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Playoffs 2016: Nova

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  • jackmd
    Re: Playoffs 2016: Nova

    Originally posted by jakejc795 View Post
    While you didn't respond to my post, it seems you have mischaracterized what's possibly being said about OSU. "Be careful who you fire/force to resign, because the successor may result in your program vacating wins and that coach being subject to 'show-cause' restrictions" seems more apt.

    If Stig were to be fired after this season, I'd bet his replacement would demand concessions to justify taking over a program that axed the coach after its most successful season.

    Let's see what happens next season.
    Stig isn't getting axed and I certainly don't think he should be. I don't like the argument that things could be worse. Things are great, unprecedented success.

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  • jakejc795
    Re: Playoffs 2016: Nova

    Originally posted by jackmd View Post
    I personally think this is a poor way of determining how successful the program really is. "Things could be worse so be careful what you wish for....." That doesn't win you a championship.
    While you didn't respond to my post, it seems you have mischaracterized what's possibly being said about OSU. "Be careful who you fire/force to resign, because the successor may result in your program vacating wins and that coach being subject to 'show-cause' restrictions" seems more apt.

    If Stig were to be fired after this season, I'd bet his replacement would demand concessions to justify taking over a program that axed the coach after its most successful season.

    Let's see what happens next season.

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  • jackmd
    Re: Playoffs 2016: Nova

    Originally posted by SF_Rabbit_Fan View Post
    Ohio State had multiple national championships, 8 undefeated seasons, and 27 conference championships before John Cooper became their head coach.

    SDSU had... nothing before Stig. I am stunned by how many fans forget that.

    Comparing our situation with Coach Stig and John Cooper is silly.
    I personally think this is a poor way of determining how successful the program really is. "Things could be worse so be careful what you wish for....." That doesn't win you a championship.

    We did win a share of the conference title and make the quarterfinals. I think SDSU has the better team but circumstances have been against the Jacks year after year. Who gets the blame? The coaching staff for sure. Doesn't mean they shouldn't get credit for what has been accomplished but a lot of us believe it should be better.

    I don't want to see Stig go. I do want to see better in game coaching and adjustments, I think that's a huge weakness for Stig and his staff. But what the hell do I know? Not much about coaching college FB for sure. I do know that NDSU owns Stig and SDSU just like the own everyone else in FCS and FBS for that matter. I hate to even think it but maybe they're just that much better.

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  • Southeast
    Re: Playoffs 2016: Nova

    I agree that progress is being made and am happy that we went into uncharted territory this year. It looks really good for things to go at least a little farther next year.

    However, the "championship or bust" talk here is already a little over the top, in my opinion. If that's really how some people are viewing next year, they are most likely setting themselves up to be dissapointed twice-over. Some are hinting that we dump the coaching staff if they don't win it all. Stig getting fired if he puts together another winning season next year is probably as likely as the team getting invited to play in the Orange Bowl. On paper we should have our best shot at a championship yet. However there is a whole lot that has to go just right in order for us to win 3 more playoff games than we did during this season. A bunch of good teams were stuck at home watching the playoffs last weekend.

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  • Nidaros
    Re: Playoffs 2016: Nova

    Originally posted by SF_Rabbit_Fan View Post
    Expectations are high for next year's team, and I am hopeful we can take another step in the right direction. I hope a National Championship is on the horizon.

    We literally just had the best season in SDSU history and have multiple all conference and all american players coming back next year. One game doesn't change any of that. IMO, the only way a person could think things aren't looking up is if they have a personal ax to grind.
    No doubt the expectations are rightfully high for next year. I just quickly scanned a media guide for season records and no where in there did I find an absolute winless season. Now I know that is not saying anything, but in 1962, who do you think had a 0-10 season? Of course its not Augie, but NDSU. What's really weird was Thrulow McCardy who coached at the start and some post WW2 years and had mostly three win seasons. Guess where he ended up? McCardy ended up being the AD at Kansas State. I guess back then it was not about winning. This was according to Warren Williamsen autobiography about coaching at SDSU. Warren as I recall spent a year at K-State playing for McCardy then transferred to SDSU where he had been recruited by McCardy.

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  • SF_Rabbit_Fan
    Re: Playoffs 2016: Nova

    Originally posted by TK22867 View Post
    It will sure be interesting to see what happens next year if this staff blows it with TC, Jake, and Goedert, just like they did the Sumner/Zenner years. I've stated before that I was convinced this staff can't get it done once they didn't even sniff the championship game with Sumner and Zenner. I stand by that statement. I hope they prove me very wrong.

    I still find it very entertaining that folks continue to think things are "looking up" when we just got housed 36-10 by an NDSU team that looked to me to be the most beatable team NDSU has had in years.

    Maybe I need to send Stig my copy of the book "Good to Great"....with the sections about Circuit City removed of course.
    Expectations are high for next year's team, and I am hopeful we can take another step in the right direction. I hope a National Championship is on the horizon.

    We literally just had the best season in SDSU history and have multiple all conference and all american players coming back next year. One game doesn't change any of that. IMO, the only way a person could think things aren't looking up is if they have a personal ax to grind.

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  • Nidaros
    Re: Playoffs 2016: Nova

    Originally posted by TK22867 View Post
    It will sure be interesting to see what happens next year if this staff blows it with TC, Jake, and Goedert, just like they did the Sumner/Zenner years. I've stated before that I was convinced this staff can't get it done once they didn't even sniff the championship game with Sumner and Zenner. I stand by that statement. I hope they prove me very wrong.

    I still find it very entertaining that folks continue to think things are "looking up" when we just got housed 36-10 by an NDSU team that looked to me to be the most beatable team NDSU has had in years.

