So I guess USD isn't having a real difficult time putting together a better recruiting class than SDSU according to Rivals. That is very much contradictory to what many NDSU and SDSU fans would have thought. The Jacks are coming off a playoff birth, post season eligibilty, a more established conference and stealing USD recruits yet the Yotes are still winning the recruiting battle. Imagine what things will be like when USD has those same types of advantages. I guess the dome compared to the pasture known as "Cough"lin Alumni must be helping out. SDSU can win South Dakota all they want head to head against USD as long as the Yotes recruit better players which is all that really matters.
This is your problem with USD fans, absolutely no intelligence when addressing the issue. CF, did you look at anything other than the ranking number? Did you happen to notice how many commitments any of the schools had? The answers to those questions are obviously "no" so I will give a question that should be easier for a "real fan" such as yourself. Did you happen to click on USD and see who they had listed as committed to your school? Of course not.
But I am going to thank you for one thing, I really have no faith in the scouting organizations at all anymore. I didn't have much before, but looking at these listings proves that they have no validity at all. It is so replete with errors it is useless. In about 3 years we will know which school got the best class and most likely it will be players none of us are talking about that now that will be the most influential in that discussion.
EDIT: I read the rest of the posts after making mine and see that many Jacks fans were able to immediately point out the problems with this "source" of information.
Last edited by 1stRowFANatic; 02-06-2010, 08:29 AM.
Reason: Read the rest of the posts.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can never teach a stupid dog anything.
The Jacks are coming off a playoff birth, post season eligibilty, a more established conference and stealing USD recruits yet the Yotes are still winning the recruiting battle. Imagine what things will be like when USD has those same types of advantages.
How are you guys getting into the playoffs, you're not in an autobid conference, and if you keep scheduling 2 FBS schools and one lower level school, like you are next year, you will have to run the table against your FCS competion to get the at large bid. Good luck.
Case in point: As reported on another thread, Robbie Jelsma was recruited by SDSU as a walk-on. USD offered him a scholarship, so he went to USD. (Fast Eddie doesn't mention the scholarship vs. walk-on factor when he recounts this in-state recruiting battle.)
I wasn't gonna post this but just couldn't resist, like usual. Lets not beat around the bush with this. The Jacks stepped in and stole one of the USD verbals. There is no grey area in a black and white issue. It will be interesting to see what SDSU fans think of this. I am sure there will be plenty of reasons for them to do nothing but rationalize this as an honorable move. Of course the bu**sh*t will be spewing from the glass houses but I can assure you that if USD stole one of SDSU's verbals there would be a 20 page rant on this message board and everything that USD has done in the past 10 years would be scrutinized and USD would be called nothing but "cheap", " "second class", whatever you wanna call it. I bet now that the shoe is on the Jackrabbit foot everything is "all good".
Meirkort was talking about this on the radio yesterday (or something to it's effect) and said that it was immoral for a program to convince a verbal to change their mind. He said that at USD they don't recruit that way. Way to go Ed, way to go.
Which program plays with honor and integrity and which one doesn't? You the reader decide.
What sweet irony. Take Sherlock off USD's commits on that premature and incomplete Rivals list and add him to SDSU, and SDSU (once again) leapfrogs over the Coyotes. Funny. Once again, one of the Jacks' harshest cyber critics has shot himself in the paw.
Rivals rankings are worthless at the FCS level, I mean how obvious can that get when they don't even take into account two-thirds of your class?
NDSU especially and UND/SDSU really did a number on the region, I think NDSU went something like 5-0 against USD in recruiting. Then you have UNI dominating Iowa and what is left for USD? You did ok in Illinois, but then the Rabbits grabbed one of you top recruits from that area.
I am always wary about having to go out of the region to recruit, that has been feast or famine for NDSU some years. With that said, UND also had to leave the area since they went 0-7 against NDSU.
Take a look at NDSU and SDSU, lots of guys from the area, USD is #3 in your own state among FCS schools. If I was a Yote fan I would be furious about that.
I care first and foremost about getting the best players possible, period. USD has been focusing on recruiting speed so therefor they have been going out of state for many of their recruits. Generally South Dakota kids are big and strong but not necessarily fast. It's more important that the Yotes recruit speed since they play on a fast surface where speed becomes more important. Playing on grass in a cold weather environment such as Coughlin Alumni makes it more important to recruit size and strength moreso than speed. Speed gets neutralized a bit more on a choppy grass/dirt/mud field.
I would rather USD recruit talented players rather than just simply South Dakota players just because they are in state. Many of USD's top players have been from out of state.
By the way the rivals website had the same date on the website as the date I posted the link. The point is SDSU should be crushing USD in the recruiting battle but whether USD or SDSU is slightly ahead doesn't matter because the Yotes should be getting clearly defeated in the recruiting battle and that is definately not happening. I find it quite hilarious that many SDSU fans don't think USD is even in the same stratosphere when it comes to recruiting and that simply is not accurate.
Rivals rankings are worthless at the FCS level, I mean how obvious can that get when they don't even take into account two-thirds of your class?
NDSU especially and UND/SDSU really did a number on the region, I think NDSU went something like 5-0 against USD in recruiting. Then you have UNI dominating Iowa and what is left for USD? You did ok in Illinois, but then the Rabbits grabbed one of you top recruits from that area.
I am always wary about having to go out of the region to recruit, that has been feast or famine for NDSU some years. With that said, UND also had to leave the area since they went 0-7 against NDSU.
Take a look at NDSU and SDSU, lots of guys from the area, USD is #3 in your own state among FCS schools. If I was a Yote fan I would be furious about that.
NDSU can own the Dakotas all they want in recruiting but that sure hasn't been helping much in the win loss column much as of late.
I care first and foremost about getting the best players possible, period. USD has been focusing on recruiting speed so therefor they have been going out of state for many of their recruits. Generally South Dakota kids are big and strong but not necessarily fast. It's more important that the Yotes recruit speed since they play on a fast surface where speed becomes more important. Playing on grass in a cold weather environment such as Coughlin Alumni makes it more important to recruit size and strength moreso than speed. Speed gets neutralized a bit more on a choppy grass/dirt/mud field.
I would rather USD recruit talented players rather than just simply South Dakota players just because they are in state. Many of USD's top players have been from out of state.
By the way the rivals website had the same date on the website as the date I posted the link. The point is SDSU should be crushing USD in the recruiting battle but whether USD or SDSU is slightly ahead doesn't matter because the Yotes should be getting clearly defeated in the recruiting battle and that is definately not happening. I find it quite hilarious that many SDSU fans don't think USD is even in the same stratosphere when it comes to recruiting and that simply is not accurate.
Funny your quoting a site after 5 players had committed. Rating recruiting classes is about as subjective activity you can play with. Bottom line what do you do with those recruits and SDSU has shown on the field that we are a top 15 team. USD not in the same stratosphere.
I would rather USD recruit talented players rather than just simply South Dakota players just because they are in state. Many of USD's top players have been from out of state.
I agree completely. Both coaching staffs will go get the players they think will help their programs. This head-to-head stuff is overdone, I think, particularly since nobody knows how ANY of these players will turn out.