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  • #31
    Re: Belmont

    Now that we have a background in the statistical viewpoint, what is the chance that the Jacks will come to the game tonight with winning attitude and the intensity to win! This game and the next are expected to be very competitive. Are the Jacks ready to step up to the stage for the remainder of the season? I am not looking for them to burnout, but I would like to see the team on a scale of peaking for the rest of the season.
    Best to remember these are kids and they are doing everything they can to entertain us, be scholars, and all in all be great humans. Jackedforlife


    • #32
      Re: Belmont

      I'm hoping the probability of a Jacks win is greater than 50/50.
      If you think nobody cares about you, try missing a couple of payments.
      - Steven Wright


      • #33
        Re: Belmont

        Originally posted by goon View Post
        Here's a fun idea try flipping a coin 7000 times I would bet you it comes out close to 50\50 on your results.
        I think I can find better use of my time,I think I'll just take your word for it......j/k


        • #34
          Re: Belmont

          Originally posted by 2002jack View Post
          No, there is no truth to it. I fear that RO is correct. The odds of 1-2-3-4-5-6 being drawn are the same odds as any other combination. You are over thinking it.
          You are right,statistically,but I'd never pick those numbers together in sequence like that.If the odds are even, you'd think you'd hear of it happening once in awhile.Also , the odds of winning the powerball jack pot and other winning combinations used to be printed right on the ticket you purchase,don't they do that anymore?Generaly,the odds are astronomical,but,someone does win,or the game would go on for infinity.


          • #35
            Re: Belmont

            Originally posted by Kemo View Post
            I'm hoping the probability of a Jacks win is greater than 50/50.
            That would be dependant on how close nate is to 100%.
            "The most rewarding things you do in life, are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.” Arnold Palmer

            Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.


            • #36
              Re: Belmont

              Originally posted by goon View Post
              That would be dependant on how close nate is to 100%.
              What are the odds of that?.......sorry,couldn't resist


              • #37
                Re: Belmont

                Originally posted by jackdaniel View Post
                What are the odds of that?.......sorry,couldn't resist
                Probably better then they were last week.
                "The most rewarding things you do in life, are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.” Arnold Palmer

                Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.


                • #38
                  Re: Belmont

                  Originally posted by jackdaniel View Post
                  You are right,statistically,but I'd never pick those numbers together in sequence like that.If the odds are even, you'd think you'd hear of it happening once in awhile.Also , the odds of winning the powerball jack pot and other winning combinations used to be printed right on the ticket you purchase,don't they do that anymore?Generaly,the odds are astronomical,but,someone does win,or the game would go on for infinity.
                  One last comment by me on this. I apologize for the drift, but this is frustrating me.

                  Daniel, you never hear of 1-2-3-4-5-6 happening, because the odds of it happening are 1 in 175 Million. The odds on any sequense of numbers being drawn is 1 in 175 Million.....every time. There is no strategy that can be implemented to improve those odds. Some maroons, believe purchasing the same numbers every drawing will improve their odds of winning, this is not true. Everytime the balls are dropped the odds start over at 1 in 175M. I repeat, there is no strategy that can be implemented to improve those odds.
                  LET'S TAKE A TRIP TO BIRDLAND!


                  • #39
                    Re: Belmont

                    Wow I didn't realize I would start a theoretical mathematics debate on the thread.

                    Belmont is good, I think is the thing to be noted, I've seen RPI in the 20's reported. SDSU will have to show up ready and play a complete game, will have to get to the ft line, and will have to shoot it from the arch.


                    • #40
                      Re: Belmont

                      Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
                      Wow I didn't realize I would start a theoretical mathematics debate on the thread.

                      Belmont is good, I think is the thing to be noted, I've seen RPI in the 20's reported. SDSU will have to show up ready and play a complete game, will have to get to the ft line, and will have to shoot it from the arch.
                      Just to be clear, there is no "debate". I am correct. Any argument against what I have said would be incorrect. I am just stating fact.

                      I think we need to shoot over 40% from the arc, and win the rebounding battle to beat Belmont.
                      LET'S TAKE A TRIP TO BIRDLAND!


                      • #41
                        Re: Belmont

                        Originally posted by 2002jack View Post
                        One last comment by me on this. I apologize for the drift, but this is frustrating me.

                        Daniel, you never hear of 1-2-3-4-5-6 happening, because the odds of it happening are 1 in 175 Million. The odds on any sequense of numbers being drawn is 1 in 175 Million.....every time. There is no strategy that can be implemented to improve those odds. Some maroons, believe purchasing the same numbers every drawing will improve their odds of winning, this is not true. Everytime the balls are dropped the odds start over at 1 in 175M. I repeat, there is no strategy that can be implemented to improve those odds.
                        This^^^^. I'm guessing you do something involving statistics or have at least taken some classes.

                        The higher the jackpot the more tickets that are bought thus increasing the odds someone has a ticket that matches the numbers.

                        I know Belmont has a high RPI, but I think we can beat them. Looking at their schedule I was not "that" impressed. They have a win over Stanford, outside of that it's not that impressive (to me at least).


                        • #42
                          Re: Belmont

                          Just got back from buying my powerball ticket. Chose 1-2-3-4-5-6... Think I got a winner. This thread is about Belmont, right?


                          • #43
                            Re: Belmont

                            Does anyone have tips for scratch-off lottery tickets?

                            It does not look like size will be a big issue with Belmont. Aside from one RS sophomore (6'11), the entire team is 6'9 or less. They have 5 seniors listed on their roster (


                            • #44
                              Re: Belmont

                              Originally posted by Southeast View Post
                              Does anyone have tips for scratch-off lottery tickets?

                              It does not look like size will be a big issue with Belmont. Aside from one RS sophomore (6'11), the entire team is 6'9 or less. They have 5 seniors listed on their roster (

                              We will actually be bigger than someone tonight, although only slightly....Their starting five only go 6'7 6'7 6'6 6'3 6'1


                              • #45
                                Re: Belmont

                                Originally posted by MontanaRabbit View Post
                                ^^^^This. RO is 100% correct.

                                Same thing applies when flipping a coin. It could come up heads 7000 times in a row. On the 7001 flip, there is no greater chance of it being tails as the 1st flip.

                                I would suggest brushing up on your statistics.
                                What if the person flipping the coin allows it to hit the ceiling before catching it and displaying the result? Back in high school we'd flip quarters and gamble on the result. The rules required that the flipper catch the coin then flip it over and display the result on his opposite wrist. One day well into the game with big money on the line my opponent flipped the coin and hit the ceiling causing it to change its pattern of flipping in flight. I declared a "cocked coin". He looked at me like I was crazy (which I am). I explained that the randomness of the toss, which was exactly what we were gambling on, was affected by the contact of the coin with the ceiling and therefore the result was invalid. He did not agree and the ensuing argument became quite heated. Anyone have an opinion? I still believe I was/am right.

                                As for tonight, no reason the Jackrabbits can't keep this close or win it outright. If I were a gambler I'd feel very comfortable getting 11.5. Belmont was very unimpressive against Kansas on Saturday, granted Kansas is damn good and tonight they are at home. Jacks will clearly have to play has well as they have all year and I think they are ready to do just that. 2 dimes on the Rabbits with the points.
                                We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                                We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.

