tonight I started to watch the replay...can't do it. I watched the first quarter and that's it. Going to erase the recording, forget Illinois, and hope for the best this weekend at Cal Poly.

                      I think the depth of disappointment after the Illinois game is very similar to the disappointment after the Iowa State game. I hope we can finish the season like we did that year but it seems like that may be a tough task.


                      • #86
                        Re: Time for a change?

                        If your going to be throwing five yard passes shouldn't you have a completion record of 18-18 instead of 8-18


                        • #87
                          Re: Time for a change?

                          Originally posted by SturgisJeff View Post
                          If your going to be throwing five yard passes shouldn't you have a completion record of 18-18 instead of 8-18
                          Not when a defender finds a way to step in the path of the receiver. I am about to volunteer to be the QB this week.


                          • #88
                            Re: Time for a change?

                            Let's hope that whoever is QB this week gets a lot of practice handing the ball off to Zenner and Kool.
                            Holy nutmeg!


                            • #89
                              Re: Time for a change?

                              Originally posted by Southeast View Post
                              Whoever is to blame, one thing is for certain: Cal Poly's defensive gameplan will be fairly simple. They will put every available person within 3 yards of the line of scrimage and keep them there until there is something that resembles a vertical passing threat. The Jacks offense better be ready to have linebackers, safeties, cornerbacks, cheerleaders, band members, boosters, student managers, and the mascot standing right on top of them when they line up for the first play. It's going to be crowded up front until they at least prove they are comfortable going downfield.
                              Every team we play is watching plenty of game film that lays this out. Until we show we can handle it and move the ball through the air it is going to be tough. I don't care who's back there chucking it or calling the plays, we have to figure that out.

                              I've said it twice already, burn the tape from Illinois, we didn't learn anything other than we aren't quite ready to move up to the Big Ten (sarcasm yo). On to Cal Poly! Kudos to the special teams, other than that, lots of work to do.

                              O'Brien deserves the start based on game one. That game wasn't pretty but effective. Yes, he gave up the pick six but the rest worked. The rest of the team has plenty to work on. By team, I mean coaches, players, the whole works. My guess is they are quite aware of that. Stig has said many times how he loves the way this team works hard and are really working together as a unit. That is a positive sign for us moving forward. I fully expect them to come out and play well at Cal-Poly.

                              We need to back away from the ledge folks. We are 1-1 with a win over a quality opponent. The discussion on here Saturday evening after the Cal-Poly game when we have a lot more to talk about will be great.

                              Have a little faith in the players and coaches!

                              MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, BIZUN!!!


                              • #90
                                Re: Time for a change?

                                I've stayed away from this thread because I consider most of it just a lot of armchair analysis and sideline coaching. Some of that, indeed, might be well deserved. But I'm with Roy, who noted that he is and never has been embarrassed to be a Jackrabbit fan (I believe, without looking back through all the posts, that was on you KULawJack -- if not, I apologize for the attribution). Am I embarrassed by the performance of one of our teams now and then? Yes. But never embarrassed to be a fan of the Jackrabbits.

                                As for TOB, and the comments by numerous posters (several over and over) that we are doomed if he continues to be the quarterback...consider the fact that we might be doomed because we don't have a better alternative. And that may be true at other positions at well. In the end...that is all on the coaches and they know it. If they haven't recruited well enough, or coached well enough, or made poor judgments on who should be starting...we will find out as the season progresses. IMHO, O'Brien gets the start at Cal Poly. If the rest of the team plays solidly, and we lose because of TOB's performance, I believe the coaches will try something else, even if a better alternative is, in their judgment, not available.

