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  • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

    Originally posted by zooropa View Post
    Yes. It's all on Crawford. He's the reason why the center gacked those snaps. He's the reason why the defense looked jittery and nervous. He committed that clipping penalty on the TD run, and so on and so forth.

    If you can't see that the WHOLE TEAM played terrible, get your eyes checked or just give your ticket money to SDSU and leave the seat for someone who can figure out what's going on.
    NO ONE HAS SAID THE LOSS IS ON CRAWFORD...... what people are saying is he didn't give the team a chance to win, it seems like when he is in there the offense plays not to lose the game..... When you are playing not to lose a game and don't execute it..... you are expecting a lot from your defense....

    What I am saying is this.... with Crawford in there we have no deep threat, with no deep threat, teams stack the box, making the running game harder, with the running game being stuffed because of the 8-9 guys in the box you are put in 3rd and long situations in which Crawford is not a QB for 3rd and long situations..... with that you get a lot of 4th downs, which means you punt... putting your defense back on the field....

    SIU blitzed and stacked the box the whole first half..... and of the 6 sacks atleast 3 of them he held onto way to long.... when a team is stacking the box and blitzing there should be an open guy.... the line gave him enough time on most of the blitzed to find the open guy and he just didn't do it....


    • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

      Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
      NO ONE HAS SAID THE LOSS IS ON CRAWFORD...... what people are saying is he didn't give the team a chance to win
      You have GOT to be kidding me.

      You have done nothing BUT say that the loss is on Crawford. You just said it again.

      'He didn't lose the game for us, he just kept us from being able to win it.'

      You might as well drag out the old 'we beat ourselves' line of crapola.


      • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

        I'm going to try to make some peace before I go to bed....

        This loss CANNOT be blamed on Ryan Crawford..... he didn't throw 8 int's he didn't play defense, he didn't play special teams

        What can be said though is Ryan Crawford didn't help the team any.... he couldn't pick up blitzes, couldn't make throws, couldn't find the open receiver.....

        Now I'm not going to say that TOB is deffinately a better QB, a better guy, a better everything.... what I will say is that the Ryan Crawford of the last 2 weeks did not play as well as TOB has played.....


        • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

          Originally posted by zooropa View Post
          You have GOT to be kidding me.

          You have done nothing BUT say that the loss is on Crawford. You just said it again.

          'He didn't lose the game for us, he just kept us from being able to win it.'

          You might as well drag out the old 'we beat ourselves' line of crapola.
          teams lose games..... i'm not blaming the loss on Crawford, the whole team played bad, the O, the D and the special teams.... I should of said instead of Crawford not giving the team a chance at winning, he doesn't give the team the best chance at winning.... the argument for him was that since he is a senior he will be able to pick up blitzes better and beable to read defenses better.... he didn't pick up blitzes, read defenses or find open recievers today... he had his 1 option and looked at him and either threw it or got sacked.... I watched the entire game.... I saw it... he didn't play good.... NOT SAYING THEY LOST BECAUSE OF HIM..... 1 guy doesn't lose a game, unless the QB has like 8 int's which Crawford didn't....

          I'm going to bed though....


          • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

            Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
            What can be said though is Ryan Crawford didn't help the team any....
            Something which can be said of any number of other players on the team. As prairiehaas said earlier. Most popular guy on the team is the backup quarterback.

            Except I'll promise you, I'm not going to come around next week and talk about how Ryan Crawford would've played better than TOB, if TOB starts.

            Ain't my business to hide misty nostalgia for a high scoring 7-5 team behind a facade of concern over today's choice of quarterbacks.


            • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

              Originally posted by zooropa View Post
              opinion stated as fact.
              First off, I'm completely sober. I drove some friends tonight, so I didn't drink.

              So here are some facts then.

              TOB has a higher passer efficiency.

              TOB has a higher completion percentage.

              TOB has a better TD/INT ratio.

              If you think Crawford is better, what do you base your opinion on?
              Originally posted by JackFan96
              Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


              • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
                he had his 1 option and looked at him and either threw it or got sacked.... I watched the entire game.... I saw it..
                And I saw TOB stare down receivers in the soggiest defense that SIU could manage to play without pulling players off the field or tying their own shoelaces together.

                Frankly, the QBs really aren't that different at this point. Hence the "Butter Battle" post in the other thread.

                BTW: I hope you weren't one of the classless multitude that cheered Crawford's benching. That was disgusting.


                • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                  Originally posted by RabbitObserver View Post
                  First off, I'm completely sober. I drove some friends tonight, so I didn't drink.

                  So here are some facts then.

                  TOB has a higher passer efficiency.

                  TOB has a higher completion percentage.

                  TOB has a better TD/INT ratio.

                  If you think Crawford is better, what do you base your opinion on?

                  You are technically correct and statistically irrelevant (please see earlier remark about graduating from college without knowing how to think).

                  Factoring in today's results:

                  O'Brien's passer rating is 1.5% higher than Crawford's.
                  O'Brien's completion percentage is 1.7% higher than Crawford's
                  O'Brien has one more TD pass than Crawford and an identical number of INTs
                  Crawford's averaging 11.5 yards per completion.
                  O'Brien is averaging 10.88 yards per completion.

                  The two quarterbacks are basically interchangeable...


                  • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                    To appreciate what TOB has done statistically, and to understand that he IS a better QB than Crawford, just look at his stats, game by game.

                    1st game against Cal Poly on the road.

                    13-22, 98 yards, 0 TD, 2 INT.

