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Cal Poly - GDT

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  • #61
    Re: Cal Poly - GDT

    The entire game wasn't bad. They just need to put that good effort in for a full 40. Like I said in my earlier posts, poor switching on defense killed us in the first half (and I should have said in my previous post that it was also the outside defenders also missing the switch). That part of the defense was better in the second half. Turnovers were better (as in there were less). I'm still disappointed in the outcome, but I did see some good play mixed in with the bad we are all pointing out.
    Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


    • #62
      Re: Cal Poly - GDT

      Originally posted by bub94 View Post
      The entire game wasn't bad. They just need to put that good effort in for a full 40. Like I said in my earlier posts, poor switching on defense killed us in the first half (and I should have said in my previous post that it was also the outside defenders also missing the switch). That part of the defense was better in the second half. Turnovers were better (as in there were less). I'm still disappointed in the outcome, but I did see some good play mixed in with the bad we are all pointing out.
      I can agree with that, but its the constant mental lapses into the bad coupled with the bad from the previous seasons that make it difficult to notice the good. The good needs to be sustained over the course of an extensive part of the season. Losing is still losing.
      "All I know is what I read on the message boards."
      "Oh, well, there's your problem, then."


      • #63
        Re: Cal Poly - GDT

        I'm not going to blame Coach Nagy for the team's lack of effort. That's on them. If anybody on that bench defines toughness, it's Coach Nagy. And you can tell it's killing him to watch so many of these guys slouch through games with no fire.

        They can't even hustle to the scorer's table to enter the game. The patented "I'm too cool" saunter is getting on my nerves.

        I say just play the five or six guys who want to play and will leave it all out there. If that means 30 minutes for Tivis, so be it.
        Holy nutmeg!


        • #64
          Re: Cal Poly - GDT

          I've seen this movie before...more of the same. Some people just won't admit that progress has been far too slow. I'm not suggesting anything rash, but I expected better this year. Considerably better. It's time for the culture of losing, which I think has set in, to end.
          Grumbling along and embracing my role. If I didn't care, I wouldn't care. Go Jacks!


          • #65
            Re: Cal Poly - GDT

            I laid down to take a rest shortly before the game came on the radio and woke up just as it ended. Gosh sounds like I did not miss much except for fan frustration.


            • #66
              Re: Cal Poly - GDT

              Originally posted by JimmyJack View Post
              I'm not going to blame Coach Nagy for the team's lack of effort. That's on them. If anybody on that bench defines toughness, it's Coach Nagy. And you can tell it's killing him to watch so many of these guys slouch through games with no fire.

              They can't even hustle to the scorer's table to enter the game. The patented "I'm too cool" saunter is getting on my nerves.

              I say just play the five or six guys who want to play and will leave it all out there. If that means 30 minutes for Tivis, so be it.
              If everybody on this team worked as hard as Tivis, we win the conference. I think I am done going to Men's games until they show some HEART.


              • #67
                Re: Cal Poly - GDT

                Coach Nagy posted this on his Twitter page before the game:

                "We need our fans and students to come out and support the Men's Basketball team tonight. Hope to see you there! "

                He is right, we need the fans, but the fans need to see that the players want to be there as well.


                • #68
                  Re: Cal Poly - GDT

                  Originally posted by 22jack View Post
                  If everybody on this team worked as hard as Tivis, we win the conference. I think I am done going to Men's games until they show some HEART.
                  I agree. I think there are several guys at the end of the bench who, while not as talented as the rest, would try harder and show some toughness.
                  Holy nutmeg!


                  • #69
                    Re: Cal Poly - GDT

                    What's especially infuriating to me is the whole one-step-forward-and-two-steps-back nature of this team.

                    They beat Wyoming. Great win, great start to the season. They play Purdue hard and close. Fantastic. They go into a shell for the next few games, dropping four straight.

                    Then they win their first conference road game in two years at Macomb. Nice. About damn time. They follow it up by whipping SW Minnesota. Whoop-te-doo. Then they simply don't show up in Reno, and from all accounts play a very lackluster game when they finally return home and get beat on their home court to a very, very average Cal Poly team (being charitable to CP).

