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  • #31
    Re: Jokes!!!

    The interesting thing about Norwegian jokes is that they are almost invariably told by Norwegians. It's quite different than Polish jokes, which are usually told by non-Poles. You don't meet many Norwegian-Americans offended by Norwegian jokes, they are the only ones who buy the books of Norwegian jokes.

    As far as learning the language of the "old country", it is hardly fair to call people who didn't choose to learn it a**holes. Quite often, the second generations of immigrants are not interested in the dull old stuff their parents did, but the third generation, they are interested in the interesting things their grandparents did. Would you really be so interested in learning the Norwegian language had you been forced to learn it?

    But to keep it on-topic:

    What happened to the cannibal lion?
    He swallowed his pride.


    • #32
      Re: Jokes!!!

      Originally posted by Nidaros
      I am sensative about Norwegian Jokes, mainly because my dad, my materal grand father, two great grandfathers and a great great grandfather all were immigrants, all had to learn the English language. I am now trying to learn the Norweigian language, because some a@@ hole Americans thought that keeping a second language was a sign of disloyality. If you doubt what I say read about the period of time before USA entered WW1. Anyone speaking a second language and there were many where thought to be pro German, and the American Germans suffered the most under the Sedation Act. So even though both of my parents spoke Norwegian, they did not make me or my siblings speak that language and I wish they had. I would not have all these language books and tapes. I guess what bothers me the most is the difference sounds of vowels and often newer people from another country will still use patterns and sounds from their native language. They often struggle and I dont see any humor in that since, I have tried my Norwegian out on Norwegian speaking people and they don't see it as correct and often they too are amused.
      Hey, Nidaros, I respect your heritage and your opinion. Personally, I really don't care about ethnic jokes as long as they are funny. I, too, though am very proud of my Swedish heritage. I am going to share a quick story about my Grandfather, Ivar. He was born in Sweden and at a very young age, his mother passed away. He lived with his father and eventually his father re-married. His step-mother never did like him and at the age of 11 he was kicked out of the house by her and went to live at a factory. This was probably a sweat shop of that era. He saved up his money and at age 17 he went to the coast to buy a ticket for a ship to go to the USA. He purchased his ticket and before he could get on the ship, it was overloaded and sold out and he had to wait another week for the next ship. He had no money and begged to get a ticket on the next ship. He did make it to New York a few weeks later and learned that the ship that he missed was the Titanic. He bummed on trains from New York to Sioux City and walked the remaining 50 miles to stay with a relative he knew from Sweden.

      So what I am trying to say here is that I do have strong feelings for my heritage, but really don't care about the ethnic jokes as long as they don't attack anyone personally. We will have to agree to disagree and remain friends.

      Sorry about the rant, but wanted to share...


      • #33
        Re: Jokes!!!

        Okay, here's one we can agree on... UNLESS someone gets offended by USD jokes! SHEESH!

        A USD fan passes away after a long and fulfilling life. He's suprised to see St. Peter meet him at the gates of heaven. St. Peter says "after a life of love and goodness, I'm pleased to welcome you to Heaven. Let me show you where you'll be staying."

        As the fan and St. Peter walk past the various fancy homes, the fan notices that the houses start out very fancy, but then start to decrease in prestige and quality. Finally they arrive at the fan's new abode... a tar paper shack with a ratty USD flag hanging on the door.

        The USD fan then notices a glorious house off in the distance, all decked out in yellow and blue flowers, a huge manicured lawn with a huge SDSU flag waving in the breeze.

        "I don't get it," says the USD fan. "I lived a good and decent life and I get a shack. And then some yokel SDSU Fan gets a mansion?!?!"

        St. Peter replies, "I'm sorry, that's not just any SDSU fan's house... that's God's house!"
        I am Ed. Fear me.


        • #34
          Re: Jokes!!!

          Why did the chicken cross the road.
          For fowl reasons.

          Why are elephants large, grey and wrinkled?
          Because if they were small, white and round they would be an aspirin.


          • #35
            Re: Jokes!!!

            Originally posted by Nidaros
            I thing there is a big diffeence here, I used actual quotes from President Bush. Ones he has actually said and do they make sense? No, so are suppose to keep a straight face just because he is the president? I dont think so. I think he is fair game and we have a right to laugh at him, or is he to be treated as though he was a king. Oh by the way, I would rather go watch a haircut than meet George Bush, but thats my opinion.

            I am sensative about Norwegian Jokes, mainly because my dad, my materal grand father, two great grandfathers and a great great grandfather all were immigrants, all had to learn the English language. I am now trying to learn the Norweigian language, because some a@@ hole Americans thought that keeping a second language was a sign of disloyality. If you doubt what I say read about the period of time before USA entered WW1. Anyone speaking a second language and there were many where thought to be pro German, and the American Germans suffered the most under the Sedation Act. So even though both of my parents spoke Norwegian, they did not make me or my siblings speak that language and I wish they had. I would not have all these language books and tapes. I guess what bothers me the most is the difference sounds of vowels and often newer people from another country will still use patterns and sounds from their native language. They often struggle and I dont see any humor in that since, I have tried my Norwegian out on Norwegian speaking people and they don't see it as correct and often they too are amused.

            As far as Europe, I looking forward to a trip in the near future. Since our Freedom Iraq was launched, we haven't made many friends in Europe so am not surprised that you did not receive a royal welcome.

