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NDSU Big Win

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  • #31
    Re: NDSU Big Win

    Originally posted by Cadsev
    I promise to call Coach Miles today and personally congratulate him, I'll even call Todd, Saul and Dave. When Coach Richmond sends me the mass email explaining the victory I'll even read it to make everyone on this site happy.  The next time I'm in Fargo I'll take the entire staff out to dinner and we can all have a group hug.  Congrats NDSU on your win.......I am hopeful in the future you have more.  SDSU will some day experience a huge win on the road against a high major opponent.  It will shock the world and you can bask in the glory of beating a quality opponent.  I promise to remain positive on this site, share positive comments and not take away from victory such as the one yesterday so we can all live in harmony.  
    Will NDSU or SDSU ever be a Duke, North Carolina or UConn?  Nobody's fooling themselves here and were not thinking were going to be the monster beaters everytime.  But when anyone posts something that belittles a win by any program against a program that was supposed to beat them it begs the question why?  Gonzaga was a unknown not all that long ago and I'm sure they had thier share of the negative comments by little people with no vision who could never see the good in any win.  If a program is supposed to have the attitude of these people then why bother to even compete?  According to them its a waste of time for a smaller program with out the prestige to even dare to share the floor of a program the likes of any top 25 program.  Well I will enjoy this win and hope the Jacks have the same luck as well but to those who always find a negative or say it cannot be done I say why do you even follow sports then.  One of the main reasons any player in any sport competes is that they have the belief that given the effort whether its a team sport or an individual one that any team or individual can compete and win on any given day.  That's the difference in between the winners in athletics or just in life.  People with the attitude that they have to find an excuse for a loss or a win are the ones who will never succeed.  Fortunately we have a coach at NDSU who teaches that philosophy and I believe SDSU does as well.  The naysayers will always be there to try to tear down programs or make smug comments and thats fine.  I just treat them all like they should, discard them to the trash.


    • #32
      Re: NDSU Big Win

      Originally posted by Cadsev
      The two players who were out for the Badgers are not starters but were solid contributors off the bench.  Marcus Landry is a freshman and isn't  the first player off the bench but was a contributor who has seen his playing minutes dwindle once Big 10 play has begun.  Greg Stiemsma backs up Brian Butch who was injured during the Ohio State game and was also out for today's game.  Both Landry and Stiemsma have been suspended for academic reasons and most likely may not return to the Badger lineup this season.  With two quality reserves out the Badgers were basically down to 9 scholarship players and a lean bench.  Still that isn't any excuse for loosing to a team the calibar of NDSU when you are the #1 team currently in the big 10.  Not many teams will win games when they shoot 16 of 72 from the field or 22%.  May be a long remainder of the season for the Badgers with a depleted bench and starters having to carry the load.

      On a bright note Joe Krabbenhoft played another solid game and posted 11 points, 7 rebounds and 2 assists.
      Here is my original posting that was pointing out that the two suspended players were reserves and not starters (as was previously posted). I then went on to say that it's no excuse for loosing. I never minimized the victory or slammed NDSU. Get over it, heck call ESPN and complain about their article that says they never expected Fargo to share in the celebration yesterday of huge upsets. Wow they are slamming NDSU. My sarcastic remarks in the posts that followed were in reaction to the blasting that my posting received. Again, I was not the only one who pointed out that UW was short handed nor did I say if they had those athletes it would be a different story. Furthermore I have never stated that NDSU sucks, SDSU sucks or bashed either program. I did state they wouldn't be in an NCAA tournament for a long long time. Sorry if that ruffled your feathers or burst your bubble.

      I noted that a bright spot yesterday was the play of Joe Krabbenhoft, a highly recruited athlete from South Dakota. I support the UW team, Montana, UW Milwaukee, Creighton, USD (gasp), Augustana, SDSU, NSU and countless other schools. I refuse to pick a favorite and if I can't post on here without pissing everyone off including the moderator (which is another story) then so be it I'll refrain from posting.

      I admit that I do not follow NDSU that closely but will next year when a SD athlete is on their roster. A few years ago I followed the team closely when Denver TenBroke, Scott Majkryzak as well as Marc Forbush all played for them.

      Again hip hip horray for NDSU......Later today I'm going out to purchase a cow bell and will ring it a few times in support of the Jack Rabbits.


      • #33
        Re: NDSU Big Win

        for those who dont think upsets like NDSU's  yesterday will never happen,  lets remember back to 1982 in what was probably the biggest upset in college basketball ever,   little chaminade out of hawaii, upset top ranked Virginia and Ralph Sampson.  so it can happen but unlikely that it ever will.  


