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  • #91
    Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

    Originally posted by bigticket1 View Post
    Crawford is not as mobile ,which I believe is partly due to his knee not being 100 % yet. Last week it was really obvious when he tried to run - not as noticable today,but I still think he is not back to full strenghth yet.
    it also seemed like he had no arm strength.... maybe its just TOB has that much more but it seemed like before he got hurt he had decent arm strength.... when they went long to Steffen he just threw it up there, and that was with the wind... it wasn't a bad pass but it just hung up there...


    • #92
      Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

      Originally posted by zooropa View Post
      Maybe. Put him up against a defense that will take away those scrambling opportunities and he looks decidedly like a second stringer.
      Sure. What are you going to give up to take McIntosh's running away? It's still 11 on 11. The guy made some plays with his feet. And he threw some decent balls, too. Good players make plays, and he's tough to defend.
      Holy nutmeg!


      • #93
        Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

        Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
        the offense was very staget when he was in there
        They run the same offense, regardless of who's playing QB.

        I haven't the foggiest idea why 'ball control' strategy is so hard for some people to understand.


        • #94
          Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

          What I did not like was the defense setting up, SIU coming to the line, seeing the defensive set, looking at their coaches and calling the play. The d taking a chance should not get set until the last second possible not giving the o a chance to see what they are up against. Or else change the d coverage after the call comes in for the o. It looked like the Jacks just sat in the same defensive formation even after the offense got the new call. Iowa State did the same thing last year and killed us.


          • #95
            Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

            Originally posted by JimmyJack View Post
            Sure. What are you going to give up to take McIntosh's running away? It's still 11 on 11. The guy made some plays with his feet. And he threw some decent balls, too. Good players make plays, and he's tough to defend.
            He was also their second stringer. Not as good at a QB's first responsibility.

            There are options: the most popular is to have a LB or safety 'spy' the QB: stay in the defensive backfield just short of the line, not engaging a lineman/blocking back after the snap.

            It requires trusting your defensive backs to hold the receivers long enough for the D-line and the other linebackers to collapse the pocket (given enough time, the pocket -always- collapses). Once that happens your 'spy' is in front of the QB, not behind him, which gives him an advantage in stopping him.

            You will either sacrifice some pressure on the line (most often) or in the backfield but, as I said, if you can trust the rest of your unit to perform, you've got a man in front of the QB waiting for him, instead of behind him, trying to run him down.


            • #96
              Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

              Originally posted by zooropa View Post
              They run the same offense, regardless of who's playing QB.

              I haven't the foggiest idea why 'ball control' strategy is so hard for some people to understand.
              the offense doesn't have to look like its hung over though while running a "ball control" stratagy.....

              Its seems like there is only 1 read when Crawford is in there....

              you can say what you want about which QB is better but from watching the game it just seems like the offense is more dimensional and a step faster when O'Brien is in there....


              • #97
                Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                Originally posted by zooropa View Post
                They run the same offense, regardless of who's playing QB.

                I haven't the foggiest idea why 'ball control' strategy is so hard for some people to understand.
                Ball control, ultimately requires moving the ball and getting into scoring situations. We had one touchdown oppurtunity in the first half. Plus when down by 24 points before the half, ball control is not an option, a sound defensive effort is also necessary with a ball control offense. Don't get me wrong I love ball control mentality, run it all four downs. It has to be productive and the defense needs to be stout.


                • #98
                  Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                  The biggest problems I saw with the defense was the D-Ends.... they didn't contain at all.... I could here my old coach screaming "stay home"....

                  I'm not saying that others weren't to blame either


                  • #99
                    Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                    Originally posted by zooropa View Post
                    He was also their second stringer.
                    I know what you're saying. We needed to make McIntosh a passer instead of a runner. And your technical explanation sounds pretty good to me. But he threw it fairly well today. And several of his long runs were stretch plays and not scrambles. He's just pretty darned fast.
                    Holy nutmeg!


                    • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                      Originally posted by SD-STATE View Post
                      Ball control, ultimately requires moving the ball and getting into scoring situations. We had one touchdown oppurtunity in the first half. Plus when down by 24 points before the half, ball control is not an option, a sound defensive effort is also necessary with a ball control offense. Don't get me wrong I love ball control mentality, run it all four downs. It has to be productive and the defense needs to be stout.
                      True, but my point is failure to move the ball is not strictly on Crawford. Swap Crawford for TOB, and you'd still have shaky play from the O-line and receivers dropping passes.