    Maybe I need to send Stig my copy of the book "Good to Great"....with the sections about Circuit City removed of course.
    Yes next year will be very interesting. On that we agree, but the rest of your post does not compute in my simple mind. Sorry I have little or no knowledge of John Cooper.
    Last edited by Nidaros; 12-13-2016, 10:06 AM.

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  • TK22867
    Re: Playoffs 2016: Nova

    Originally posted by SF_Rabbit_Fan View Post
    Ohio State had multiple national championships, 8 undefeated seasons, and 27 conference championships before John Cooper became their head coach.

    SDSU had... nothing before Stig. I am stunned by how many fans forget that.

    Comparing our situation with Coach Stig and John Cooper is silly.
    It will sure be interesting to see what happens next year if this staff blows it with TC, Jake, and Goedert, just like they did the Sumner/Zenner years. I've stated before that I was convinced this staff can't get it done once they didn't even sniff the championship game with Sumner and Zenner. I stand by that statement. I hope they prove me very wrong.

    I still find it very entertaining that folks continue to think things are "looking up" when we just got housed 36-10 by an NDSU team that looked to me to be the most beatable team NDSU has had in years.

    Maybe I need to send Stig my copy of the book "Good to Great"....with the sections about Circuit City removed of course.

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  • TK22867
    Re: Playoffs 2016: Nova

    Originally posted by MilwaukeeJacksAlum View Post
    Great analogy. Ohio State with it's infinite budget can hire anyone it wants and spend millions of dollars and decades of historical greatness to build off of. Our school's historical greatness? Non-existent until the last decade. And our coach gets paid less than most of his contemporaries. Our season was judged a success when we average 5000 fans and beat Augie and USD just 20 short years ago. Until our recent run, it was 50 years before we were in a playoff game. 50 years. When we were in D2.
    I think you and I have different definitions for what constitutes "historical greatness", specifically when it comes to SDSU.

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  • bigticket1
    Re: Playoffs 2016: Nova

    The other difference between Stig and John Cooper - if we get rid of Stig, Urban Meyer or Jim Tressel likely aren't going to walk through the door of our football offices.

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  • Nidaros
    Re: Playoffs 2016: Nova

    Originally posted by SF_Rabbit_Fan View Post
    Ohio State had multiple national championships, 8 undefeated seasons, and 27 conference championships before John Cooper became their head coach.

    SDSU had... nothing before Stig. I am stunned by how many fans forget that.

    Comparing our situation with Coach Stig and John Cooper is silly.
    I have not forgotten.
    I think a very frustrated Mike Daly left Stig a better program then when Haensel left or ask to leave coaching. I remember we played Montana in 1988. Wayne's face showed nothing but panic at the start of game since he sensed being out resourced in all aspects of game. It's about funding football. When Ginn left changes kick in the predictable NCC. Coaches can only work with resources provided by stakeholders of the program. Over the years it has improved greatly. Yes we are at a hallmark. We don't need a new coach. Just larger recruiting budgets.
    Last edited by Nidaros; 12-13-2016, 08:59 AM.

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  • RochJack69
    Re: Playoffs 2016: Nova

    The Jacks need to slip in a few higher rated prospects, somehow. Not just hope for development. I'm sure they are trying, has to be a hard sell. Whole different game, dealing with that level of ego.

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  • MontanaRabbit
    Re: Playoffs 2016: Nova

    Originally posted by MilwaukeeJacksAlum View Post
    Hypothetical question. If NDSU loses Saturday after the end of the first half debacle, does their board call for a new coaching staff? Absent the defensive call playing on 3rd and long and the horrible play calling that led to the safety, the game was not lost by the coaches. The game was lost when we let NDSU go on a 12 minute drive in the 2nd quarter. They averaged less than 4 yards per play that drive. Other than the 3rd & 23 play, we had the correct defense called and just couldn't execute. Our offense was rolling until that point. That drive sucked away all momentum and life we had. Coaches didn't have anything to do with that.
    I have a question. Earlier you were saying how much Struck knew about football. Well on Saturday in the second half he was making comments about how the SDSU defensive coaches didn't make adjustments to counter what NDSU was doing offensively. Is he wrong or is it really simply their execution was better? You seem to indicate above that the coaches couldn't have done more.

    I do agree that long drive was the turning point (I think I can argue the conversion on 3rd and 23 was the most important play in that entire game). During that drive I knew we were in trouble. Those drives pay dividends in the forth quarter and you saw that Saturday. The lopsided score had a lot to do with us having a defense that was wore out.

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  • SF_Rabbit_Fan
    Re: Playoffs 2016: Nova

    Originally posted by TK22867 View Post
    Did you watch all of the game Saturday? There were some of the same mind-boggling play calls that have been made in games time after time. Plays calls that, IMO, are simply indefensible. I've described those plays elsewhere in this forum so feel free to search.

    With the talent coming back next year, I'm willing to give this staff one more shot....but that's it.

    Personally, and I know I'll get railed for this, I see Coach Stig as our John Cooper. Cooper was well-liked. He was 111-43-4 at Ohio State, but 2-10-1 against Michigan. He won three (3) conference titles, but zero national championships. He could never get Ohio State over that final hump (pun intended).
    Ohio State had multiple national championships, 8 undefeated seasons, and 27 conference championships before John Cooper became their head coach.

    SDSU had... nothing before Stig. I am stunned by how many fans forget that.

    Comparing our situation with Coach Stig and John Cooper is silly.

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  • JimmyJack
    Re: Playoffs 2016: Nova

    I don't think we need a coaching change so much as the coaches need to adjust. They can do that.

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