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  • #16
    Re: Youngstown

    Originally posted by TransAmBison View Post
    I think you guys will win without too much trouble. Youngstown has given up.
    Seems like a recurring theme with Wolford's teams.
    Holy nutmeg!


    • #17
      Re: Youngstown

      Originally posted by TransAmBison View Post
      I think you guys will win without too much trouble. Youngstown has given up.
      TAB, what do you think about Wolford calling out the Bison for being dirty? I also saw he was so mad he said an expletive during the halftime radio interview. Wow. I didn't see any of the hits, but I saw Bohl would not comment on Wolford's comments.


      • #18
        Re: Youngstown

        Originally posted by TransAmBison View Post
        I think you guys will win without too much trouble. Youngstown has given up.
        Have u totally lost your mind??????? This team is 8-3 and will come out hungry as we will. Both teams know what is on the line here.


        • #19
          Re: Youngstown

          Originally posted by common sense rabbit View Post
          Have u totally lost your mind??????? This team is 8-3 and will come out hungry as we will. Both teams know what is on the line here.
          The Jacks need a good test to get them playoff ready. I've said before and I'll say it again - the Jacks have Youngstown's number.

          Thankfully the moderators are wise and shut down that "next year" thread. The Jacks are still playing for this year baby.

          Give credit where credit is due - I said put Stig on the hot seat. Semantics because I feel he was. You can say he wasn't - who cares? The man did his job. He did a great job. Stig came through and rallied the team. Nice job of coaching through the whole staff. Stig did a nice job pulling the redshirts very judiciously. Stig rallied the troops through the injuries. Stig just won baby. He went 1-0. I love the man, so hallelujah. Way to go Stig.

          The team came through the adversity well too. The upper classman stepped up. It is a nice mix of upperclassman and younger kids.

          I think with the improved play of the defense along with the Stars on offense - Jacks go 1-0 this week and make the playoffs. If they can't beat Youngstown - they don't deserve to be there anyway. It needs to be a lose and go home mentality.

          I'm confident of 1-0 this week.

          Go Jacks!


          • #20
            Re: Youngstown

            Originally posted by shot_5533 View Post
            I've said before and I'll say it again - the Jacks have Youngstown's number.
            Death, taxes, and the Jacks beating Youngstown State. They are the only certainties in life.
            If you think nobody cares about you, try missing a couple of payments.
            - Steven Wright


            • #21
              Re: Youngstown

              Originally posted by YanktonJack7 View Post
              TAB, what do you think about Wolford calling out the Bison for being dirty? I also saw he was so mad he said an expletive during the halftime radio interview. Wow. I didn't see any of the hits, but I saw Bohl would not comment on Wolford's comments.
              I don't know if he is too passionate, or just stupid. If you watch his press conference, he was even complaining about us moving the ball all in picking up the ball and moving the placement of the ball (not as in a play). The guy is a li'l wacky. With that said, I have a hard time believing he had a leg to stand on.

              I don't have a lot of respect for him.


              • #22
                Re: Youngstown

                I vote stupid. I guess I just think the Bison are good. Why would they need to be dirty? They're better at almost every position than their opponents.
                Holy nutmeg!


                • #23
                  Re: Youngstown

                  Originally posted by TransAmBison View Post
                  I think you guys will win without too much trouble. Youngstown has given up.
                  My ass we have given up. Would love to know what you have seen to show that we have given up? Despite losing our starting QB and #2 QB, our #3 QB, who has never seen a down of college football, kept us in that game against you guys and had it down to 28-17 into the 4th quarter. They kept fighting and clawing, when common sense would imply they would lose by 28-35 points vs. you guys.

                  YSU and Hess will be ready Saturday at the Ice Castle... which will actually have snow in it for once. Forecast for Saturday is 35 and snow!


