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NCAA 6thFan Contest

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  • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

    So apparently this is what happened.

    "External, automated scripts used to create fake email accounts in order to manipulate voting totals were used to vote in the 6th Fan contest dating back to February 24. As a result, all votes cast since that date through email registration have been removed for all schools remaining in the contest. All non-email registration votes (through Twitter, Facebook, and on since February 24 will count towards the contest. Additionally, since this issue did not arise prior to the Elite 8 round, the previous rounds’ voting totals are authentic and remain unchanged. All votes cast prior to February 24 through email registration will be included in the final tallies. Fans can continue to support their schools through the options currently available on

    This statement is being shared with marketing department contacts at all of the 8 schools remaining in the contest."


    • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

      I will keep voting too, but I say everyone here that voted just send SDSU $100 (or something). The time spent voting is irrelevant to SDSU but cash in hand is relevant to SDSU.


      • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

        I should say supposedly what happened. It is from a BYU source that posted it at Bisonville. Since they are at UND hatred towards each other, take it with a grain of salt.


        • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

          Originally posted by Evolution Prime View Post
          So apparently this is what happened.

          "External, automated scripts used to create fake email accounts in order to manipulate voting totals were used to vote in the 6th Fan contest dating back to February 24. As a result, all votes cast since that date through email registration have been removed for all schools remaining in the contest. All non-email registration votes (through Twitter, Facebook, and on since February 24 will count towards the contest. Additionally, since this issue did not arise prior to the Elite 8 round, the previous rounds’ voting totals are authentic and remain unchanged. All votes cast prior to February 24 through email registration will be included in the final tallies. Fans can continue to support their schools through the options currently available on

          This statement is being shared with marketing department contacts at all of the 8 schools remaining in the contest."
          oK, I believe every word of it...

          *Retraction. Unfortunate this contest came to this. But not unexpected.
          Last edited by UWMandSDSU; 03-02-2014, 09:26 PM.


          • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

            Originally posted by UWMandSDSU View Post
            oK, I believe every word of it...NOT!

            One vote per voter per day is going cause these changes....NOT
            They'd have to create tens of thousands of fake E-mail accounts .Any other explanation would be more plausible than this one.
            This would have one believing that NDSU just about totally relied on E-mail voting during this round....HA!


            • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

              If its an automated script generates fake emails, no need for the CAPTCHA input. Good way to get around it if you dont care about induvidual prizes.

              My theory on a possibility of what happened is that UCF got up big by using this automated script, then tured to viting for NDSU to eliminate the larger BYU fanbase. Not saying it happened, just a possibility. It could have helped Bryant as well by the looks of it.


              • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                Originally posted by jackdaniel View Post
                One vote per voter per day is going cause these changes....NOT
                They'd have to create tens of thousands of fake E-mail accounts .Any other explanation would be more plausible than this one.
                Nope. That's pretty much what happened. By going the fake account route, you don't need to enter a captcha. Each cycle takes longer than a human entering in a captcha, but each computer can run multiple windows at the same time, and each person can run multiple computers. And the computers can go 24/7. It adds up.

                I still have suspicions about BYU, but apparently if they used some method of automation, it wasn't this one. Maybe it's sour grapes, but there was some weirdness in their voting over the last couple days. If so, either they had a different method of automation, or they also got votes thrown out; just far, far less than NDSU.

                Sorry that it ends here for both of us. It was a fun run that ended with a bitter taste.

                edit: oops, too slow. I agree with EP that it was probably UCF that was the group that started it on Monday(24th). After that either they helped others, or more likely, other groups came up with the idea independently.


                • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                  Not sure what happened but it was fun


                  • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                    Originally posted by Hammersmith View Post
                    Nope. That's pretty much what happened. By going the fake account route, you don't need to enter a captcha. Each cycle takes longer than a human entering in a captcha, but each computer can run multiple windows at the same time, and each person can run multiple computers. And the computers can go 24/7. It adds up.

                    I still have suspicions about BYU, but apparently if they used some method of automation, it wasn't this one. Maybe it's sour grapes, but there was some weirdness in their voting over the last couple days. If so, either they had a different method of automation, or they also got votes thrown out; just far, far less than NDSU.

                    Sorry that it ends here for both of us. It was a fun run that ended with a bitter taste.

                    edit: oops, too slow. I agree with EP that it was probably UCF that was the group that started it on Monday(24th). After that either they helped others, or more likely, other groups came up with the idea independently.
                    Well OK then,that's all the Bison could do against BYU without the help of this scam is 22%VS 78%.....Really?

                    And, whenever I try to use a fake E-mail account on registrations of web sites I don't really want to recieve E-mail from,it never works....must be better security....yeah.....OK,I'm a conspiracy theorist.
                    Last edited by jackdaniel; 03-02-2014, 12:24 PM.


                    • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                      After looking at the matchups, I believe, this to be quite plausible. Three of the four matchups were greatly affected. The only one not to have a huge swing was the SDSU-WIU one. That only resulted in a 5% swing, which can be explained by SDSU having registered voters, but not as dedicated/organized as WIU voters. So which of the three had the most to gain: NDSU, UCF, Bryant? I believe UCF. By getting up big early using the automated script, they could then control some of the other,l matchups. They know BYU has the largest fanbase and Bryant the smallest. By helping NDSU, they eliminate a large rabid fanbase, giving them an easier matchup against a smaller though just as rabid fanbase. By assisting Bryant, you eliminate ASU which was strong,in the first round. The SDSU-WIU matchup was left untouched as they were in a virtual lock for most of this round. They could be eliminated next round using the same tactics. This would set up a UCF-Bryant finals.

                      It is possible all three of those were using an automated script, but I think this is more plausible. Just a reminder to the UCF lurkers, this is just a theory.


                      • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                        Originally posted by beauspencer View Post
                        This was a great matchup, I was very worried that SDSU would handle WIU the way you voted the last few days of the contest. Apologies to those I offended with my tweets. To those that think I "lack class," I'll buy you a beer in Sioux Falls next week. Wait...I better leave that offer to those posters that said that. I'm a broadcaster, I can't afford too many drinks.
                        I'll drown my sorrows with the results on the field/court. WIU can hang the virtual banner from the rafters.
                        Originally posted by JackFan96
                        Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


                        • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                          What about all the fancy graphs they were using on Bisonville showing voting percentages,both schools neck and neck,they were fake as well?This doesn't add up.That graph showed 6thfan web site voting only,didn't it?And the end result is 22% vs78%?
                          Someone explain that....I'm not buying it.That's a whole lot of bogus E-mail accounts,and a very large part of their vote total thrown out to drop them down to 22%.We wouldn't have stood a chance with the winner of that side of the bracket anyway.Just as well.
                          Last edited by jackdaniel; 03-02-2014, 01:18 PM.


                          • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                            I'm with jackdaniel. The graph that was posted from the 6th fan site showed a monumental drop in votes for NDSU. that would make sense if votes were thrown out. But how does it explain that BYU's vote trend did the exact opposite. It went up at a staggering high level that was the reciprocal of NDSU's. It's almost as if NDSU's votes suddenly started going to BYU. While I don't believe that happened, the trend looks like that.


                            • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                              That is just a graph of total percentage of votes so believe them to be accurate. It wouldnt make sense if it was total votes. Since NDSU lost votes their percentage went down, BYU increased by the same percentage.


                              • Re: NCAA 6thFan Contest

                                Well that statement has been posted to the 6th fan site.

