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Southwest Minnesota State

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  • #46
    Re: Southwest Minnesota State

    I feel the need to rise in defense of Coach Nagy.  We are talking about the winningest coach in SDSU History.  He has 216 wins and 74 losses that is a winning percentage of 74.4%.

    He has taken his teams to 8 post season appearances (including an Elite 8 ) in the 9 years prior to this season.  He got us all the way to a Regional Championship game with a team that was held together by bailing wire and bubble gum (tons of injuries) just a few years ago.

    I know last nights game was a debacle, but please lets try and maintain some prospective.

    Coach Nagy IS Jackrabbit basketball, and I have total faith in his ability to lead us into Division I Men's Basketball.

    Go State!  ;D


    • #47
      Re: Southwest Minnesota State

      I agree 100 percent with what 89rabbit said. When a game gets out of control, it does not help to be a raving maniac. I seen some very quiet coaches at Frost in the past, that also got very quiet when the game was out of hand. Examples, Coach Meyer, NSU, Coach Miles, NDSU, and formerly SWMSU, Rich Glas, UND, to name three.

      Nagy if anything was planning this week's practice during those last 30 minutes. I doubt very much that he has given up. ;D ;D ;D


      • #48
        Re: Southwest Minnesota State

        One more rant, then I'll put it away and move on:

        I'm still in a bad mood. Might have something to do with the multiple-car accident I was privileged to participate in up on I-435 by the KCI airport while returning in my 3-week-old car from Monday night's debacle.

        Anyway, no, I'm no longer inclined to give the players any slack. They've had a year's worth of slack -- Oh, they're young, the best two (or three or whatever) players left the team, their schedule was too tough, nobody expects much from a first-year D-I transitional team, etc., etc.

        The fact is that the Jacks quit Monday night. They stood around and made SW look like they were the D-I team.

        This doesn't mean I'm bailing out on SDSU or this team. It does mean that I'm not at all satisfied. All I really want to see is five players on the court, giving their best effort. If you as a player can't or won't do that, I, speaking as just one alumnus and athletic program supporter, don't want you associated with the SDSU basketball program. If you can do that, then you're a Jack and I'm with you to the end, even if you never win another game this year.

        It's that simple.

        Don't quit.

        Nagy's pushed all the coaching buttons he can push this year, but it's the players on the court who have to deliver in the end.

        The players who have eligibility remaining should be given every opportunity to prove that they want to be college basketball players at SDSU. It's not about winning any more, but as Roy Williams always says, it's about "want-to." Let's see who "wants-to."

        I do know that there's still good chemistry on this team -- Holdren and Gilbert were loose and joking down on the bench towards the end of the Upper Iowa game. We can build on that. We have to build on that. One of the observations that I and my friends had Monday night was that Holdren was holding his game back because nobody else on the floor wearing yellow and blue could keep up with his game.

        I drive 400 miles one-way to watch Jackrabbit basketball. I don't think I'm at all out of line in expecting to see 40 minutes of total effort from the athletes at SDSU. That didn't happen Monday night. I am not going to sit back and say "well, guys, nice effort" when the effort was plainly lacking.

        Bring on the Buffaloes.
        "I think we'll be OK"


        • #49
          Re: Southwest Minnesota State

          Sorry about your accident and long trip. I know that same feeling, I am 150 miles closer to Brookings.  

          I look for Holdren to be the leader next year. Nagy has mentioned him a great deal in post game interviews and that he has pushed him. I think he will step up to be the leader. I realize the Kid just out of high school, but look for a bigger role next year and look for others to step up too.

          We can only suffer through the remainder of this year. Lets hope for a good week a practice and a good showing in Boulder.

          Filbert, I hope you took time to have a SDSU ice cream cone and a Nicks Hamburger. ;D ;D ;D. Those things always make a trip to Brookings worthwhile.


          • #50
            Re: Southwest Minnesota State

            I agree, he's proven he is a great coach


            • #51
              Re: Southwest Minnesota State

              I did not know about the quote in the SI article about reinforcements on the way next year. I think that is great and I will enjoy the improvements that are on the way. My one gripe is that I wish they would have told us season ticket holders that this season was going to be a "throw away" season. I knew we would be hurting, etc but I am a little disappointed that Coach Nagy didn't play his redshirts. I know he is building for the future but he still has those guys for four years even if he played them this year. He owes it to the fans who buy tickets and his current players to put his best players on the floor which he chose not to do. I know a lot of people drive from greater distances than I do to attend a game (1hour) but it still dismays me to not have our best players out on the floor at all times when I put forth effort to attend the games. I am obviously going to renew my tickets for next year but this season has been terrible for attendance and most of our students have obviously given up, too. If we would have had our best players on the court maybe we would be having a winning season and better attendance and better donations coming in. I think things are going to get better hopefully soon. But I think we may not have had to sink to such depths of despair if we would have played our best players NOW.


