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Deadspin - JackRabbits!

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  • #16
    Re: Deadspin - JackRabbits!

    Originally posted by Cowbell View Post
    Okay, I will take you at your word. But let me give you a word of caution ... maybe my age is catching up with me ... when you come on here and act like you are an "observer" and somehow have a unique position to watch the world in front of you ... well, you don't know the history and you can't possibly know everything. How you just got bit in the ass proves that. Step down from your high horse. It will do you some good.
    Thanks for believing me. And don't read into the name, I just couldn't think of anything when I was registering.
    Originally posted by JackFan96
    Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


    • #17
      Re: Deadspin - JackRabbits!

      Originally posted by RabbitObserver View Post
      Thanks for believing me. And don't read into the name, I just couldn't think of anything when I was registering.
      I believe you as well. I know you didn't mean any harm by it. I get excited when I discover a link I get to post.

      OTOH, those guys posting on that site are some real class A douche bags. One has to be pretty sick to make comments like that. They are lucky they hide behind made up monikers, because I guarantee they wouldn't say those things to someone's face. I guess it shows some people are more disgusting than we hope they are. That was awfully disgusting.
      "All I know is what I read on the message boards."
      "Oh, well, there's your problem, then."


      • #18
        Re: Deadspin - JackRabbits!

        Originally posted by RabbitObserver View Post
        I'd also like to point out that I linked to an blog post and I'm considered to have no class because of the comments on that post? Really? If I linked to an Argus article and there was some idiot in the comment section making racist comments does that make me racist?

        Sure I should have read more carefully, but I didn't. I said the one comment made me laugh. Blaming this whole thing on me is a little bit of an overreaction.

        But I apologize. Didn't mean to offend anyone. I honestly posted it with good intent. Believe it if you want.

        Pretty sad RO. I should have read it more carefully? DA! Wow, can't believe I took the time to read some of the comments. But, curiosity got the best of me. Clearly a post to get rid of.



        • #19
          Re: Deadspin - JackRabbits!

          + =


          • #20
            Re: Deadspin - JackRabbits!

            Let's put this in context. First of all, the mean stuff is in the comments, not the story itself. Second, Deadspin is a Gawker Media blog and those ARE some of the most frequently read blogs out there. Third, Gawker blogs are well known for their snarky users who "try" (and often fail) to be funny and irreverent (better examples are, a gadget blog, and, a personal productivity blog which I read every day).

            Granted, many of the comments on the Deadspin story are stupid and mean. Gawker and its readers put that same kind of spin on everything. Deadspin may not be our cup of tea, but it does reach a lot of people, and many of the readers who don't comment are no doubt just as disgusted by some of those comments as we are. Many will just read the story on Deadspin and follow the link to USA Today.

            I certainly don't blame RO for what those obnoxious commenters said. He was just bringing this coverage, in a very popular blog, to our attention.
            Holy nutmeg!


            • #21
              Re: Deadspin - JackRabbits!

              Originally posted by JimmyJack View Post
              Let's put this in context. First of all, the mean stuff is in the comments, not the story itself. Second, Deadspin is a Gawker Media blog and those ARE some of the most frequently read blogs out there. Third, Gawker blogs are well known for their snarky users who "try" (and often fail) to be funny and irreverent (better example is, a gadget blog, which I read every day). Many of the comments on the Deadspin story are stupid and mean. Gawker and its readers put that same kind of spin on everything. Deadspin may not be our cup of tea, but it does reach a lot of people, and many of the readers who don't comment are no doubt just as disgusted by some of those comments as we are. Many will just read the story on Deadspin and follow the link to USA Today.

              I certainly don't blame RO for what those obnoxious commenters said. He was just bringing this coverage, in a very popular blog, to our attention.
              Dead on!

              Chains and Cowbell, you need to lighten up, this was a blog that several people read daily if not multiple times daily. RO didn't post any of the comments on there so you don't need to attack him. The snake bit was a little bit too far, he attends SDSU and sure he may have grown up being a Yote fan, he has come to his senses and become a fan of the better team in the state

              I'm not a big fan of deadspin, barely read it, unless someone has linked me to it where I can find a story they think is worth reading. All deadspin really does is link people to other articles and allow people to post comments about the article.

