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Joe Paterno Passes

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  • #46
    Re: Joe Paterno Passes

    Originally posted by RabbitObsessed View Post
    Too wrinkly for me.
    Oh very funny
    Great moments are born from great opportunities.
    ---Herb Brooks


    • #47
      Re: Joe Paterno Passes

      Originally posted by goon View Post
      Funny that RO and TCR don't say abything about mcquery.
      I hope he dies when he's in his 80s as well. Is that better?
      Originally posted by JackFan96
      Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


      • #48
        Re: Joe Paterno Passes

        As for why he didn't question why Sandusky left the university.......Sandusky pressured JoePa for an answer as to whether he would be the hext head coach at Penn State. Joe Pa responded that it would not be him, Sandusky retired the next year. I can't find the link as to where I read this or I would paste it. The reason for Sandusky leaving isn't nearly as sinister as our overactive imaginations are making it out to be.

        Could Joe Pa have done more....without a doubt. But I know of at least 3 others that should have beat him to the police station. What Joe Pa did at the end was wrong and young boys paid the price, but I'm pretty sure he regretted that decision for the remaining days of his life.

        Joe Pa lived by a moral code that most of us will never understand or touch. He helped and mentored hundreds of players that are forever grateful for having him in their lives, he also set the standard for thousands of students over a 60 year career that made Penn State a model institution. Regardless of how horrible his mistake was at the end you can't take away all the good he did. We all know you never judge a person by their lowest moment nor by their highest moment.


        • #49
          Re: Joe Paterno Passes

          Originally posted by NebraskaJack View Post
          As for why he didn't question why Sandusky left the university.......Sandusky pressured JoePa for an answer as to whether he would be the hext head coach at Penn State. Joe Pa responded that it would not be him, Sandusky retired the next year. I can't find the link as to where I read this or I would paste it. The reason for Sandusky leaving isn't nearly as sinister as our overactive imaginations are making it out to be.

          Could Joe Pa have done more....without a doubt. But I know of at least 3 others that should have beat him to the police station. What Joe Pa did at the end was wrong and young boys paid the price, but I'm pretty sure he regretted that decision for the remaining days of his life.

          Joe Pa lived by a moral code that most of us will never understand or touch. He helped and mentored hundreds of players that are forever grateful for having him in their lives, he also set the standard for thousands of students over a 60 year career that made Penn State a model institution. Regardless of how horrible his mistake was at the end you can't take away all the good he did. We all know you never judge a person by their lowest moment nor by their highest moment.
          ...and the charges against Sandusky are bogus


          • #50
            Re: Joe Paterno Passes

            As most know,there was a independent investigation done on Penn State and it's handling of the Sandusky case:

            Say it ain't so Joe



            • #51
              Re: Joe Paterno Passes

              Frankly, Joe is probably lucky he isn't here anymore because he would be facing an almost certain perjury charge and some prison time for his statements to the grand jury when Sandusky was indicted.

              Just an awful situation and one that could have been from getting to this point. No doubt a slew of lawsuits to follow.



              • #52
                Re: Joe Paterno Passes

                This thread is fun to read back through.
                Originally posted by JackFan96
                Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


                • #53
                  Re: Joe Paterno Passes

                  Originally posted by RabbitObsessed View Post
                  This thread is fun to read back through.
                  Haha I went back and looked through this one.....


                  • #54
                    Re: Joe Paterno Passes

                    Originally posted by SUPERBUNNY View Post
                    Frankly, Joe is probably lucky he isn't here anymore because he would be facing an almost certain perjury charge and some prison time for his statements to the grand jury when Sandusky was indicted.

                    Just an awful situation and one that could have been from getting to this point. No doubt a slew of lawsuits to follow.

                    The most amazing thing to me is that the AD still has his job.


                    • #55
                      Re: Joe Paterno Passes

                      Still one of the greatest college football coaches. Maybe not a great human being.


                      • #56
                        Re: Joe Paterno Passes

                        Originally posted by mitchellrabbit View Post
                        Still one of the greatest college football coaches. Maybe not a great human being.
                        What do you do when you find the best person on your staff is wierd and likes young boys? If he had acted and forced the people who you report to act then this story would not have had the magnitude that it has today. A big mistake in judgement by being silent and allowing his wierd staff guy to use the football facilities. In doing that Paterno and others are abetting to a crime.


                        • #57
                          Re: Joe Paterno Passes

                          Weird? Uh, I would consider a different descriptive word other than weird. I describe my friend that likes to put ketchup on tacos as weird. Jerry Sandusky was a ****ing monster and a predator and Joe Paterno is a complete sack of **** for the things that he did to protect his friend.

                          Just look at this list.
                          Originally posted by JackFan96
                          Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


                          • #58
                            Re: Joe Paterno Passes

                            Originally posted by RabbitObsessed View Post
                            Weird? Uh, I would consider a different descriptive word other than weird. I describe my friend that likes to put ketchup on tacos as weird. Jerry Sandusky was a ****ing monster and a predator and Joe Paterno is a complete sack of **** for the things that he did to protect his friend.

                            Just look at this list.
                            I used the word wierd because I was not sure of the spelling pedofile. Ketchup and tacos work for some people. Yes your list leaves a lot to be desired, if you are connected to Penn State.


                            • #59
                              Re: Joe Paterno Passes

                              The biggest thing for me was the BOT funded an "independant" investigation and they only "found" four people at fault: the President, VP, AD, and Paterno at fault. "Shocker" I know. If the leaders of the university knew than obviously the BOT knew. I guess that is the only problem I have with the Freeh study.
                              "This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time." -Tyler Durden


                              • #60
                                Re: Joe Paterno Passes

                                Originally posted by witness View Post
                                The biggest thing for me was the BOT funded an "independant" investigation and they only "found" four people at fault: the President, VP, AD, and Paterno at fault. "Shocker" I know. If the leaders of the university knew than obviously the BOT knew. I guess that is the only problem I have with the Freeh study.
                                This was done FOR the BOT. and the report chastises the members at the time for being out of the loop.

