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IPFW Game Day Thread

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  • #61
    Re: IPFW Game Day Thread

    Originally posted by jackdaniel View Post
    This is the most sensible and correct assessment I've read about this team yet.I agree 100%.The more people harp on turnovers, the more it gets in their head.
    Read the fan forums of other schools,& you'll see the exact same issues being discussed,especially the "killing time off the clock instead of doing what got you the lead in the first place" issue.This results in becomming too hesitant,cautious,losing aggressiveness,throwing the ball away because everyone is just standing around,allowing your opponent to get back into the game,losing momentum and confidence and eventually the game.

    On Purdues board, it's Versyp is a control freak who destroy's her players confidence by jerking them to the bench to sit everytime they make a mistake for the rest of the game. It's easy to talk a solution,it's a lot harder to do it.(especially when it deals with the mental aspect of the game)
    In AJ's defense,it's hard on him too ,he used to be pretty "laid back" I thought.The stress of losing is hard on everyone,only one solution, figure out how to win.
    I guess I don't see AJ's demeanor/coaching style being much different than past years. He's never been a Kumbaya-singing touchy-feely kind of coach. He's always been a foot stomping type coach who gets upset with repeated mistakes and talks to players on the bench when he takes them out . Maybe we just notice it more this season because he's had to do it more often.


    • #62
      Re: IPFW Game Day Thread

      Originally posted by 22jack View Post
      Which poses a problem for next year. We will not have a true point with a lot of experience.
      Does Wolters have a sister? JK

      I guess I trust the coaches to make the changes needed and go get the recruits that will make the team better. Sometimes things don't turn out as planned. Going into this year I felt like the women were going to be pretty tough. It just hasn't materialized, YET. It still could and I'm not going to give up on them.

      There is a lot of time between now and the tournament in Sioux Falls. It will be interesting to see if they get things gong the right way.



      • #63
        Re: IPFW Game Day Thread

        Originally posted by bigticket1 View Post
        I guess I don't see AJ's demeanor/coaching style being much different than past years. He's never been a Kumbaya-singing touchy-feely kind of coach. He's always been a foot stomping type coach who gets upset with repeated mistakes and talks to players on the bench when he takes them out . Maybe we just notice it more this season because he's had to do it more often.
        I thought AJ went too far with it the other night. It seemed like it was non-stop. Granted there were plenty of things that happened on the court to warrant him being upset but I thought it went across the line. Normally, I like the way he seems to coach players when they come out of the game. It was un-AJ like. If I was a recruit and saw the way he was on the sideline it would bother me.

        Hopefully, we will see better out of the coach and the players moving forward. Maybe this game was the low point where the team decides to fight back. Guess we'll find out in about 45 minutes.

        GB, GB, GJ!



        • #64
          Re: IPFW Game Day Thread

          Originally posted by Jacks#1Fan View Post
          I'm not going to defend this year's team in regards to their play in a number of's frustrating for me also. But this year is not last year, and the statement above fails the apples-oranges test. This IPFW team is not last year's team...They beat NDSU on the road, gave Oral Roberts a good game on the road, beat Oakland at home by a dozen, and are 13-5. And this year's team is not last year's team...we lost to NDSU at home, got beat worse at home by ORU, and will find out about Oakland tonight.

          Kayla Drake is a transfer from Eastern Kentucky and she is a heck of a player, and especially tough on a team that has a penchant for poor passes and difficulties with pressing guards. We had 28 frustrating turnovers, but they had 23. We lost to them in OT. And with Stephanie Rosario (a transfer from UTEP) and Weinart, we could have used the services of Katie Lingle, who had started to play really tough inside, and Watayshek as well (seems like injuries have really juggled our line-up time and again).

          If we could just figure out how to make short shots around the basket and take care of the ball better on passes against quick teams, and ball handling, we would have won a lot of games we lost this year. It certainly isn't as much fun to watch the team this year (we have definitely all become spoiled), but we're certainly going to continue to support OUR team and will be there tonight to see them beat Oakland.
          I don't have to look at who has left IFPW or joined them since last year. When you have the lack of good decisions (28 tournovers) that were largely unforced it has nothing to do with the opponent. SDSU has enough of last years team to dominate IFPW.


          • #65
            Re: IPFW Game Day Thread

            Originally posted by Jacks#1Fan View Post
            You can swear to it (turnovers for Kristen and Macie), but you would be dead wrong. First of all, the highest per-game turnover rate (based on the total minutes played, divided by 40) belongs to Jenny Sunnarborg. In fact, Macie and Kristen are ranked 6th and 8th respectively, on the team, in turnover ratios. I assume that shows how perceptions aren't always facts.

            Here's the way they rank to date: 1) Sunnarborg 5.13 TOs per 40-minute game; 2) Eide 4.27; 3) Lingle 4.24; 4) Paluch 4.06; 5) Dietel 4.0; 6) Michelson 3.47; 7) Young 3.65; 8) Rotert 3.06.

            Do we have too many turnovers...we certainly do, especially in games where we are pressed by qucker and more athletic players.
            Then they are giving the turnovers to the wrong player. Crappy passes should go to the person making the pass, not to the player expecting the pass. How many of those 'turnovers' were passes thrown over Jenny's head and are counting towards her?
            Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


            • #66
              Re: IPFW Game Day Thread

              Originally posted by jacks1 View Post
              I certainly hope Gabby can handle the ball and/or pressure. As of now, we don't have a guard on the team that can handle the ball. Heck, most of our guards don't/can't even dribble with their heads up. .
              Having watched Gabby throughout high school,she has the skills to help. But,since she blew her knee out 2 weeks into her senior season (Dec '09),and still isn't practicing now,she will have gone almost two complete calendar years without having played any competitive basketball - she will need an adjustment period.


