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  • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

    ONE MORE THING- talk about TOB staring down recievers- seriously? He's only thrown 1 INT in 4 games 3 in all and 2 were really when he was trying to make something happen and you concerned about him staring recievers down. COME ON


    • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

      Well this degenerated badly. We sound a little like our friends to the north, pointing fingers and fighting among ourselves.

      SIU is a better team than we are right now. They're going to be ranked #2 in the country this week. They have no major weaknesses AND they played a nearly error-free game yesterday. Let's face it, they've been in games like this before. We have not. They put a lot of pressure on us, and we made some mistakes. That's over.

      We could spend days griping and blaming here. Or we could look ahead to this week like Stig and the coaches preach. This season is not over. We have two regular season games and if we take care of business, the playoffs to look forward to. The coaches will coach. The players will play. And life goes on. Our team is 7-2. We lost to a tremendous team yesterday. It's not the end of the world.
      Holy nutmeg!


      • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

        Lets hope Dale Lennon gets an FBS offer and takes it. We seem to have a hell of time competiing against his coaching. Their defense yesterday make our defense look rather inefficent. Obviously SIU studied their game films on SDSU. They knew where we were vulnerable on defense and ran plays that worked. All you had to had to do was to look at the score board for game points and total offense. Its kind interesting to see how the play calling for SIU was done. No huddle, but looked to the sideline for hand signals from one of the assistants. It seemed like someone had shot a firecracker off as the entire offense line and back field would look all at once for the signals. That takes discipline and knowlege of hand signals. I kept hoping the coach would blow the signals but if he did we will never know it.

        As far as our QB, its about even.

        Our defense really got their arses handed to them yesterday. There ought to be ways to stop those QB keeper plays. Those occasional plays seem to sustain offensive drives that should have been stopped after 4 to 6 plays but instead they were stretched out to 12 plays to a TD.

        About the only decent defensive play I say yesterday was Kjerstad stopping an Kiram TD at at the 20 yard line on one of his many breakaways. Also on special teams, Bo Helm collasped that punt returner on the 40 yard line. The rest of game defensively was kind of ugly. There were way too many broken tackles.

        I really dont care who the QB is but rather hope our defense is able to regroup.

        If we can stay close to Minnesota, and avoide injuries, then the big pay check will be worthwhile.
        Last edited by Nidaros; 11-08-2009, 10:07 AM.


        • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

          Originally posted by Nidaros
          Also on special teams, Bo Helm collasped that punt returner on the 40 yard line.
          Helm looks like a heck of a young player. And Tyrel Kool played quite a bit yesterday. Caught a pass on third down. Ran back kicks. And made some tackles on special teams. Even in a bad loss, there are some good things. It's fun to watch the young players develop into gamers.
          Holy nutmeg!


          • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

            Originally posted by JimmyJack View Post
            Helm looks like a heck of a young player. And Tyrel Kool played quite a bit yesterday. Caught a pass on third down. Ran back kicks. And made some tackles on special teams. Even in a bad loss, there are some good things. It's fun to watch the young players develop into gamers.
            I am having a hard time being positive about yesterday, but I hope the coaching staff has plenty of time to study the SIU game film this winter. I think there are a bunch of things we could learn from where we seem to be weak. Its easy to study the GSU game and pat our selves on the back, but we just are not there yet. We are still a good team, but we sure can get much better.

            There is no doubt new talent is going to emerge and I dont have a problem with any of the recruiting. Actually its come a long ways in the last five years. I would like to see us come up with a running and keeper qb that can throw 80 yards, but I guess everyone would like that same guy.


            • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

              Zoo: by my count you made 43 posts in this thread following the game. Guess what, you don't have all the answers and you don't need to try to prove everyone else wrong.

              TOB > Craw. It's science.


              • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                Originally posted by JimmyJack View Post
                Helm looks like a heck of a young player. And Tyrel Kool played quite a bit yesterday. Caught a pass on third down. Ran back kicks. And made some tackles on special teams. Even in a bad loss, there are some good things. It's fun to watch the young players develop into gamers.
                Kool was playing DB at the end of the game as well.


                • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                  It's Sunday, game over, time to look forward in this new week. We looked horrible yesterday, will they learn from it. The coaches have to make the decision as to who to start at quarterback this week, who gives us the best chance to win. Sentimental favorites has to end. When we get to third and short, how many of you cringe? Since Cal Poly this offensive line has not been able to get crap for short yardage. It's a combination of not being able to move the defensive line back on their heels, wrong play calling, wrong personnel in at the time. Most of all offensive line play just looks like when the ball is snapped they stand up and don't do a thing. No movement,except backward, no blocking, nothing. they have had four or five games to correct this and nothing has happened. they still can't move it. Gut check time for the team. If a starter cant do it, let someone else in.


