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  • #31
    Re: Kwsn...

    Originally posted by RabbitinTea View Post
    There is an entire list of reasons not to listen to these guys, but generally speaking they don't seem that knowledgable. I have friends who are more knowledgable about sports than these guys. It just seems like I should be able to hear something more intelligent from guys who get paid to talk about sports than guys sitting on a bar stool. The other obvious complaint is their selection of topics. They seem OK when talking about high school sports, but who is really interested in the GPAC or USF or Dakota Wesleyan baseball? Their college sports conversations are about topics no one cares about.

    As far as the attitude towards SDSU, I agree with everyone else. But all bias aside, there are some basic reasons they're not interesting as I stated above. BTW, if you ever get a chance to listen to Mike Henrikson on Sportsmax....don't. He at least as bad as the guys still on KWSN and I can't believe the guy makes a living being such an idiot. I think he's another case of being the only show in town. People don't listen because he's good, they listen because he's the only one who's talking.
    No comment, Mike has relatives on this board.


    • #32
      Re: Kwsn...

      Originally posted by RabbitinTea View Post
      There is an entire list of reasons not to listen to these guys, but generally speaking they don't seem that knowledgable. I have friends who are more knowledgable about sports than these guys. It just seems like I should be able to hear something more intelligent from guys who get paid to talk about sports than guys sitting on a bar stool. The other obvious complaint is their selection of topics. They seem OK when talking about high school sports, but who is really interested in the GPAC or USF or Dakota Wesleyan baseball? Their college sports conversations are about topics no one cares about.

      As far as the attitude towards SDSU, I agree with everyone else. But all bias aside, there are some basic reasons they're not interesting as I stated above. BTW, if you ever get a chance to listen to Mike Henrikson on Sportsmax....don't. He at least as bad as the guys still on KWSN and I can't believe the guy makes a living being such an idiot. I think he's another case of being the only show in town. People don't listen because he's good, they listen because he's the only one who's talking.
      Mike has done some good shows, and he has people on there that I have never heard of so its good show. I listen if I have the time. Mike's son is an SDSU grad and is on this board. I had my go around maybe 3 or 4 years ago with Mike, when he was very skeptical of D1 move. Mike was on this board under his own name for a while and he got his share of guff from those who did not agree with him.

      I think the new level of skeptism will show its head, when both USD and SDSU go to the BOR and ask for waivers for multiyear contracts that amount to excess of 500k in order to hire a visible coach. Just watch for new uproar. "No coach is worth 500k blah blah blah." Trust me that's what we will hear.


      • #33
        Re: Kwsn...

        Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
        Mike has done some good shows, and he has people on there that I have never heard of so its good show. I listen if I have the time. Mike's son is an SDSU grad and is on this board. I had my go around maybe 3 or 4 years ago with Mike, when he was very skeptical of D1 move. I think the new level of skeptism will show its head, when both USD and SDSU go to the BOR and ask for waivers for multiyear contracts that amount to excess of 500k. Just watch for new uproar.
        So, why don't SDSU and USD fans start lobbying their state representatives to change the law, so that it's coming from "the people" rather than from the BOR?

        Y'all Jacks and Yote fans, this is something that you can work on together, that would benefit both schools and, ultimately, the state. Can I see a show of hands here?
        "I think we'll be OK"


        • #34
          Re: Kwsn...

          Wait, now we don't get to comment about someone if they have relatives on the board???????

          Actually, when mike left I felt the show went downhill. He did a very good job with interviews and bringing forth some knowledge. John has been good like I had said before and he does his homework. He just may be too young and in too tight of a situation having to deal with his boss.

          Also, Mike used to frequent this board back when we were taking shots at the show. He's never been afraid to visit here and I'll guarantee his feelings aren't hurt by some anonymous criticizm.
          "The purpose of life is not to be happy - but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all."
          -Leo Rosten


          • #35
            Re: Kwsn...

            Filbert I think you are right, definitely a common ground issue, and its down the road. How far I dont know.


            • #36
              Re: Kwsn...

              Originally posted by EQguy View Post
              Wait, now we don't get to comment about someone if they have relatives on the board???????

              Actually, when mike left I felt the show went downhill. He did a very good job with interviews and bringing forth some knowledge. John has been good like I had said before and he does his homework. He just may be too young and in too tight of a situation having to deal with his boss.

