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SDSU/NDSU to Gateway???

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  • Re: SDSU/NDSU to Gateway???

    Uh, the only person who says that NDSU should aim for the Big 10 is the guy who has this two-point plan:

    1. Combine UND and NDSU into one university / one athletic department
    2. Join Big 10

    Um, yeah, like either of those two things would happen.


    • Re: SDSU/NDSU to Gateway???

      Originally posted by tony
      Uh, the only person who says that NDSU should aim for the Big 10 is the guy who has this two-point plan:

      1. Combine UND and NDSU into one university / one athletic department
      2. Join Big 10

      Um, yeah, like either of those two things would happen.
      Sounds a bit like South Park's Underpants Gnomes:
      1. Steal underpants.
      2. ???
      3. Profit!

      Time to go to work! Work all night!
      Search for underpants hey!
      We won't stop until we have underpants!
      Yum tum yummy tum hey!

      Oddly enough, that's also the business plan USD is using in their move to D-I:
      1. Go D-I.
      2. ???
      3. Profit!

      /I'm a BAD Global Moderator . . . ;D
      "I think we'll be OK"


      • Re: SDSU/NDSU to Gateway???

        Originally posted by footballfan
        If NDSU was invited to the Big Sky without us..........They would jump on that in a heartbeat, no question in my mind. That being said...I truly hope we go to the Gateway together.
        Go Jacks  !!!!!!!!
        I hope youre wrong about the BSC. I really dont want NDSU in that conference. The Mid Con/Gateway is a lot better, the Mid con/GWFC is better.


        • Re: SDSU/NDSU to Gateway???

          I picked this thread on the Illinois State University message board, it really cracked me up.



          • Re: SDSU/NDSU to Gateway???

            This appears to be very big news for SDSU.


            SDSU to attend Gateway meeting
            Steffen verbally commits

            By Terry Vandrovec
            PUBLISHED: January 4, 2007

            South Dakota State and North Dakota State have not been invited to join the Gateway Football Conference, but they have been asked to attend league meetings on Feb. 19 in St. Louis, commissioner Patty Viverito said Wednesday.

            SDSU athletic director Fred Oien confirmed the invitation and said that he and university president David Chicoine plan to accept.

            Typically, the Gateway meetings are attended by athletic directors, football coaches and faculty representatives, according to Viverito, and in this case, six of the league's seven school presidents will attend, as well.

            They won't be required to vote on expansion, but they won't be precluded from doing so, either. . . . (read more)

            Go State!


            • Re: SDSU/NDSU to Gateway???

              Very good news. It kind of puts Mick Garry wish list on hold as yesterday one of his big wishes was a resumption of the SDSU-USD rivalry. I am cautiosly optimistic.


              • Re: SDSU/NDSU to Gateway???

                I hope Dr. Oien returns from St. Louis with more good news about our progress in the DI ranks. As for Mick's wishes, they are what they are.
                We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                • Re: SDSU/NDSU to Gateway???

                  Originally posted by JBB123
                  [quote author=footballfan link=1161728686/90#93 date=1165953693]If NDSU was invited to the Big Sky without us..........They would jump on that in a heartbeat, no question in my mind. That being said...I truly hope we go to the Gateway together.
                  Go Jacks  !!!!!!!!
                  I hope youre wrong about the BSC.  I really dont want NDSU in that conference.  The Mid Con/Gateway is a lot better, the Mid con/GWFC is better.

                  Not at all true. NDSU isn't going anywhere w/o our friends/rivals (You guys) in this journey. This comes directly from our administration, I'm sure your admin feels the same way. Package deal or no deal.


                  • Re: SDSU/NDSU to Gateway???

                    If you are looking for proof check this out about 3/4 of the way down the article.



                    • Re: SDSU/NDSU to Gateway???