              On that note, I leave you with THIS


              • #22
                Re: Deadspin - JackRabbits!

                JJ & Mango, I am in no disagreement with either of your thoughts BUT this is not the place to have this link. Just for the fact that those same comments are what the average non geek will notice. This was supposed to be about a special article about a special person. When I visited that site I was disgusted and hurt. Trust me, it is pretty hard to crack my shell and it did because of the comments as related to the the tiny chance that a family member does read this and is not aware of it's intended purpose it will simply crush them.

                Again I ask you Filbert...Simply delete this thread, it does not belong here.


                • #23
                  Re: Deadspin - JackRabbits!

                  I'm going to leave the thread up, with a warning appended to the first post.

                  People who don't know what Deadspin is like should probably be warned somehow.
                  "I think we'll be OK"


                  • #24
                    Re: Deadspin - JackRabbits!

                    Originally posted by Rabbitden View Post
                    JJ & Mango, I am in no disagreement with either of your thoughts BUT this is not the place to have this link. Just for the fact that those same comments are what the average non geek will notice. This was supposed to be about a special article about a special person. When I visited that site I was disgusted and hurt. Trust me, it is pretty hard to crack my shell and it did because of the comments as related to the the tiny chance that a family member does read this and is not aware of it's intended purpose it will simply crush them.

                    Again I ask you Filbert...Simply delete this thread, it does not belong here.
                    I agree, the comments are over the line but don't blame this on RO for posting a link to a website. He didn't make the comments there.


                    • #25
                      Re: Deadspin - JackRabbits!

                      I don't know how many people know the details of Jenn's life story. I'm pretty certain anyone who knows the details would be even more offended by the comments on the deadspin blog. That said, I understand that those commenting likely know nothing of the details.

                      I don't know if RO posted the link because he understood that the "snarky" comments would be offensive or if he truly wanted to promote the story. I must admit that I am a little skeptical about his motives, but then again he is a coyote fan so....
                      We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                      We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                      • #26
                        Re: Deadspin - JackRabbits!

                        Just a comment to Mr. Mango4 ... the only thing I need to lighten up on is my weight. Thank you very much.


                        • #27
                          Re: Deadspin - JackRabbits!

                          Originally posted by filbert View Post
                          I'm going to leave the thread up, with a warning appended to the first post.

                          People who don't know what Deadspin is like should probably be warned somehow.

                          Good call.... I honestly believe RO's intention was genuine - to point out how widely the article had been disseminated to sites most of us would not go to normally. He should not have to own every asinine comment on it, just as any poster on this site should not have to own up to every comment they object to on (Also believe the idiotic and crass statements from a few punks don't represent an entire generation, but that's another debate for another forum. Jenn is most likely from the same generation as some of these punks, and who are you going to remember most?)

                          P.S. this points out again, the time (and $$) Filbert puts in to make this forum what it is. If you haven't added to the Filbert Stimulus plan posted as Filbert-a-Thon in the Lounge section, here's one last invitation.
                          Sorry for the drift, Filbert


                          • #28
                            Re: Deadspin - JackRabbits!

                            I am not critical of RabbitObserver starting the thread although perhaps the same point could be made without the actual link.

                            I see RO's point: Deadspin has a significant following and a story is a big story if Deadspin picks it up even if to just hold it out there so that posters can try to outdo one another by being more outrageous and offensive than anyone else.

                            My wish: That everyone would stop posting so that this thread would fall down the list and no one looks at it again.


                            • #29
                              Re: Deadspin - JackRabbits!

                              good lord, we have got a lot of "kill the messenger" going on here.

                              I for one do not want the thread killed. I hope some people will see this and realize being rude is not funny or entertaining, it is being rude. I've gone to deadspin before so I knew what some of the comments would be like. What I didn't see any posts complaining about the comments like I have seen before. Maybe some of you have registered your complaints after I was on the site.

                              While you may not like the comments, as I did not, but the fact is more people saw that article from that link than from here or TV's blog combined.

                              You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can never teach a stupid dog anything.


                              • #30
                                Re: Deadspin - JackRabbits!

                                I didn't look at it & i'm not going to either, I do know however what some jerk might say to try & be funny....I'll take the word of those that saw it & said it was trash,so, why would anyone want to keep trash on thier forum?

