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2010 Recruits

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  • Re: 2010 Recruits

    If I have my facts right, last year our walks on were

    Brayden Carlson, he agreed to walk on for one season, because we didn't have a scholly for him. This coming year he will be on scholarship. He was 1st team All State his Sr. year

    Payton Tivis

    Dwight Pederson

    So we added a walk on, no need to blow a gasket RN.
    Last edited by LakeJack; 05-13-2010, 10:04 PM.


    • Re: 2010 Recruits

      Originally posted by RabbitNation View Post
      You sure can't WIN with them! This is just not a good sign! So how many walk-ons are currently on the team! There are better players than this guy going to Mount Marty, DSU, DORDT! This just makes us look desperate for bodies! What a Joke! Brookings Register Player of the Year! ROFLMAO
      Not a joke at all. Kid is from Brookings and more than likely a good student. I have watched the schools you mentioned above and I kind of doubt it.

      It's a WALK-ON! I follow Kansas and I guarantee we have better kids than some of their walk-ons. They always have some brutal players as walk-ons. But they are good kids and good students.

      Even if we don't add another player for next year (and we will) we still have a pretty good 9-man rotation.


      • Re: 2010 Recruits

        So the guy is a walk-on. Maybe the guys has a great attitude regarding practice and he is going to be used to get the schollie players ready. Is that the worst thing in the world. Maybe he can be one of the players the fans cheer for towards the end of the game to get him in. Would you feel better about him signing with the Jacks if they used a schollie on him? Remember Blake Yackley came to SDSU as a walk-on. Were you upset with that? I know everyone is ready to see some schollie's handed out so maybe just wait and see who we end up signing.
        Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


        • Re: 2010 Recruits

          I think everyone is waiting for some positivity and a announcement about some players who can come and provide some immediate depth and experience. A walk-on from Brookings is not exactly the news many were hoping to hear.
          Last edited by JACKGUYII; 05-14-2010, 08:12 AM.


          • Re: 2010 Recruits

            Originally posted by bub94 View Post
            So the guy is a walk-on. Maybe the guys has a great attitude regarding practice and he is going to be used to get the schollie players ready. Is that the worst thing in the world. Maybe he can be one of the players the fans cheer for towards the end of the game to get him in. Would you feel better about him signing with the Jacks if they used a schollie on him? Remember Blake Yackley came to SDSU as a walk-on. Were you upset with that? I know everyone is ready to see some schollie's handed out so maybe just wait and see who we end up signing.

            Blake Yackley is not a good example since his family said that they could afford to pay for his college and to use the scholarship on someone else. I like our nine man rotation, however we may have more talent this year but will lose more games than we did last year and that is what is so upsetting since we have not brought in anyone yet to fill our need areas.


            • Re: 2010 Recruits

              Originally posted by RabbitNation View Post
              You sure can't WIN with them! This is just not a good sign! So how many walk-ons are currently on the team! There are better players than this guy going to Mount Marty, DSU, DORDT! This just makes us look desperate for bodies! What a Joke! Brookings Register Player of the Year! ROFLMAO
              Great post. I'm sure he's going to be getting a ton of PT.

              Originally posted by RabbitNation View Post
              we may have more talent this year but will lose more games than we did last year
              Ok, guy.
              Originally posted by JackFan96
              Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


              • Re: 2010 Recruits

                Originally posted by bub94 View Post
                So the guy is a walk-on. Maybe the guys has a great attitude regarding practice and he is going to be used to get the schollie players ready. Is that the worst thing in the world. Maybe he can be one of the players the fans cheer for towards the end of the game to get him in. Would you feel better about him signing with the Jacks if they used a schollie on him? Remember Blake Yackley came to SDSU as a walk-on. Were you upset with that? I know everyone is ready to see some schollie's handed out so maybe just wait and see who we end up signing.
                Good point(s). I, and others, thought our end of the bench players were less than excited last year. Lame. Maybe this kid brings more of what we were lacking in that aspect. No question this team needs more chemistry.