              Also, Mike used to frequent this board back when we were taking shots at the show. He's never been afraid to visit here and I'll guarantee his feelings aren't hurt by some anonymous criticizm.
              Yes you can. Its just the small town in me, where you are often told to be careful about tearing some one apart in front of their relatives. Small towns used to be where everyone is a blood relative of everyone, so you did have to be careful, if you did not want to get in a real fight.


              • #37
                Re: Kwsn...

                Originally posted by jackwatcher View Post
                Do you only read the first line of these posts? Nagy has been on KWSN several times before.

                Complain about the station all you want, and I will agree with most of it. But please get your facts straight.
                I was responding to teajack....and asking if it was really true that Nagy had only been on KWSN once. I didn't state that Nagy has only been on KWSN once as a fact, I was inquiring the veracity of teajacks statement. Did you not read my post?

                The question that needs to be asked is ..... why hasn't Nagy been on Sports Talk with Craig and John more recently, if he hasn't. State is currently the only D1 program in the State; State has a ton of alumni in Sioux Falls; and with the Summit Tourney in Sioux Falls this year there is excitement.


                • #38
                  Re: Kwsn...

                  What an interesting way to start a Sunday morning!

                  I just need to clear a couple of things up. First, I don't think my son is on this board. Some people think Matt Hendrickson of KJAM is my son since he is also a sportscaster, from Dell Rapids, and has a similar name. Not the case, although he is a good friend and a great guy. My son, the SDSU grad, is touring the country doing children's theatre. That was his major at SDSU and he was in a ton of shows so it is great he is using his degree. My daughter, also and SDSU grad, got her Masters from SDSU this December and is expecting our second grandchild this summer with her husband in Ramona. She teaches cyber school. Not sure what any of this has to do with SDSU, but since my family got brought up I thought I would clarify.

                  Also, Scott Nagy was on KWSN several times when I was there. I think the most memorable time was when he called in un-announced on his way to Austin Hansen's wedding! I don't know how often he has been on lately because I don't listen to the show very much.

                  RabbitinTea: I have been in this business for over 30 years, and there has always been people that thought they could do my job better than I can. Some of them probably could. Feel free. There has never been a better time. Radio stations are laying off people at a record rate, and they are looking for shows that sound local that don't cost them anything. That probably why you can hear "Sportsmax" on every radio market and town in the state, the "South Dakota Golf Show" is on 10 stations and growing, and "Dakota Outdoor Radio" is on 10 stations. I also think there are people on the radio that I think are "idiots" so it comes with the territory. It is the price I pay for using my real name in a public position. However, it is a very samll price to pay for something that I love doing! I guess you are not my target audience huh?

                  The problem that I have with your post is that you go out of your way to take a shot at me in a thread about a show and a station I am no longer a part of. My association with KWSN is they run my shows and I do some games for them. If I somehow harm SDSU or you or whatever, start a new thread and trash me there! That seems to be the way things are done in cyberspace, aren't they?

                  To a couple of you, thanks for the kind words. I really appreciate you listening! And for the record, I have had Stig, and AJ, and Nagy on "Sportsmax". Stig was just on 3 weeks ago talking about recruits and how far the program has come. The SDSU golf team has been featured many times on "The South Dakota Golf Show" Jared has done a great job with those kids and that program!

                  If there is anything else you need, let me know. I am off to church and the South Dakota Golf Expo. That is a great event. Take it in today if you have time.

                  Nice chatting with some of you again!


                  • #39
                    Re: Kwsn...

                    I would actually argue they don't even talk enough about USD. Somehow they'll end up talking about a 3rd or 4th sport at a GPAC or DAC school. It doesn't make much sense as there can't be enough people interested in those topics when they're attendance for those sports is less than 100. As fa as Mike H. he seems to have the same problem...IMO I'd rather listen to dead air then listen to him comment when he does the state championships or on Sportsmax...btw there are quite a few people that share that opinion as well.


                    • #40
                      Re: Kwsn...

                      Originally posted by MikeHenriksen View Post
                      What an interesting way to start a Sunday morning!