            I doubt anyone will get this but I dont like any ethnic jokes of any kind. America is made of many diverse groups who have come together under one government. Each group has contributed in one way or another, and none deserve to be a butt of any joke. Sometimes I think they are maybe an outlet for subtle racism. Now that will really stir some folks, but I think there might be some truth to that notion.

            BTW Carol's panties has nothing to do with Chrisitanity, and that was why it was funny. Sorry I had to explain the punch line.

            Finally, Pairie Home Companion, has been on my listening agenda for years. Keillor is not Norwegian, but he has a lot of respect for the Norwegian-Americans that have crossed his path. When he tells Norwegian Jokes, they are very selective and not intended to be a put down. So what PHC has and the joke that Jackrabbit1 told, there is much difference. His long joke made no sense whatsever so thats my take.
            Hey Nidaros, I got the joke and I didn't need your help. Perhaps you may need the help. The part of the Walrus joke that christians may find objectioable has nothing to do with Carol's panties. In the future I will make sure to clear all my jokes through you as you seem to be the arbiter of good taste.


            • #36
              Re: Jokes!!!

              I did a lot of research to find a group of tribal people that are no longer inexistence so that there is no way to offend anyone!

              There was a small group of clansmen in Southern Europe called the Hittites. Their entire village was killed a few hundred years ago during probably the worst winter in charted history.

              Anyway, they were great storytellers and loved jokes. So, here it goes!

              This is a story about two Hittites named Ole and Sven.......

              These are jokes folks! HA, HA, HA!!! If you can't help but be offended than avoid the thread or have thicker skin!

              Can I get an Amen from the Jackrabbit Nation!?!?!?! Wait is that offensive?



              • #37
                Re: Jokes!!!

                Maybe a shot of cleavage will take everyone's mind off of the offensive jokes!


                Now that is funny, I don't care where you are from!



                • #38
                  Re: Jokes!!!

                  Originally posted by SUPERBUNNY View Post
                  I did a lot of research to find a group of tribal people that are no longer inexistence so that there is no way to offend anyone!

                  There was a small group of clansmen in Southern Europe called the Hittites. Their entire village was killed a few hundred years ago during probably the worst winter in charted history.

                  Anyway, they were great storytellers and loved jokes. So, here it goes!

                  This is a story about two Hittites named Ole and Sven.......

                  These are jokes folks! HA, HA, HA!!! If you can't help but be offended than avoid the thread or have thicker skin!

                  Can I get an Amen from the Jackrabbit Nation!?!?!?! Wait is that offensive?SUPERBUNNY
                  AMEN! That on was so good I even read it to my wife who thinks I spend way too much time here!


                  • #39
                    Re: Jokes!!!

                    Originally posted by boxerboy View Post
                    Hey Nidaros, I got the joke and I didn't need your help. Perhaps you may need the help. The part of the Walrus joke that christians may find objectioable has nothing to do with Carol's panties. In the future I will make sure to clear all my jokes through you as you seem to be the arbiter of good taste.
                    Now why would you need to do that? LOL Sense of humor? I think I just got the goat of a boxer boy. Thats okay I am laughing. You are free to tell any joke you like.


                    • #40
                      Re: Jokes!!!

                      Originally posted by Jacks-D1 View Post
                      Check the title of this thread - it's called "Jokes!!!". Ole and Lena jokes are funny. Don't read the thread if you don't like jokes. Get over yourself.

                      Attorney joke time:

                      What's the difference between a dead attorney in the road and a dead skunk in the road? There's skidmarks in front of the skunk.

                      (by the way, I'm an attorney. This joke doesn't offend me)
                      BTW I am not an attorney and I dont get the joke. I am serious. Does it have something to do with chasing an ambulance? If so then I guess I get it. . Yeah its funny.


                      • #41
                        Re: Jokes!!!

                        Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
                        BTW I am not an attorney and I dont get the joke. I am serious. Does it have something to do with chasing an ambulance? If so then I guess I get it. . Yeah its funny.
                        I'm not sure if you're serious or not but the point of the joke is that one would try to avoid a skunk on the road where as an attorney we would proceed to run right over.
                        The only real offense I took with your major argument was referring to those immigrants (who would only speak English) as a$$ holes. When my great grandfather and grandfather immigrated they felt the most important thing they could do as Americans is to learn the English language in order to become a part of society here. By continuing to speak their native tongue it only delayed and hindered them and especially the children, from learning and speaking English properly. Hence their home shortly after immigrating through Ellis Island in the late 19th century was English only and the native tongue forbidden.


                        • #42
                          Re: Jokes!!!

                          I'm not sure a forum regarding South Dakota State University was ever meant to take on this direction. Especially not under a topic labeled "Jokes!!!". Where is Catchem when you need him?
                          We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                          We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                          • #43
                            Re: Jokes!!!

                            Or just delete the arguing and keep only the jokes...


                            • #44
                              Re: Jokes!!!

                              Originally posted by jackmd View Post
                              I'm not sure a forum regarding South Dakota State University was ever meant to take on this direction. Especially not under a topic labeled "Jokes!!!". Where is Catchem when you need him?
                              Hmm . . . start a thread dedicated to telling jokes . . . end up discussing 19th Century U.S. immigration policy . . .

                              That's pretty gosh-darned funny to me . . .
                              "I think we'll be OK"


                              • #45
                                Re: Jokes!!!

                                I've got a fever and the only presciption is more jokes, baby!