              • #67
                Re: IPFW Game Day Thread

                Originally posted by bigticket1 View Post
                Having watched Gabby throughout high school,she has the skills to help. But,since she blew her knee out 2 weeks into her senior season (Dec '09),and still isn't practicing now,she will have gone almost two complete calendar years without having played any competitive basketball - she will need an adjustment period.
                Very good point. Is it time to look at the JUCO route for immediate PG help next year? Or stay with Jill, Steph, Tara and Gabby and hope someone steps up?
                "Tell the truth and pay your bills and you don't have to back down from anyone"--My Dad


                • #68
                  Re: IPFW Game Day Thread

                  Originally posted by JACKGUYII View Post
                  I don't have to look at who has left IFPW or joined them since last year. When you have the lack of good decisions (28 tournovers) that were largely unforced it has nothing to do with the opponent. SDSU has enough of last years team to dominate IFPW.
                  So you coached basketball at the collegiate level then? and a professional philosopher? My oh my, the colleges really overlooked you.


                  • #69
                    Re: IPFW Game Day Thread

                    Originally posted by jacks1 View Post
                    Very good point. Is it time to look at the JUCO route for immediate PG help next year? Or stay with Jill, Steph, Tara and Gabby and hope someone steps up?
                    If you could find a good JUCO point,it could provide help right away. The only problem is that would put 5 scholarship players in next year's junior class,which really puts the classes out of balance. There is a really good point guard at Minnesota West in Worthington - they are ranked #9 in the country in Div. III Juco. Her name is Sam Lynn,and she has a good shot at being a JUCO AA.


                    • #70
                      Re: IPFW Game Day Thread

                      Originally posted by bigticket1 View Post
                      If you could find a good JUCO point,it could provide help right away. The only problem is that would put 5 scholarship players in next year's junior class,which really puts the classes out of balance. There is a really good point guard at Minnesota West in Worthington - they are ranked #9 in the country in Div. III Juco. Her name is Sam Lynn,and she has a good shot at being a JUCO AA.
                      Maybe a nice transfer like the Drake girl....sweet


                      • #71
                        Re: IPFW Game Day Thread

                        Originally posted by bub94 View Post
                        Then they are giving the turnovers to the wrong player. Crappy passes should go to the person making the pass, not to the player expecting the pass. How many of those 'turnovers' were passes thrown over Jenny's head and are counting towards her?
                        Well, since you probably haven't worked on a stats crew, let me explain the TO decision. Some are obvious: if you are dribbling and somebody steals the ball from you, it is a TO; if you throw a pass that is intercepted, it is a TO; if you throw one that the intended receiver can't get (i.e, your Sunnaborg over the head example), the passer is credited with the TO; if you throw a pass that is extremely hard to handle for the receiver because of where you placed it, the TO usually goes to the passer (i.e., throw a low bounce pass into a tall center); if your pass should be handled by the recipient, and isn't, it is usually credited to the recipient (all stats have some element of judgment). There are other TO's also, when change of possession occurs: an offensive foul is a TO; when a player has established possession of the ball, and is tied up and the arrow results in a change of possession, that's a TO. That's most of it in a nutshell.

                        In other words, passes over Sunnaborg's head, if the other team winds up with the ball, given in your example, is a TO for the passer.

                        Finally, I would point out that my post on the TO's came because of the statement by a poster that two of our players were averaging in double digits...obviously the poster meant that as an exaggeration and I know that. But the statistics show that TO's (as in 28 TO's for the game) are properly accounted for, and neither of the players mentioned was even in the top five on the team for TO's.


                        • #72
                          Re: IPFW Game Day Thread

                          Originally posted by Jacks#1Fan View Post
                          Well, since you probably haven't worked on a stats crew, let me explain the TO decision. Some are obvious: if you are dribbling and somebody steals the ball from you, it is a TO; if you throw a pass that is intercepted, it is a TO; if you throw one that the intended receiver can't get (i.e, your Sunnaborg over the head example), the passer is credited with the TO; if you throw a pass that is extremely hard to handle for the receiver because of where you placed it, the TO usually goes to the passer (i.e., throw a low bounce pass into a tall center); if your pass should be handled by the recipient, and isn't, it is usually credited to the recipient (all stats have some element of judgment). There are other TO's also, when change of possession occurs: an offensive foul is a TO; when a player has established possession of the ball, and is tied up and the arrow results in a change of possession, that's a TO. That's most of it in a nutshell.

                          In other words, passes over Sunnaborg's head, if the other team winds up with the ball, given in your example, is a TO for the passer.

                          Finally, I would point out that my post on the TO's came because of the statement by a poster that two of our players were averaging in double digits...obviously the poster meant that as an exaggeration and I know that. But the statistics show that TO's (as in 28 TO's for the game) are properly accounted for, and neither of the players mentioned was even in the top five on the team for TO's.
                          This explanation makes sense to me. Whoever has the ball is responsible for its safe keeping and passing it to the right person or putting it through the hoop. I think we are dividing hairs here in trying to assess blame. Looks like there is enough blame to go around this year.