                      And, of course, the defense.

                      Love ball control, though. "Score first and then sit on 'em."


                      • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                        I was at the game today. Nothing personal against Crawford I'm sure he's a great kid but his performance was not a good one. Some credit needs to be given to SIU's D Line and SDSU's somewhat poor play on the O Line but this was just a poorly played game by #12. He stood in the pocket forever staring one receiver down on every play. If that receiver was covered he continued to stare him down until the pocket broke down and he was sacked. 5 or 6 yard outs that worked against other teams didn't work against a quicker, more athletic defense like SIU. They just cut to the inside of all the outs and blew them up. If you're going to run all those outs you have to at least throw the ball down field now and then to keep their defense honest. Pump to the inside and run the fade down field from time to time. I don't think Crawford has the arm to do that though. There is no way the Jacks have a snowballs chance in hell of winning at Minnesota with Crawford or winning a first round playoff game with him. If we can't bring Ryan Berry back we need to play TOB from here on out IMHO.


                        • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                          Originally posted by JimmyJack View Post
                          he threw it fairly well today
                          He was okay.

                          But he wasn't going to beat the Jacks with his arm. Ended up 11-18 for 108 yards; less than 10 yards (including yards after catch) per completion.

                          That has to be tough for Stig. He knew exactly what the defense had to do, and not only didn't they do it, they didn't do it on a truly colossal scale.


                          • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                            Prairie - a bigger arm is what it takes sometimes. 3 seconds vs 5 seconds to get to a receiver on a long out is sometimes the difference between a completion and a pick. DBs playing tighter due to a stronger arm leads to openings down field.

                            Now, I am not saying that the loss hinged solely on QB play. However, I do think that TOB is better suited to play against a defense like SIU's. What I didn't see, (maybe it happened, maybe not) - were audibles to take advantage of what SIU showed prior to the snap. That is where I expected Ryan to shine. Again, I think this mainly came down to the game plan and execution. Much of that falls on the coaches and their ability to get the team ready to play.

                            Big disappointment was the defense. Looked like we missed assignments all day. If the DEs are not responsible for contain - whoever is sure messed up several long runs by the QB and RB. DEs redundantly crashed down hard and handed the offense 10 yards at a minimum. I wonder if they were looking for that? This is not the defense any of us were expecting to see today. Not prepared, jittery, over amped...who knows? I think they would be the first to admit that they didn't play up to their own expectations. I am confident that this is a loss we learn from and use as motivation and a benchmark to get better.

                            Biggest disappointment was I thought we were out coached. SIU had a game plan that worked from the get go and damn near had us on our heels from the first snap (I know we had drives on occassion when the game was already out of hand). I sense that some may disagree with me, but having the players ready, relaxed and confident regardless of hiccups in the game falls on the coaches. From my vantage point, we rarely seemed sure of ourselves - way too on edge and worried about what SIU was throwing at us (Missing snaps, predictable playcalling). To me, that points to not being prepared. Stig's postgame comments contradicted what I am putting forth here. Ultimately, the proof lies in what is shown on the field.

                            I want the program to learn from this game. I am still proud of these players and coaches and the example they set both on the field and off. Never have I had the feeling that the team has ever come close to throwing in the towel. That, to me, is the ultimate testament to being a winner. Everyone at times, regardless of the endeavor, has not performed to their potential. Winners find a way to rise to the top more often than not. These young men are winners whom I expect to continue the 1-0 march to the playoffs from here out. I also believe that this game will serve them well in knowing what it takes to make a push beyond just getting there.


                            • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                              Originally posted by AugieJackFan View Post
                              If that receiver was covered he continued to stare him down until the pocket broke down and he was sacked.
                              Deep threat relies on better pass protection than the Jacks were giving Crawford.

                              Opposite side of the same coin--and all three QBs were pretty bad about staring down their primary targets, but Crawford was best of the three.


                              • Re: GDT: SDSU v SIU

                                When Dale Lennon got the job at SIU, I knew Stig was in trouble and how we got as close to SIU last year is beyond me. Lennon and his staff have good defensive schemes and its a matter of finding the people to execute. They have found them and we saw them in action today. I just not really suprised by the outcome of this game. I had this errrie feeling it would end this way. Our defense still has a ways to go and our offense just could not get anything going. CAS It was like a chicken koop, eggs are laying everywhere. We need another bucket to pick them all up and make a big omlett and move on. Time to hunt some gophers.

