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Cody Larson to SDSU

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  • Re: Cody Larson to SDSU

    Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
    This, 1,000 percent. It's a journalist's job to ask questions, even uncomfortable ones, especially uncomfortable ones, and the real red herring in this discussion is to assert that the good teammate question is not a central part of this whole debate.
    My speculation is that you'd likely be the one at a party sitting alone if you carried this philosophy over into your private life........j/k


    • Re: Cody Larson to SDSU

      I didn't watch the interview but my wife did and told me about it and I've read the comments in this thread. I think the question was appropriate.

      I think part of the criticism of the question is a reflection of a little animosity toward the questioner.* Journalists don't enter the profession thinking they're going to be popular. Their job includes asking hard questions and presenting the answers -- the reader can reach their own conclusions. Some journalists intentionally take contrary positions and seem to have a negative outlook on just about everything. They think they're being "thought-provoking" and some are: for sports writing in this region, Pat Reusse at the StarTribune takes on that role. Geez, the guy must get up each morning with a splitting headache and he takes it out on everyone. People grumble about him all the time but they continue to read his stuff and interviewees continue to answer his questions. In my opinion, Stu has tried to pull that off too many times and just doesn't get it done. He's done some nice work, too. But, I'm one who doesn't find him thought-provoking or anything else which would make me search for his byline.

      Many years ago I met a journalist who had received a Pulitzer Prize for an expose' in the New York Times. He told me no one from the government called and said "congrats" or "nice job" but he did a heckuva lot of good and our government was probably a degree or two more responsible because of his work. The story initially made a lot of people angry. He also joked and said sarcastically "at least the pay is good."

      *Many of us on the message board forget the Argus and other media in the area are not public-relations organs for SDSU.
      Last edited by JackJD; 06-02-2013, 01:01 PM.


      • Re: Cody Larson to SDSU

        Originally posted by jackdaniel View Post
        My speculation is that you'd likely be the one at a party sitting alone if you carried this philosophy over into your private life........j/k
        Jack daniel does not know he is picking on a columnist for a leading group of newspapers. That said, Stu asked the question and Cody answered it to the best of his ability. Not much else to mention here.


        • Re: Cody Larson to SDSU

          Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
          This, 1,000 percent. It's a journalist's job to ask questions, even uncomfortable ones, especially uncomfortable ones, and the real red herring in this discussion is to assert that the good teammate question is not a central part of this whole debate.
          I disagree. I think the question was a red herring.

          Consider: Stu's question was based on hearsay reports, basically, 'At least one person has told me that at least one person told him that you're a bad teammate. How do you feel about this?'

          That's as they say, a 'clown question'.

          How about this: "You were kicked off the team right before the state tournament. How have your feelings about that changed? How did you feel then, how do you feel about that now?"

          I mean Stu's question was just about, but not quite, the 'fallacy of many questions' or more famously, the 'have you stopped beating your wife?' question (it would be that type of question if it was phrased thus: "You've been called a bad teammate. Have you changed your attitude toward since then?" or more succintly: "Have you changed your attitude about being a bad teammate?").
          Last edited by zooropa; 06-02-2013, 03:45 PM.


          • Re: Cody Larson to SDSU

            Originally posted by jackdaniel View Post
            My speculation is that you'd likely be the one at a party sitting alone if you carried this philosophy over into your private life........j/k
            Been at a lot of parties in my life, think I get along just fine. Not the job of a journalist to be liked, but to ask the questions that people want to know the answers to. The fact that we are discussing and debating the answer to the question tells me it was a pretty good question, whether you like the guy who asked it or not.


            • Re: Cody Larson to SDSU

              The broad scope of the question is fair game, I didn't like how he said it though, making it sound like fmr. teammates said he was a bad teammate and then trying to slide back from it.


              • Re: Cody Larson to SDSU

                Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
                Jack daniel does not know he is picking on a columnist for a leading group of newspapers. That said, Stu asked the question and Cody answered it to the best of his ability. Not much else to mention here.
                Jack's not picking, he's making a point. Made me laugh.