                  • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                    Before Crawford's injury, SDSU had a lot bigger play book for him. Anyone saying he wasn't throwing the ball deep in the first games and accurate should pull their head out of their behind. But they really changed the passing plays after he came back from the injury. I'm not 100% sure he is completely healthy. And everyone who is posting that Crawford is the reason we lost, needs to snap back to reality. He might have had a rough game, but there were a lot more players than just him who had rough games. Teams win and teams lose. That was just a rough game. SDSU played a good team and didn't play a flawless game. The defense was holding SIU's running back in check, then some poor tackling showed up and he was gone for 60-70 yards. You rush 4 and drop the other 7 back 20 yards...of course the QB is gonna be able to scramble for 15 yards and a first down. No one was spying on him. Look at the dropped interception in the first quarter by Wise. That would have stopped one of their scoring drives. Really poor field goal attempt at the end of the first half. Did the kick even get 5 feet off the ground? Record wise, SDSU is the second best team in the MVC and the seniors should be proud of that result in only the second year in the conference. But if SDSU played a more sound game yesterday, the score would have reflected it and it would have been a lot closer game. SIU didn't make mistakes and played a good game.
                    Last edited by bub94; 11-08-2009, 10:25 AM.
                    Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


                    • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                      Originally posted by zooropa View Post
                      And I saw TOB stare down receivers in the soggiest defense that SIU could manage to play without pulling players off the field or tying their own shoelaces together.

                      Frankly, the QBs really aren't that different at this point. Hence the "Butter Battle" post in the other thread.

                      BTW: I hope you weren't one of the classless multitude that cheered Crawford's benching. That was disgusting.
                      Your BTW post is the best point I've seen about the game yesterday. I was excited to O'Brien come in the game. But cheering when a player who has given 5 years to SDSU goes to the bench. We're better then that.


                      • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                        I would agree with a previous post that we are sounding a little bit like the bisonville board. Not exactly, but to a degree. That being said we all have a right to express ourselves.

                        I was really down about the game yesterday. Two glaring reasons for our loss come to mind: 1. We made mistakes yesterday that really haven't been a part of our games all year. I mean at every position, including special teams. It seems that all the mistakes we didn't make in previous games were saved up and made in yesterday's game. 2. We flat out got beat by a much better team yesterday. If we played them 10 times we might beat them twice.

                        We are better than we showed yesterday. We all know that. We'll move on and be fine. One win vs. W.Illinois and we'll all be happy again.


                        • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                          Originally posted by JackFlash View Post
                          Zoo, look in the mirror and drop the self righteousness.
                          Yeah. I'm self-righteous because I don't like it when people act as though their opinions were incontrovertible facts.

                          I'm self-righteous because there's no meaningful difference between Crawford & TOB. By any measure you can find they're basically the same.

                          You say that TOB's deep threat 'opens up' the offense. Guess you'll have to explain to me why the offense performed about the same regardless of who was in at QB. Running game included. That alleged 'advantage' that TOB brought can't be discovered in game stats.

                          And regarding my remarks about 'learning how to think', I 'learned how to think' at SDSU--and I got hit on the nose pretty hard for passing off opinions as facts there. Probably the most important part of my education at state. Nobody's born knowing how to do it, and if you can't separate facts from your own opinions, well, heck, maybe that makes you an outstanding fan, but it's terrible preparation for the whole rest of your life.


                          • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                            I don't know who should start at QB...that's what the coaches get paid for. When trying to decide who I'd start, I came up with this question. If behind by more than 1 TD, who do I think gives us the best chance to come back? TOB

                            That being said, if we're playing with the lead, Crawford may be the safer bet being the 5th yr SR. Regardless, this team still has a tremendous opportunity in front of them!
                            "Tell the truth and pay your bills and you don't have to back down from anyone"--My Dad


                            • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                              Originally posted by jacks1 View Post
                              I don't know who should start at QB...that's what the coaches get paid for. When trying to decide who I'd start, I came up with this question. If behind by more than 1 TD, who do I think gives us the best chance to come back? TOB

                              That being said, if we're playing with the lead, Crawford may be the safer bet being the 5th yr SR. Regardless, this team still has a tremendous opportunity in front of them!
                              Dang. I wish I would've said that. Of course, it's not wise to assume a big deficit when choosing your starter......


                              • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                                Originally posted by zooropa View Post
                                Dang. I wish I would've said that. Of course, it's not wise to assume a big deficit when choosing your starter......
                                No doubt. The coaches have a tough decision these next few weeks (assuming Crawford is healthy). I feel comfortable with both QB's. Everyone needs to relax and realize that a vast majority of FCS teams wish they had our QB concerns
                                "Tell the truth and pay your bills and you don't have to back down from anyone"--My Dad

