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Where is Holdren Going To?

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  • #16
    Re: Where is Holdren Going To?

    Where is it "rumored" cadwell is going to?


    • #17
      Re: Where is Holdren Going To?

      Let's think about this for a second . . .

      Holdren is from Champaign, Illinois.

      SDSU opens the season with the Illini.

      Therefore it makes perfect sense that he would transfer.


      "I think we'll be OK"


      • #18
        Re: Where is Holdren Going To?

        Scott Nagy was the guest on WNAX's Sky Box two to three weeks ago. I caught the tail end of the conversation when they were discussing opening next year's season against Illinois, and Nagy said Steve Holdren was looking forward to playing in his home town, and against some of the guys he played against in high school. So according to my source, Coach Nagy, as of a couple of weeks ago Steve was still with the program.


        • #19
          Re: Where is Holdren Going To?

          I'll have to second your opinion 90Jackrabbit. With SDSU scheduled to start with Illinois next year, do you really think Steve would transfer and not get to chance to show Illinois what they missed out on? And of all things move to a junior college.
          Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


          • #20
            Re: Where is Holdren Going To?

            Last week I talked to a player, and I didn't hear anything about three players transfering out. Beran has been a little discontent over the last season, but who wouldn't be going through last season. Holdren, and Cadwell aren't going anywhere. You sure you didn't hear about Andre Gilbert leaving too, he's the only player you forgot about. What about the incoming freshman, you sure they didn't change their minds too according to your source. Your pissed because you can see a competitive team emerging from last years fiasco, and usd is still a dump.

            I also heard that Green is going to look into walking on at Northern Iowa.


            • #21
              Re: Where is Holdren Going To?

              I got a call tonight from one of our coaches telling me they read on here me,matt, and ben were all transfering. I just wanted to let you all know that is not true. This last year was real rough on us but we got through, and we have some really good recruits coming in along with my boys matt and andre who are going to give us a big boost to. They worked real hard this last year and are ready. I promise we will be more fun to watch next year.....A LOT, but we need the old crowds I have seen on tape and from two years ago. And more news for you all, yesterday we signed a Juco PG from New York, and also we signed the U of Minnisota for the next 4 two big ten teams next year. Just clearin rumor central up and if it is some NDSU person saying stuff we will get them back when we smash them all next year just like this year.....HOLLA! Steve Holdren #40


              • #22
                Re: Where is Holdren Going To?

                Well, well, well.

                "Deep Throat," imbedded within NDSU's athletic department has made sports_buff look a tad foolish.


                • #23
                  Re: Where is Holdren Going To?

                  Thanks Steve for clearing the air. Upward and onward!  I will be in the stands next year and will consistently long into the future. I will be there as long I am living and able. There are elevators and wheelchairs available at Frost so am not worried about ever not being able to see a Jacks game.

                  I have enjoyed watching Steve Holdren as a performing athlete even if the past season was a tough one.

                  I think our guys are going to be giving our crowds and opponents lots of these next year ;D.  To bad USD is not on the schedule. ;D


                  • #24
                    Re: Where is Holdren Going To?

                    Well, we couldn't hear it from a better person than the person himself. As for crowds of old, I'm recruiting my co-workers to get their a$$e$ to the games this year. I haven't missed many games since graduating in 94' and I don't plan on missing many in the years to come. Congrats on your freshman year Steve.
                    Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


                    • #25
                      Re: Where is Holdren Going To?

                      SDSUFAN, what the hell you doing up at this time. Go back to bed. ;D
                      Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


                      • #26
                        Re: Where is Holdren Going To?

                        I said I would get on here and apologize if my source turned out to be incorrect and by the looks at it he has. Assuming thats really Holdren and I have no reason to believe that it's not. Sorry for getting everyone stirred up. It's nice to know that the SDSU coaching staff takes the time to read the fan board. Hopefully they still make time to watch a little game tape.


                        • #27
                          Re: Where is Holdren Going To?

                          Originally posted by sports_buff
                          I said I would get on here and apologize if my source turned out to be incorrect and by the looks at it he has. Assuming thats really Holdren and I have no reason to believe that it's not.  Sorry for getting everyone stirred up.  It's nice to know that the SDSU coaching staff takes the time to read the fan board. Hopefully they still make time to watch a little game tape.
                          It takes a big man to post a half-@ss apology and then take a shot at the coaches on the way out. Let's see here. You start a thread on OUR website about one of our best players and his desire to leave. You then spend a great deal of time defending your unfounded rumors. You then make an apology only a politician could love. Then you have the b@lls to question our coaches dedication? What's that about true colors? Well, if there was any doubt about yours, your jack@ss move just removed it.
                          "You just stood their screaming. Fearing no one was listening to you. Hearing only what you wanna hear. Knowing only what you heard." Metallica


                          • #28
                            Re: Where is Holdren Going To?

                            Originally posted by Steve_Holdren40
                             And more news for you all, yesterday we signed a Juco PG from New York, and also we signed the U of Minnisota for the next 4 years Steve Holdren #40
                            I like the sound of this ;D


                            • #29
                              Re: Where is Holdren Going To?

                              Originally posted by MilwaukeeJacksAlum

                              It takes a big man to post a half-@ss apology and then take a shot at the coaches on the way out.  Let's see here.  You start a thread on OUR website about one of our best players and his desire to leave.  You then spend a great deal of time defending your unfounded rumors.  You then make an apology only a politician could love.  Then you have the b@lls to question our coaches dedication?  What's that about true colors?  Well, if there was any doubt about yours, your jack@ss move just removed it.  
                              I said that I would apologize if my source was incorrect and thats just what I did. I'm sorry if you were offended by it in some way. Someone else on this board said that if these rumors proved to be untrue that there would never be a word from me about it, well they were wrong about that. I have apologized for posting a rumor that turned out to be untrue. What else do you want Milwaukeejack, should we take away my birthday?
                              As far as the half hearted shot at the State coaching staff, well take a joke.


                              • #30
                                Re: Where is Holdren Going To?

                                Originally posted by Steve_Holdren40
                                I got a call tonight from one of our coaches telling me they read on here me,matt, and ben were all transfering. I just wanted to let you all know that is not true. This last year was real rough on us but we got through, and we have some really good recruits coming in along with my boys matt and andre who are going to give us a big boost to. They worked real hard this last year and are ready. I promise we will be more fun to watch next year.....A LOT, but we need the old crowds I have seen on tape and from two years ago. And more news for you all, yesterday we signed a Juco PG from New York, and also we signed the U of Minnisota for the next 4 two big ten teams next year. Just clearin rumor central up and if it is some NDSU person saying stuff we will get them back when we smash them all next year just like this year.....HOLLA! Steve Holdren #40
                                Hi, Steve, welcome! I think most of us are pretty excited to get down to some real D-I action next year, and are really looking forward to the coming season.

                                We took some serious lumps (all of us) last year, but it's a great time to be a Jackrabbit. You can't be the best if you don't play the best.

                                But be careful announcing things before they're "announced." You don't wanna be a "sports_buff" and have to say "oops" later, and we sure don't want you to get in trouble with Coach.
                                "I think we'll be OK"