              • #52
                Re: Southwest Minnesota State

                Originally posted by sdman
                I did not know about the quote in the SI article about reinforcements on the way next year.  I think that is great and I will enjoy the improvements that are on the way.  My one gripe is that I wish they would have told us season ticket holders that this season was going to be a "throw away" season.  I knew we would be hurting, etc but I am a little disappointed that Coach Nagy didn't play his redshirts.  I know he is building for the future but he still has those guys for  four years even if he played them this year.  He owes it to the fans who buy tickets and his current players to put his best players on the floor which he chose not to do.  I know a lot of people drive from greater distances than I do to attend a game (1hour) but it still dismays me to not have our best players out on the floor at all times when I put forth effort to attend the games.  I am obviously going to renew my tickets for next year but this season has been terrible for attendance and most of our students have obviously given up, too.  If we would have had our best players on the court maybe we would be having a winning season and better attendance and better donations coming in.  I think things are going to get better hopefully soon.  But I think we may not have had to sink to such depths of despair if we would have played our best players NOW.
                This line of thinking is dangerous because it is short-sighted. Lost in the forest for the trees kind of problem. Some people may be mistaking my criticism of Sundays performance and the general inconsistency of this team as a complaint against decisions made by the coaching staff. Not so, I think this team has the potential to play like they did against Manhatten and in the second half (last 10 minutes) of the Tenn St. game as well as the whole game against NDSU.

                Nagy is planning for the future and has to do so. 20 wins this year would only mean a few more in the seats now. No post-season, no reserves, etc... My disdain with the performance of this team in no way reflects on my hope for the future.
                We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                • #53
                  Re: Southwest Minnesota State

                  Originally posted by sdman
                   I know he is building for the future but he still has those guys for  four years even if he played them this year.  
                  That is incorrect.  If Coach Nagy had played Keller, Gilbert and Cadwell this year he would only have them for three more years.  The NCAA gives you 5 years to play four (unless there are medical circumstances).

                  Speaking of that some have questioned why Coach Nagy got us to this point with only 3 Sr.s and no JR.s.  Besides Moeller transferring, and Jones giving up B-Ball for medical reasons, we also had 5 Sr. run out of eligibility.  2 of which had been granted Medical Hardship Red Shirts by the NCAA; Schantz, and Cerveny.  

                  It was great to have them around for last year but it bunched up the number of kids leaving the program at the same time.  It is like an old car repair commercial.  You can pay me know or you can pay me later.  

                  Every team has to rebuild and this was our year.  Most fans knew that coming into this season.  I will admit that I am super optimistic and I thought they would only win between 14 and 18.  Clearly I was wrong but I knew we were going to take some lumps.

                  Everbody remember the many posts during last off season about our need to be patient as we moved into D-I basketball?  .  .  .  . It is that time.  Chins up Jackrabbits, this too shall pass.

                  Go State!  ;D  


                  • #54
                    Re: Southwest Minnesota State

                    I have went back and reread some of the messages on this thread several times while trying to sort out my feelings about the Jacks game with Southwest Minnesota State. The knowledge and the insight that those of you who post on the board is incredible. I appreciate every one who contributes.
                    The word that sticks in my mind right now is "unacceptable". What happened at Frost the other night is just plain unacceptable. It should be unacceptable to the coaches, the team, the student body, the fans, and anyone who truly supports Jackrabbit Basketball. If we in some way make excuses or minimize the very poor effort that was put forth against SW Minnesota State then we in fact at least partiallly accept the outcome of the game. I say that it is not only our right but also out duty to says that this is "unacceptable"
                    It is time that everyone associated with this Jackrabbit Basketball Program including those supporters who post on this board to roll up our collective sleeves and do whatever it takes to create a positive change of direction. So that everyone knows that a lack of effort on anyone's part associated with Jackrabbit Basketball is just plain "unacceptable".


                    • #55
                      Re: Southwest Minnesota State

                      I wanted to add to the discussion on redshirts (Keller, Gilbert, Cadwell)  Usually redshirts are put on promising players to allow them to mature and gain experience within the system, to maximize their potential in their So, Jr. and Sr seasons. I also wish Holdren had been redshirted this season, but due to lack of depth he HAD to play. I would have rather taken a walk on and played him, insted of Holdren this season giving him another year,The record really wouldnt be much diffrent, and we would still have Holdrens services for the next 4 years.
                      This was our transitional season and everyone should have known it was going to be a rough one, taking red shirts off of promising young players just to do better this season is very shortsided thinking.


