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2005 Recruits`

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  • #31
    Re: 2005 Recruits`

    Thanks, have a lot of time on my hands right now. I just had foot surgery yesterday.

    I thought it would be good to take a step back and look at where we really are today, and where we're going.

    As has been said before here and elsewhere, this year's team is probably the weakest Jackrabbit men's team to take the floor in 20 years, primarily because of lack of depth and inexperience. Both of those factors should be much improved next year.

    As Nagy has said, this year's schedule was probably too ambitious too early, and he's had to adjust how he coaches (simplifying the game, getting the right balance of man-to-man and zone, etc.). So, as this year is a learning experience for our young players, it's also a learning experience for the coaching staff. We have good players, just not enough of them, and they don't have enough experience. We have good coaches, but they also need to adjust to life in D-I.

    This season is painful, but so's foot surgery. The result will be a stronger team, with both coaches and players more prepared and able to stand up to a full D-I schedule.
    "I think we'll be OK"


    • #32
      Re: 2005 Recruits`

      Good perspective from Filbert, we all need to have that.

      Am I disappointed, absolutely; embarassed, a little, as should the players and coaches be. To have two, mediocre at best, DII teams come into Frost and defeat the Jacks is highly unusual. That said, its likely we would have lost these games had we stayed DII.

      Losing has not occured because of the move to DI, it just so happens that this team is not that good. My hope, this is the nadir and the recovery will begin as soon as this season ends, maybe sooner.

      Heads up fellas, eyes towards the future and keep cheering them on.
      We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

      We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


      • #33
        Re: 2005 Recruits`

        Bob Bilitz is putting up some good numbers in his senior year. He is one of the top scorers in the Metro at 19.5 points and is averaging 11.1 rebounds and 6 blocks through 7 games.


        • #34
          Re: 2005 Recruits`

          Mark Engen of Red Rock Central (Lamberton,MN) is averaging 17 points,12.5 rebounds and 6 blocks through 6 games which they are 5-1. 48.2 % field goal percentage.


          • #35
            Re: 2005 Recruits`

            Both Mark and Bob are listed at 6-9'' or 6-10'' depending on the source. Finally some much need size coming to Brookings.


            • #36
              Re: 2005 Recruits`

              Bilitz scored 23 last night and Muckenhirn 13.


              • #37
                Re: 2005 Recruits`

                Jack recruit Bob Bilitz is second in rebounding in the Twin City Metro Area.


                • #38
                  Re: 2005 Recruits`

                  Sioux City East's Senior 6'4 Shooting guard Dan Bohall is averaging 21.5 points and put up 22 against Thomas Bassett's team earlier in the year. Bohall has listed SDSU as one of the schools along with a host of others recruiting him.


                  • #39
                    Re: 2005 Recruits`

                    Great Info, do you know any of the other schools that are looking at either of the sioux city kids, Bohall or Gentry.  Just curious as to what type of company we are keeping and what our chances are at landing either.
                    "I'd like to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee." - Joe D.


                    • #40
                      Re: 2005 Recruits`

                      Bohall in a interview on Jan 21, indicated Creighton,Drake,SDSU,NDSU,Iowa and UAB were recruiting him. He mentioned Creighton and UAB as his favorites. I also noticed recently Iowa State,UNI and Oral Roberts have expressed interest.

                      Gentry is just a junior and his stock is rising by the game. He lists Iowa,UNI,Creighton,SDSU and some interest from Marquette. Remember most of these Iowa kids grow up a Hawkeye fan and all would die to play for them. Fortunately the Hawkeyes and Cyclones can't take every great player in the state and have to look at National recruits in order to compete in the Big 10and 12. I don't know the level of interest from some of the bigger schools in these two and it dosesn't appear they have been offered by anyone. Interest could be a phone call or letter etc. UNI is always a threat and McDermott is recruiting a lot of good players from Iowa and Minnesota and they are moving out of the dome down the road into the new McCloud Center. Clearly these two teammates are on may schools radar as Bohall is second in the state in scoring and Gentry is fourth. Bohall is a 6'4 and more athletic version of Austin Hanson. Very smooth and can shoot the lights out. Roman Gentry reminds me some of the all time scorer at USD and also Sioux City native Tim Hatchett. Very athletic and can get to the rack. If by some miracle Troy Larson can work his recruiting magic in Sioux City and get Bohall this year and Gentry next the future looks very bright indeed.


                      • #41
                        Re: 2005 Recruits`

                        How do you guys think our lack of conference affiliation and inability to play in the NCAA for another couple years (is it 2008-09 that we are eligible) weighs into these recruiting battles. I suppose a kid that we recruit for next year if they redshirt, would be eligible during thier junior year, correct (assuming conference affiliation by that point)? That is atleast some light at the end of the tunnel.
                        It is great that these kids are showing some interest (if they are) but i find it hard to see us pulling them away from even UNI, Creighton, Drake, etc. when they so much more going for them as a program.
                        Your thoughts?
                        "I'd like to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee." - Joe D.


                        • #42
                          Re: 2005 Recruits`

                          Unfortunately I agree with 1979. I see that as a big problem. Getting to the Big Dance has to be every college basketball player's dream. I think in 6 years we may have just as good of a shot as Creighton to make the tourney, but for now it's not even an option.
                          "You just stood their screaming. Fearing no one was listening to you. Hearing only what you wanna hear. Knowing only what you heard." Metallica


                          • #43
                            Re: 2005 Recruits`

                            I agree I think no conference along with not being eligible for post season hurts SDSU. What recruit wouldn't want to play in the post season. But I think in a couple years State wont have a problem.


                            • #44
                              Re: 2005 Recruits`

                              A nice article in today's RC Journal about Herman from Belle Fourche. Looks like he is a big, versatile, and unselfish player. Interestingly enough, both his parents were athletes at State. Wonder if he is on the radar?



                              • #45
                                Re: 2005 Recruits`

                                Sounds like he is on the radar of SD Tech and Jamestown College. It's nice to get a legacy as long as they have the talent to compete at the DI level, but it should not be automatic . It doesn't appear in this case the talent level is there.