                • Re: Cody Larson to SDSU

                  Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
                  The broad scope of the question is fair game, I didn't like how he said it though, making it sound like fmr. teammates said he was a bad teammate and then trying to slide back from it.
                  Fair point, but sometimes in those circumstances you go with what your strongest premise is to elicit an answer to what everyone wants to know about. Do you think the premise is implausible, or just that the question was rude? Big difference, and maybe there could have been a better way of asking it. I would think people on this board would be tired of the wanton homerism that predominates sports "journalism" these days; it's as bad as I have ever seen it, and I've seen it from the inside for awhile. In some big markets around the country local sports people are nothing more than PR arms of the clubs and schools they cover; I ascribe the mounting scandals in some sports to the fact that there are no watchdogs over them any more. I welcome men and women who are willing to get in and mix it up and get to the questions like the ones that get raised on this board. As long as you do it civilly, you are on good footing, IMHO, and my experience is that the best, most adult sources are the ones that expect you to do your job. I would almost guarantee you this interview did not just take place out of the blue, and that the interviewee was prepped and prepared to answer questions that tough maybe tougher ones. I realize there is a well-traveled bandwagon on this board against this sportswriter, for reasons I don't always understand or maybe don't know the history of, but for what it's worth I think he did a very good job getting to a story that is not easy to talk about. After all, this is a young man still finding his way in life on a public stage we've all helped create. If you disagree, I respect that.


                  • Re: Cody Larson to SDSU

                    Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                    Jack's not picking, he's making a point. Made me laugh.
                    Thanks,i intended for it to be taken as light-hearted humor.


                    • Re: Cody Larson to SDSU

                      Originally posted by jackdaniel View Post
                      Thanks,i intended for it to be taken as light-hearted humor.
                      I took you being stone cold serious. I seem to be forgetting that people have a good sense of humor. My bad.


                      • Re: Cody Larson to SDSU

                        Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
                        I took you being stone cold serious. I seem to be forgetting that people have a good sense of humor. My bad.
                        No offense taken,it happens sometimes.


                        • Re: Cody Larson to SDSU

                          Originally posted by goon View Post
                          Wasn't he kicked off the team in high school.
                          Good point, I don't remember. Was he suspended at the end of the season, or was he actually kicked off the team?

                          Either way it doesn't really matter that much. As I said earlier, I don't have a problem with Stu asking the question.
                          “I used to be with it. But then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it seems scary and wierd. It’ll happen to you.” — Abe Simpson


                          • Re: Cody Larson to SDSU

                            It's funny how a couple years ago Larson was at the brunt of many a joke on this site. Every one of us toasted him as a loser for his actions. Now, we are stumbling all over ourselves on what a great player he will be for the Jacks. Go figure.


                            • Re: Cody Larson to SDSU

                              Originally posted by Just in the crowd View Post
                              It's funny how a couple years ago Larson was at the brunt of many a joke on this site. Every one of us toasted him as a loser for his actions. Now, we are stumbling all over ourselves on what a great player he will be for the Jacks. Go figure.
                              I won't argue with the first sentence: many took hard shots at Cody in the past. But I disagree with our Fargo visitor about the second and third sentences. Many posters on this board did not "toast him as a loser" or otherwise write critically of him. I have no problem with the sentiment expressed by many which is to trust in Coach Nagy and the Jackrabbit team -- in other words, even some critics should be allowed to change their opinion. I hope Cody has great success, first as a student (through all the tough times, it appears he's applied himself in class and is very close to having his degree) and then as an athlete. I hope part of that success includes some lopsided victories against your team, Just in the Crowd, the Bison. (Note the "we" this and "we" that from our friend from the north.)


                              • Re: Cody Larson to SDSU

                                Cody was one of the best in HS class out of SD that "got away". He, at the time also had demonstrated some of the "stupid" mistakes that a teen can make. Based on the interview, it sounds like he has matured, and is ready to finish his college playing days as a Jackrabbit. Whether it is 1, 2, or even 3 years that he adds to his career, IMHO, having such a strong big man as part of the team will only make the Jacks better. I suspect that Marcus and Connor will really benefit from having Cody challenging them in practice or for playing time.