                      Originally posted by BTownJack
                      [quote author=Ozark_Jack link=1161728686/75#83 date=1165862013]SDSU will absolutely not join the Gateway without NDSU- You can bank on it !!! I live just a few houses over from Missouri St.'s A.D. I may have to do some lobbying!!!! ;D  ;D

                      I cant believe these two schools (Mo. St. and Ind. St.) would try and deny admisssion because they are scared of the competition!!! I guess were used to playing the best after being in the Great West the last 3 years.
                      I agree with Ozark_Jack on this one.  SDSU and NDSU have been partners in this transition since Day 1.  One won't go without the other...we are a package deal.  The administrations of both schools have been very adament on this point.  

                      I believe there is a Gateway conference meeting in Feb. that we all should be looking very forward to.  [/quote]

                      Thank you BisBison for confirming this ideal!!! Let's hope we are both celebrating a Gateway conference invitation somewhere in the near future!


                      • Re: SDSU/NDSU to Gateway???

                        Originally posted by BisBison
                        If you are looking for proof check this out about 3/4 of the way down the article.

                        From that In-forum article.

                        It’s the first time the Gateway has requested presidents attend the winter meeting, Viverito said. She said there is no directive that a vote be taken, but she said there is nothing preventing one either, provided the presidents have enough information. A two-thirds majority, or five votes, is required for acceptance.

                        “We knew the importance of this meeting and the importance that the membership question be answered sooner than later,” Viverito said.

                        SDSU president David Chicoine and athletic director Fred Oien are scheduled to attend as well as NDSU athletic director Gene Taylor.

                        The two schools are bonded by their Division I reclassification and Chapman said the Gateway issue will be a package deal.

                        As highlighted, 1st time to have Presidents there? And SDSU/NDSU's Presidents also? My crystal ball sees a Feb announcement of SDSU/NDSU to Gateway. Especially if 12 game schedule gets voted in this week. JMHO, based on reading, no inside info here :


                        • Re: SDSU/NDSU to Gateway???

                          Originally posted by rabidrabbit
                          As highlighted, 1st time to have Presidents there?  And SDSU/NDSU's Presidents also?  My crystal ball sees a Feb announcement of SDSU/NDSU to Gateway.  Especially if 12 game schedule gets voted in this week. JMHO, based on reading, no inside info here  :
                          I suppose its too early to plan a party to coincide with an announcement but I will be more than happy to celebrate if the announcement comes. I wish I would have taken the time to be in Brookings for the Mid-Con announcement.

                          Its a no lose for us. GWFC is strong because of us. The Gateway would be stronger with us. The best part would be the stability of schedule and the budget.
                          We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                          We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                          • Re: SDSU/NDSU to Gateway???

                            I really do think this is a no-brainer for both parties involved. I expect we will get in, right away. I loved that fact that we got into the Mid-Con for many sports, but if you ask me, getting our football program into a power conference like the Gateway is a greater vindication of our move to D1. As shuffles continue in the future, I think within ten years, we could see our other programs in the MVC eventually too. This is a great foot-in-the-door.


                            • Re: SDSU/NDSU to Gateway???

                              It seems like it will happen, I think it's a great spot for the 'SUs Looking forward with 8 conference games a year and those top notch programs being at CAS every other year. No offense to Poly and Davis, but definetly in this case: more is better. I'm sure the AD dept. is thrilled about the benifits, while still feeling :-[ about leaving the GWC. Looking forward to future games with Poly and Davis as well.


                              • Re: SDSU/NDSU to Gateway???


                                Gateway and FCS(D-IAA) looks to be very well represented in the NFL, according to this article!!   Would be nice to be able to tell recruits that have legitamate NFL aspirations that they will be playing in the best conference in the nation!!

                                Let's just hope everything goes in our favor, as far as an invitation into the Gateway.

                                Especially now with the Big Sky teams creating all of these scheduling issues of late, SDSU and NDSU need to get into this conference!  

                                Go Jacks!!
                                SDSU...Passionate, Relentless, Champions.