                      I just need to clear a couple of things up. First, I don't think my son is on this board. Some people think Matt Hendrickson of KJAM is my son since he is also a sportscaster, from Dell Rapids, and has a similar name. Not the case, although he is a good friend and a great guy. My son, the SDSU grad, is touring the country doing children's theatre. That was his major at SDSU and he was in a ton of shows so it is great he is using his degree. My daughter, also and SDSU grad, got her Masters from SDSU this December and is expecting our second grandchild this summer with her husband in Ramona. She teaches cyber school. Not sure what any of this has to do with SDSU, but since my family got brought up I thought I would clarify.
                      Sorry Mike, I honestly thought he was your son. The Henricksen surname is to the Danish as Smith is to the English, tons of them often unrelated. I do enjoy your Sports Max which has included stories about people at SDSU. So keep up the good work.


                      • #41
                        Re: Kwsn...

                        Mike H. just noticed your post. I think I'm probably in the target market, but I don't enjoy many of the topics. I don't mean to be disrespectful...I just don't understand who is interested in USF athletics or 2nd tier DAC or GPAC sports. I may have been to abrasive in my post, but I am honestly curious who is listening to those topics. I lived in SF for almost 4 years and never met a USF fan so why all the press. Just curious not trying to be a jerk.


                        • #42
                          Re: Kwsn...

                          Calling me an idiot and saying you would prefer dead air is NOT being a jerk? How do you respond when you ARE being a jerk?


                          • #43
                            Re: Kwsn...

                            Originally posted by RabbitinTea View Post
                            Mike H. just noticed your post. I think I'm probably in the target market, but I don't enjoy many of the topics. I don't mean to be disrespectful...I just don't understand who is interested in USF athletics or 2nd tier DAC or GPAC sports. I may have been to abrasive in my post, but I am honestly curious who is listening to those topics. I lived in SF for almost 4 years and never met a USF fan so why all the press. Just curious not trying to be a jerk.

                            Have you been to the Stewart Center for an athletic event? I suspect you would find some USF fans if that is important to you in order to try and win an argument with KWSN programming. I just let it be. There are USF fans. In fact one of SDSU most generous boosters is a Alumus of USF. I think he sells Burger Kings in Brookings.


                            • #44
                              Re: Kwsn...

                              Craig and Mike was decent, Craig and Bob was completely awful, and now Craig and John are pretty bad, but a step up from Bob... (psst, John, you're no Colin Cowherd)

                              I usually just turn the radio to FM at 3, it's mostly unlistenable. I would even welcome a little talk about USD, but that doesn't even happen. I've seriously considered getting XM radio just so I could listen to sports without them. Kalen Deboer is obviously a very good coach, but by listening to them you'd think he's the next Belichick. They're so one sided and snarky, that I've just had enough. 1230 is no longer on my radio, I'm going to stick to

                              Sorry for the rambling, I've hated their show for so long, this just sealed the deal.

                              I see their argument about switching so that they can broadcast more local sports, but I think they have plenty on there already. But really, get rid of Mike & Mike, Colin Cowherd, and Van Peezy, for Jim Rome? REALLY. I'm gonna go make myself a sando...

                              (Jim Rome soundboard, see how long you can stand listening to this: )


                              • #45
                                Re: Kwsn...

                                Originally posted by cowbell34 View Post
                                Craig and Mike was decent, Craig and Bob was completely awful, and now Craig and John are pretty bad, but a step up from Bob... (psst, John, you're no Colin Cowherd)

                                I usually just turn the radio to FM at 3, it's mostly unlistenable. I would even welcome a little talk about USD, but that doesn't even happen. I've seriously considered getting XM radio just so I could listen to sports without them. Kalen Deboer is obviously a very good coach, but by listening to them you'd think he's the next Belichick. They're so one sided and snarky, that I've just had enough. 1230 is no longer on my radio, I'm going to stick to

                                Sorry for the rambling, I've hated their show for so long, this just sealed the deal.

                                I see their argument about switching so that they can broadcast more local sports, but I think they have plenty on there already. But really, get rid of Mike & Mike, Colin Cowherd, and Van Peezy, for Jim Rome? REALLY. I'm gonna go make myself a sando...

                                (Jim Rome soundboard, see how long you can stand listening to this: )
                                Jim Rome is terrible. The only thing worse on radio than Jim Rome is Colin Cowherd. I can not stand that guy. He is pure, 100% shtick. And it's not even good shtick.

                                I hated him before I discovered this:

                                and this:

                                I refuse to listen to him.
                                Originally posted by JackFan96
                                Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day