                  • #24
                    Re: Youngstown

                    Originally posted by guinzone View Post
                    My ass we have given up. Would love to know what you have seen to show that we have given up? Despite losing our starting QB and #2 QB, our #3 QB, who has never seen a down of college football, kept us in that game against you guys and had it down to 28-17 into the 4th quarter. They kept fighting and clawing, when common sense would imply they would lose by 28-35 points vs. you guys.

                    YSU and Hess will be ready Saturday at the Ice Castle... which will actually have snow in it for once. Forecast for Saturday is 35 and snow!
                    Pretty nice weather for end of November.
                    Best to remember these are kids and they are doing everything they can to entertain us, be scholars, and all in all be great humans. Jackedforlife


                    • #25
                      Re: Youngstown

                      Originally posted by guinzone View Post
                      My ass we have given up. Would love to know what you have seen to show that we have given up? Despite losing our starting QB and #2 QB, our #3 QB, who has never seen a down of college football, kept us in that game against you guys and had it down to 28-17 into the 4th quarter. They kept fighting and clawing, when common sense would imply they would lose by 28-35 points vs. you guys.

                      YSU and Hess will be ready Saturday at the Ice Castle... which will actually have snow in it for once. Forecast for Saturday is 35 and snow!
                      Well snow and cold play right into our hands. Pound the ball with Zenner and move on to the playoffs.


                      • #26
                        Re: Youngstown

                        Originally posted by guinzone View Post
                        My ass we have given up. Would love to know what you have seen to show that we have given up? Despite losing our starting QB and #2 QB, our #3 QB, who has never seen a down of college football, kept us in that game against you guys and had it down to 28-17 into the 4th quarter. They kept fighting and clawing, when common sense would imply they would lose by 28-35 points vs. you guys.

                        YSU and Hess will be ready Saturday at the Ice Castle... which will actually have snow in it for once. Forecast for Saturday is 35 and snow!
                        You're fans sure didn't show up...and I'm expecting the same for your team when SDSU knocks Hess out of the game. Hess will not last past the first quarter is my guess. Once he is done so is your team. SDSU is tough and physical...and you guys are not. As for our game, the outcome was never in doubt.


                        • #27
                          Re: Youngstown

                          Originally posted by guinzone View Post
                          My ass we have given up. Would love to know what you have seen to show that we have given up? Despite losing our starting QB and #2 QB, our #3 QB, who has never seen a down of college football, kept us in that game against you guys and had it down to 28-17 into the 4th quarter. They kept fighting and clawing, when common sense would imply they would lose by 28-35 points vs. you guys.

                          YSU and Hess will be ready Saturday at the Ice Castle... which will actually have snow in it for once. Forecast for Saturday is 35 and snow!
                          if SDSU runs and wears down the d like we did they will give up, I'm sorry but your D is not good, And your pulling the weather card on a team that plays outdoors in South Dakota???

                          i hope you realize on the turf, in the cold and wind I will now add 14 more points in SDSU's favor.
                          BISON FOOTBALL


                          • #28
                            Re: Youngstown

                            Lol 35 and snow? Sounds like a brisk fall afternoon. Good lord.
                            Originally posted by JackFan96
                            Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


                            • #29
                              Re: Youngstown

                              Wow, passionate Bison love. I feel kinda warm and fuzzy inside.

                              The Jacks inconsistent d-line is going to have to get to Hess to tweak his injury. That has been problematic at times this year.

                              Why not just pound the ball. Zenner has over 30 carries in about every game this year. But...but we haven't seen the volume of big plays like last year. The time is now.



                              • #30
                                Re: Youngstown

                                Originally posted by tjbison View Post
                                if SDSU runs and wears down the d like we did they will give up, I'm sorry but your D is not good, And your pulling the weather card on a team that plays outdoors in South Dakota???

                                i hope you realize on the turf, in the cold and wind I will now add 14 more points in SDSU's favor.
                                I am not pulling any weather card... Clearly you did not see the connection between ICE CASTLE and SNOW... Perhaps it was too obvious for you to see???

                                Haven't had a game with snow at YSU in quite some time. Looking forward to it.