                      • #56
                        Re: Southwest Minnesota State

                        Originally posted by JACKGUYII

                        This kind of attitude pisses me off more than anything else. Let's not come out and support the team until they start winning 20 games. I for one am embarrased about last nights game but it won't stop me from buying season tickets and attending games at Frost.
                        No hard feelings, but give me a break and get off your high horse for a while. I'm a diehard SDSU fan as well, but that doesn't mean I have to buy season tickets and drive the hour North for every game to prove it. I go to several games a year, and still support the team. That being said, there are worse things than SDSU losing to SMS, or even not winning a game all season for that matter. There are worse things in life. Lets keep it in perspective.

                        I do not have, and have never had season tickets to any SDSU sports. My comment about maybe not getting into the mix and purchasing them revolves around one issue. Four season tickets for the family are not exactly pocket change like it may be to you. By me NOT purchasing season tickets next year, it does not mean my support for the team is any less. If you think that some people aren't thinking about not renewing their season tickets next year after the BEATING we took from SMS combined with our move to Division I, you are not human. Unfortunately, some will blame the loss to SMW on the move to DI. When a loss like that occurs, some season ticket holders in every sport get those thoughts. That's just the way it is.

                        Now that I am off my pedestal, I agree with Nagy holding on to his freshmen and letting this year go to the way side. If Nagy knew it was going to be a mediocre year, he made the right decision. Next year, and the year after, we will be loaded and making BIG news in the world of Division I Men's basketball.


                        • #57
                          Re: Southwest Minnesota State

                          Originally posted by 89rabbit

                           2 of which had been granted Medical Hardship Red Shirts by the NCAA; Schantz, and Cerveny.  

                          It was great to have them around for last year but it bunched up the number of kids leaving the program at the same time.  It is like an old car repair commercial.  You can pay me know or you can pay me later.  
                          I was waiting for somebody to make that point. This sort of thing happens to every program now and then.


                          • #58
                            Re: Southwest Minnesota State

                            What bothers me sometimes about Nagy's post game comments is when he says that "right now, we don't have a great team." Whether I am taking this out of context or not, what does this message send to his 9 players that get playing time?!?!?!?! If I was one of those players, I would feel that my coach doesn't believe in my abilities or to achieve and contribute towards a winning record, for whatever reason. I realize that we maybe don't have the consistent talent level that we've had in the past, but making remarks like that to Sports Illustrated or whoever is not right.


                            • #59
                              Re: Southwest Minnesota State

                              Originally posted by jvleaps
                              What bothers me sometimes about Nagy's post game comments is when he says that "right now, we don't have a great team."  Whether I am taking this out of context or not, what does this message send to his 9 players that get playing time?!?!?!?!  If I was one of those players, I would feel that my coach doesn't believe in my abilities or to achieve and contribute towards a winning record, for whatever reason.  I realize that we maybe don't have the consistent talent level that we've had in the past, but making remarks like that to Sports Illustrated or whoever is not right.
                              It tells those players that they need to work harder to improve. Especially in areas where they are weakest. Doesn't send any other message unless you take it out of context. Nothing wrong with telling your team the truth. No matter the situation, in the end, you have to be able to handle the truth.
                              We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                              We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                              • #60
                                Re: Southwest Minnesota State

                                I know we should move on, but this particular game has had kind of Pearl Harbor affect on SDSU fans. I attended a family funeral in Western Brookings County on Friday. I was amazed after the funeral at the lunch served by Church Basement Ladies, how many who knew me and knew me as a avid SDSU fan, were ready for comments and questions about what I thought about this years SDSU mens basketball program. I think around Brookings, there is concern, but nobody has given up. My nephew, an Augie Grad, even was sympathic as to where SDSU was going, and also commented on the attendence article.

                                As a veteran, I dont mean to be disrespectful in making this analogy, but last monday's game is one that is hard to forget. I certainly have no ill will towards SWMSU, their team, fans or even Marvin Schwan. ;D. So I dont plan on declaring war. This is one game we can reflect on when we move forward next season and maybe it is a wake call as was Pearl Harbor was nearly 65 years ago. I was born in 1941 by the way.

                                I am hopeful.!!

                                I also agree with Jackmd. I think Coach Nagy uses his public comments to get his point across to his squad members. No doubt they hear the same thing privately and during practice, maybe said in a little different fashion, but the point should be well taken in either case. Men's BB is our lead bell cow in terms of revenue. We are talking serious dollars here.