                • Re: 2010 Recruits

                  Originally posted by RabbitNation View Post
                  Blake Yackley is not a good example since his family said that they could afford to pay for his college and to use the scholarship on someone else. I like our nine man rotation, however we may have more talent this year but will lose more games than we did last year and that is what is so upsetting since we have not brought in anyone yet to fill our need areas.
                  No way you can accurately predict that. IMO, alot that has been missing these last 2-3 years has been chemistry/unity. This year, with the guys that left, might be a fresh start. Addition by subtraction. No question in my mind that Mar and Jordan will soon be leaders of this team. We won't win the league but we could make strides, we could see 20 wins, we could see promise, hope.

                  Anthony, Garrett, look what we lost...I love those guys, but they all had their own issues. Again, I remember Coach saying that possibly the older guys were ruined from all the beatings they took. I think that mindset was very, very detrimental. Time to start over...


                  • Re: 2010 Recruits

                    Originally posted by RabbitNation View Post
                    Blake Yackley is not a good example since his family said that they could afford to pay for his college and to use the scholarship on someone else. I like our nine man rotation, however we may have more talent this year but will lose more games than we did last year and that is what is so upsetting since we have not brought in anyone yet to fill our need areas.
                    I knew that about Blake. The point I was trying to make was who cares if the person is a walk-on or schollie player, as long as he is helpful to the team. Just because you are a walk-on, doesn't mean you have no importance to the team. If you bust your arse in practice to get your teammates ready for games, is that not a positive for the team? Having never seen Ryan play, I'm betting there is something with his attitude that Coach Nagy likes.

                    Don't get me wrong, I'm really looking forward to seeing who SDSU gets with their schollie's. I'm just being a little more patient.
                    Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


                    • Re: 2010 Recruits

                      what is the big deal with a walk on player? he isn't the savior but he isn't bad either....


                      • Re: 2010 Recruits

                        I thought we were supposed to want every SD kid to want to come to SDSU so bad that they would walk on at SDSU rather than go anywhere else. Guess Not.
                        Last edited by 1stRowFANatic; 05-15-2010, 09:48 AM.

                        You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can never teach a stupid dog anything.


                        • Re: 2010 Recruits

                          I sense there may be some confusion. We shouldn't even be discussing walk-ons and recruits in the same thread. Walk-ons are essentially practice players, thats it. You find a kid who could have played college BB, decided not to, is doing well in class and who wants the challenge of being on the practice squad. Thats it, nothing more, end of discussion as it pertains to walk-ons.
                          We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                          We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                          • Re: 2010 Recruits

                            Originally posted by jackmd View Post
                            I sense there may be some confusion. We shouldn't even be discussing walk-ons and recruits in the same thread. Walk-ons are essentially practice players, thats it. You find a kid who could have played college BB, decided not to, is doing well in class and who wants the challenge of being on the practice squad. Thats it, nothing more, end of discussion as it pertains to walk-ons.

                            Exactly, this is the wrong thread to discuss this in. He wasn't "recruited", he was accepted into school and will be walking on. It is a very nice addition to the practice squad.
                            LET'S TAKE A TRIP TO BIRDLAND!


                            • Re: 2010 Recruits

                              A key point that is being missed is that he will attempt to walk on. The only thing that has been promised is that he can tryout. Its possible that he won't even make the practice squad. The only reason this was even reported is because the register wanted to know what his college plans were. As far as SDSU athletics is concerned this isn't even news.


                              • Re: 2010 Recruits

                                Originally posted by jackmd View Post
                                I sense there may be some confusion. We shouldn't even be discussing walk-ons and recruits in the same thread. Walk-ons are essentially practice players, thats it. You find a kid who could have played college BB, decided not to, is doing well in class and who wants the challenge of being on the practice squad. Thats it, nothing more, end of discussion as it pertains to walk-ons.
                                Really, lets look at some of our walk ons.

                                Mackenzie Casey

                                Payton Tivis

                                Griffan Callahan

                                Brayden Carlson

                                Dwight Pederson

                                Some of these kids have started for us, some of these kids went on to earn a scholarship. I don't know enough about this kid to say what he will or will not turn into, but I know he wants to be a Jackrabbit so I think it is ok to talk about him on a discussion board. Sorry he is not the NCAA "can't miss" blue chipper that some on the board really really want to talk about.