                    It seems like the team will actually achieve something, and then get satisfied and relax for the next few games. The problem is that they're nowhere near good enough to do that and succeed. It's like they have a little taste of success, then think "OK, we're there now" and pull back on the throttle, or something. You just can't do that. That's what I find so maddening. Maybe someone can explain it to me.
                    "I think we'll be OK"


                    • #70
                      Re: Cal Poly - GDT

                      If anyone watched the video of the postgame conference the demeanor of Scott Nagy said it all. He would not look up or make any kind of eye contact and was as demoralized as I have ever seen. I actually thought he was going to say I'm done and walk out. I know he is not a quitter and will somehow get this turned around as he aluded too, but clearly this group of players is different than any he has coached and is causing him much angst. He told the players he can't ever remember a game where they were out rebounded by 10 to an opponent at Frost and that is about effort and desire.


                      • #71
                        Re: Cal Poly - GDT

                        Originally posted by JACKGUYII View Post
                        If anyone watched the video of the postgame conference the demeanor of Scott Nagy said it all. He would not look up or make any kind of eye contact and was as demoralized as I have ever seen. I actually thought he was going to say I'm done and walk out.
                        I thought the same thing.
                        “I used to be with it. But then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it seems scary and wierd. It’ll happen to you.” — Abe Simpson


                        • #72
                          Re: Cal Poly - GDT

                          Originally posted by JimmyJack View Post
                          They can't even hustle to the scorer's table to enter the game. The patented "I'm too cool" saunter is getting on my nerves.
                          “I used to be with it. But then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it seems scary and wierd. It’ll happen to you.” — Abe Simpson


                          • #73
                            Re: Cal Poly - GDT

                            OK, I really am looking for some insight on this (an internet message board is the best place for that right?), but if the players are lacking effort/intensity/desire, what happened? If they didn't show/have those traits in high school, I do not think Nagy would have recruited them. I get playing at higher level, now in college, etc., but many people have posted it is a team wide problem. What happened?

                            You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can never teach a stupid dog anything.


                            • #74
                              Re: Cal Poly - GDT

                              Originally posted by JimmyJack View Post
                              I'm not going to blame Coach Nagy for the team's lack of effort. That's on them. If anybody on that bench defines toughness, it's Coach Nagy. And you can tell it's killing him to watch so many of these guys slouch through games with no fire.

                              They can't even hustle to the scorer's table to enter the game. The patented "I'm too cool" saunter is getting on my nerves.

                              I say just play the five or six guys who want to play and will leave it all out there. If that means 30 minutes for Tivis, so be it.
                              I think this post hits the nail on the head better then any of the other that I have read although there are a lot of great points. We are losing in all of the areas that are driven by pure desire and effort. Rebounding, getting loose balls, opponents shooting percentage, and turnovers.

                              The lack of fire, will, enthusiasm, determination, stubborness, cockiness, or whatever the hell "it" is just isn't there right now. Nagy said in his postgame that he is at a bit of a loss to find something to fire these guys fired up.

                              "It" has to come from the players! When is the last time you saw a fist pump, a player emploring the team to fire up and get a stop on the defensive end, the players on the bench standing and encouraging the players on the court, a player trying to get the crowd into the game, or heaven forbid the crowd gets into the game? It may take just one player to say "I am sick of this s**t" to call a closed door meeting and get after everyone and instill some fire in there. Play with a chip on their shoulder not with shoulders slumped, heads held low, lazily getting up and down the court. THIS TEAM HAS TO WANT IT and right now it doesn't look like they do. What's worse is that our opponents know they don't have the will to win which gives a team like Cal Poly confidence down the stretch.

                              Nobody is more frustrated than the coaches. They are doing what they can to turn it around. The change that is needed has to come from the players. They need to decide to to leave all 110% on the court. If they give that effort then they can live with the result win or lose.

                              The fans will get behind them if they give the effort. Right now it just looks like the players are showing up and going through the motions. The fans are following their lead.

                              I hope this game is the inspiration they need to turn things around. Unfortunately, hope ins't a strategy. The most important games are in conference.

                              GB, GB, GJ!

                              MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, BIZUN!!!


                              • #75
                                Re: Cal Poly - GDT

                                I, first would like to see some excitement from the guys coming out of the player introductions. I understand everyone has their own way of getting fired up for a basketball game, but during pre-game introductions I ask myself sometimes am I really at a Div I basketball game.

                                The crowd wants to get excited but they are waiting for the players to show some excitement first. Maybe this needs to be reversed.