        • #34
          Re: NDSU Big Win

          I see Ben Woodside is the "Baller of the Day" on
          Deservedly so.
          I wonder how this kid didn't end up at a bigger school. He is obviously capable.
          Does anybody know who else offered him, besides NDSU?


          • #35
            Re: NDSU Big Win

            Just maybe this Bison win over Wisconsin will inspire a movie someday. It may be called "Glory Road II".
            I doubt if any of the teams on the remainder of the Bison schedule will take them lightly. I am not a Bison fan but I will smile about this victory over the Badgers all week.
            Jo Jacks!!


            • #36
              Re: NDSU Big Win

              Originally posted by JACKGUYII

              I have not bashed every Cadsev posting in fact I have supported him up till last night when I thought his post was minimizing the Bison win. So get your facts straight.  
              Sorry to wrongfully call you out, I apoligize.


              • #37
                Re: NDSU Big Win


                I enjoy your posts and the knowledge that you bring to the board. I think others may feel challenged by some of your statements, I'm not sure why. You seem to know more about area basketball at all levels than anyone else on this board. Hope you keep coming back.


                • #38
                  Re: NDSU Big Win

                  I simply say congrats to the Bison.......great game for your program.

                  Go Jacks !!!!!!


                  • #39
                    Re: NDSU Big Win

                    Here is a nice article from Yahoo sports about the Bison.



                    • #40
                      Re: NDSU Big Win

                      Originally posted by 22jack
                      Here is a nice article from Yahoo sports about the Bison.


                      An interesting detail about the article is it is penned by Dave Kolpeck, who I believe is a brother of Jeff Kolpeck at the Forum. It was a very good article though.

                      I hope we can have a great game on Feb 18th. NDSU has got the ball rolling with this big win. I noticed in the Fargo Forum, NDSU beat Wisconsin in 1925, so this is not their first win over the Badgers.


                      • #41
                        Re: NDSU Big Win

                        Wow, there are a lot of very sensitive people posting on this board. I've never seen this many hurt feelings back and forth since my little sister's 10th birthday party.

                        Congrats to the Bison. Don't let it go to yer freaking head.


                        • #42
                          Re: NDSU Big Win

                          Originally posted by SoDak
                          Wow, there are a lot of very sensitive people posting on this board.  I've never seen this many hurt feelings back and forth since my little sister's 10th birthday party.  

                          Congrats to the Bison.  Don't let it go to yer freaking head.  
                          No hurt feeling here, just responding to a slam. It may or may not have been intended that way but reading it when someone says the likes of SDSU or NDSU it sure sounds like a slam to me. If he doesn't like to be called out on it then don't say it thats all. I'm glad SDSU made the move up with us and wish them well in all sports, I expect posts with comments like that from those at USD or UND. Either way I'm not losing any sleep over it. Takes more then that to get under my skin but I will anyone on stuff like that.


                          • #43
                            Re: NDSU Big Win

                            Isn't classifying NDSU beating Wisconsin as one of the biggest upsets in college basketball all year and maybe ever inherently a knock on NDSU's program?

                            By the way, the loss lead the news on 2 of the channels here in Milwaukee. The newscasters were talking like they just lost to the sisters of the blind. It would have been so much sweeter if it was SDSU, but still fun none-the-less.

                            By the way Krabbenhoft is the first guy off the bench for the Badgers and has played the vast majority of the minutes in the last 6-8 games for the Badgers. He's having a great season. It's good to see a SD kid do well on the big stage. Must be all that great coaching he received in high school.
                            "You just stood their screaming. Fearing no one was listening to you. Hearing only what you wanna hear. Knowing only what you heard." Metallica


                            • #44
                              Re: NDSU Big Win

                              Hopefully we can schedule a game against Wisconsin
                              two or three years from now to see the two Roosevelt big men play against each other.


                              • #45
                                Re: NDSU Big Win

                                Maybe it's just sour grapes on my part, but does anybody else think this is just a little much for the win the bison had. Check out their board, you would think they just won the NCAA's.

                                I was one of the first to congratulate them, i think, but if we would ever pull off an upset like this, i would hope it wouldn't turn into all of this hoopla. Tim Miles is on Cold Pizza tommorrow, PA and Dubay today, etc. etc. etc. It was the regular season right, it was just one win right?

                                Again, Congrats Bison. It was a great win. Am i happy for you, yes. Am i a little pissed it wasn't SDSU, yes. Will it effect the progression of our programs with recruiting, conference membership, who knows. Just my .02.
                                "I'd like to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee." - Joe D.

