Im going to go all NDSU here. No not blame the refs, but the uniforms. More exact the blue pants. I love the yellow pants at home, it looks so sharp. I can understand wearing them for hobo day and rivalry games, but this is the biggest game we have had ever at home in recent history and we wore the avg looking uni's. I know its lame and I laugh at my self for thinking selfishly but I just think they look sharper and played sharper when they were wearing the yellow pants. Oddly enough I like the blue pants on the road. and not the yellow.
there is my superstiousness comment for the day.
Im going to go all NDSU here. No not blame the refs, but the uniforms. More exact the blue pants. I love the yellow pants at home, it looks so sharp. I can understand wearing them for hobo day and rivalry games, but this is the biggest game we have had ever at home in recent history and we wore the avg looking uni's. I know its lame and I laugh at my self for thinking selfishly but I just think they look sharper and played sharper when they were wearing the yellow pants. Oddly enough I like the blue pants on the road. and not the yellow.
there is my superstiousness comment for the day.