                    2nd game against Missouri State

                    14-21, 212 yards, 2 TD, 0 INT

                    3rd game against NDSU

                    13-21, 112 yards, 0 TD 0 INT

                    4th game against UNI

                    26-37, 285 yards, 2 TD, 0 INT

                    TOB is a red shirt freshman. He had an awful 1st game, he improved the second game, played decent the 3rd game and then the 4th game against the best team yet, he performs his best. You could just watch him gain confidence and improve with every game. By that UNI game he looked great. If you don't think that he would keep improving, you're crazy. I don't think we win this game today with TOB at quarterback, but it would have helped. He owns the best statistical passing day for an SDSU quarterback this year and he did it against UNI. The kid has earned the starting spot with his play, IMO.
                    Originally posted by JackFan96
                    Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


                    • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                      Who said it's a good problem to have so many good QB's to choose from.All i see it doing is causing a house divided,is it going to be TOB vs Whittier next year, you know ther'll be some who think we have the wrong QB in next year too.Some people are never satisfied with whoever you put in that spot.Although the QB position is probably the most important position for the offense,it's by no means the only spoke in the wheel,it's only one integral part of the offense,all parts have to function together to make the offense work....didn't happen today.Admit the team played lousy,evaluate why, correct the deficiency's,become a better team next week & quit trying to place the blame on anybody.The whole team failed today,not just one person.


                      • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                        Originally posted by RabbitObserver View Post
                        To appreciate what TOB has done statistically, and to understand that he IS a better QB than Crawford, just look at his stats, game by game.
                        Geez. You are forever altering the terms of your proposition.

                        Mere moments ago, you were insisting that O'Brien was better than Crawford because he was statistically better.

                        Now, suddenly, the statistics aren't as relevant as the 'improvement' from the first game? That O'Brien's 'improvement' makes him 'better', even though he's statistically the -same- quarterback as Crawford? (BTW: you do know that Youngstown State's defense is better than UNI's, right?)

                        And then, to top it off, you say, essentially, "it doesn't really matter"?

                        What next?


                        • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                          Zoo, look in the mirror and drop the self righteousness. So you don't agree with RO, several throughout this thread do. You are not watching the same team I am, or just not being honest with yourself when you say the two QBs are interchangeable. I posted way back in #103 the difference I feel a bigger arm provides the offense. SIUs defense exposed Ryan's weak arm. Especially when we got behind and could not run the ball. I think your argument is that the defense softened up. My counter argument is that maybe they were forced to because they couldn't sit on the out like they had been and felt like there was a greater threat downfield. Ryan cannot make that throw like TOB did against UNI to Fox for the TD. Very few can. I am sure that DB thought he had Fox covered being so far downfield and the wind in the QBs face. You know that throw made the SIU coaches and defense take notice. And no, I would not have cheered for the QB switch had I been at the game. I also found that disgusting. TOB's arm is a difference maker and does stretch the field even without a streaking deep threat. If Ryan's arm was as strong as Ryan's heart, he would throw the ball so hard no one could catch it. Ryan is a role model and a champion in life's most important aspects. That doesn't mean you turn a blind eye to his limitations on the football field. And yes TOB has limitations as well, they just aren't as pronounced IMO. I will throw out this truth in posting disclaimer - I have been out of college for a while (20 years) and have been accused of not thinking previously.

                          Those that argue that being 2nd in the MVFC is pretty darn good and blah blah blah would probably get punched in the face by these seniors if you talked that in the locker room. I don't like the "at least we are good enough to be second best line" of reasoning. Even when used to make a feeble point.

                          I don't think anyone can argue after today's game that SIU is a better team than we are, coaching (gameplanning) being the top culprit on my list as to why. Doesn't mean that we would never have a chance to beat them given we square off again. Today did play out in what seemed to be a perfect storm of critical mistakes at crucial moments. The team shares the blame for that. I do expect this loss to hone our focus even more and serve as an impetus to take it to another level. Maybe I have a false sense of confidence, but I still feel we have the potential to make some noise as we reach the end of the season.


                          • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                            Originally posted by zooropa View Post
                            And I saw TOB stare down receivers in the soggiest defense that SIU could manage to play without pulling players off the field or tying their own shoelaces together.

                            Frankly, the QBs really aren't that different at this point. Hence the "Butter Battle" post in the other thread.
                            BTW: I hope you weren't one of the classless multitude that cheered Crawford's benching. That was disgusting.
                            He deserved to be benched. I have been in favor of Crawford the whole time but he stared down receivers all day and was never in rhythm with them. TOB was a shot in the arm and the team responded through him. The quarterbacks are completely different, TOB gives us a downfield presence, Crawford doesn't


                            • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                              Originally posted by zooropa View Post
                              And then Priddy couldn't even get into the end zone to take a safety instead of setting up SIU for a cupcake TD.

                              That was just, I mean, when you've got something that blows up in your face, and then blows up in your face again, and then the guy trying to minimize the damage can't even do that.............. Yeaaaaiiikes.

                              This is the play that got to me the most,give ,em the safety,2pts, don't give them the ball for six yards & goal for 6pts.(provided of course he could've made it to the end zone)


                              • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                                WOW YOU GUYS. REALLY? Crawford got exposed. Yes TOB did stare down a couple of recievers but he's only a freshman. It is in our best interest to start him because of his natural tools. THE SECOND STRING WAS NOT in there. They may have thrown a couple of new guys in but that's it. TOB has a ton to work on but we've got to play him. He will continue to get better and better with probably a few bumps in the road- who cares as long as he is maturing. His pocket presence is just different- period. Is is great? Of course not, but right now it sure is better. He's shown good pocket presence the last 4 games.

