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Football's future upgrades

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  • Re: Football's future upgrades

    Originally posted by RunninRabbit View Post
    I've got a pretty solid lead involving Sanford, Dana Dykhouse, and a stadium upgrade. Is this old news that I missed or shall I start a new thread and elaborate?
    Kind of new news. I have heard this too. But go ahead and elaborate for those who have not heard.


    • Re: Football's future upgrades

      I heard Vinatieri was the one who got the ball rolling with a big donation over a year ago.... don't know if there is any truth to that just what people in brookings had heard..... O ya I have heard of Dana... not of Sanford I think Sanford's money is great but his obsession to put his name on everything is getting to me....
      Last edited by joeboo22; 10-21-2007, 01:00 PM.


      • Re: Football's future upgrades

        Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
        I heard Vinatieri was the one who got the ball rolling with a big donation over a year ago.... don't know if there is any truth to that just what people in brookings had heard..... O ya I have heard of Dana... not of Sanford I think Sanford's money is great but his obsession to put his name on everything is getting to me....
        I don't think Sanford's name would go on anything at SDSU. His money may go here, but if a name goes on a new facility it would probably be Dykhouse. I'm pretty sure Sanford did the same type of thing at Udot, put the name of one of his top exec's on a new building for the business school or something. (someone please correct me if I'm wrong)
        I updated my signature for the first time in six years.


        • Re: Football's future upgrades

          Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
          I heard Vinatieri was the one who got the ball rolling with a big donation over a year ago.... don't know if there is any truth to that just what people in brookings had heard..... O ya I have heard of Dana... not of Sanford I think Sanford's money is great but his obsession to put his name on everything is getting to me....
          I have never heard of any large donation that is involving Viniteri, only know of his hunting and fishing license problem, but then again, I dont sit on any board nor do I have conversations with the good reliable sources. So Joe you are our Matt Drudge and got a line here that no one else seems to have.


          • Re: Football's future upgrades

            Originally posted by CatchEmAll View Post
            I don't think Sanford's name would go on anything at SDSU. His money may go here, but if a name goes on a new facility it would probably be Dykhouse. I'm pretty sure Sanford did the same type of thing at Udot, put the name of one of his top exec's on a new building for the business school or something. (someone please correct me if I'm wrong)
            This is my gut feeling, but who really knows. If you do know, its probably wise to hold that information very close to the vest. Those who do know probably have no urge to post to any message board.


            • Re: Football's future upgrades

              Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
              I heard Vinatieri was the one who got the ball rolling with a big donation over a year ago.... don't know if there is any truth to that just what people in brookings had heard..... O ya I have heard of Dana... not of Sanford I think Sanford's money is great but his obsession to put his name on everything is getting to me....
              Even though Adam is one of the greatest ever, kickers are not highly paid. He may be making a nice salary now, but there were several years before his clutch kicks he was making closer to league minimum than even a million a year. I doubt he has 6 million laying around that he will spare.
              Go Big! Go Blue! Go Jacks!


              • Re: Football's future upgrades

                Originally posted by Gatewayrabbit View Post
                Even though Adam is one of the greatest ever, kickers are not highly paid. He may be making a nice salary now, but there were several years before his clutch kicks he was making closer to league minimum than even a million a year. I doubt he has 6 million laying around that he will spare.
                I heard it had something to do with his out of state in state hunting issue... he donated money to SDSU, along with some programs in Rapid during the issue....


                • Re: Football's future upgrades

                  Originally posted by Gatewayrabbit View Post
                  Even though Adam is one of the greatest ever, kickers are not highly paid. He may be making a nice salary now, but there were several years before his clutch kicks he was making closer to league minimum than even a million a year. I doubt he has 6 million laying around that he will spare.
                  Sometime soon we will all find out who has given good chunks of money to this building.


                  • Re: Football's future upgrades

                    Originally posted by thebluehatman View Post
                    Sometime soon we will all find out who has given good chunks of money to this building.
                    It's not me.


                    • Re: Football's future upgrades

                      Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
                      I heard Vinatieri was the one who got the ball rolling with a big donation over a year ago.... don't know if there is any truth to that just what people in brookings had heard..... O ya I have heard of Dana... not of Sanford I think Sanford's money is great but his obsession to put his name on everything is getting to me....
                      Dude, where do you get your information. You are so off on so many topics on this board is really gets annoying. Get your facts straight before you post things like this. Your credibility on this board is creeping into the negative the more and more you post things like this!


                      • Re: Football's future upgrades

                        Originally posted by BTownJack View Post
                        Dude, where do you get your information. You are so off on so many topics on this board is really gets annoying. Get your facts straight before you post things like this. Your credibility on this board is creeping into the negative the more and more you post things like this!
                        Do you have anyone saying that it isn't true.... jesus.... this is when I get upset.... numerous people that I personally know that have some connection with SDSU said that Adam gave a big donation... I have heard numerous figures all big.... Then when I was in Rapid this August the family had one of those conversations and Adam Vinieteri got mentioned at they said how he bought a house and some other property and gave a donation to SDSU in an attempt to try to get his his hunting license.... It apparently was gossip of Rapid......

                        I also tend to get upset when people say "get your facts straight" ITS A FORUM...... and its a discussion of possible donors does anybody know who has all donated does anybody have the list? I heard that Adam donated a pretty big sum of money could I be wrong yes but until somebody has a list and he is not on it don't come out and say get your facts straight....
                        Last edited by joeboo22; 10-21-2007, 09:59 PM.


                        • Re: Football's future upgrades

                          Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
                          Do you have anyone saying that it isn't true.... jesus.... this is when I get upset.... numerous people that I personally know that have some connection with SDSU said that Adam gave a big donation... I have heard numerous figures all big.... Then when I was in Rapid this August the family had one of those conversations and Adam Vinieteri got mentioned at they said how he bought a house and some other property and gave a donation to SDSU in an attempt to try to get his his hunting license.... It apparently was gossip of Rapid......

                          I also tend to get upset when people say "get your facts straight" ITS A FORUM...... and its a discussion of possible donors does anybody know who has all donated does anybody have the list? I heard that Adam donated a pretty big sum of money could I be wrong yes but until somebody has a list and he is not on it don't come out and say get your facts straight....
                          I'll be sure to post the list of donors when it comes out. You can count on it.


                          • Re: Football's future upgrades

                            Here is a list of famous rich alum I would expect that some of them will have some kind of a role in the building
                            1. Dana Dykhouse... President and CEO of First Premier Bank--
                            2. T. Denny Sanford... because he owns First Premier Bank
                            3. Adam Vinatieri... NFL kicker--- signed a 3 year 11 million contract after making 2.6 for the previous 2 years
                            4. Gov. Rounds... I wonder about this because he had a son that graduated from NDSU (though his son told me it was a mistake and that SDSU was a better school) and has a son who is a freshman at USD just saying....
                            5. Steve Heiden.. professional football player-- made close to a million before signing a 4 year contract in April
                            6. Adam Timmerman... professional football player-- signed a contract for 18 million though he was released during it or retired from my calculations he collected in the 12 million range this was the final 3 years of his career.
                            7. Tom Daschle... former senate majority leader--

                            I know there will be others but these are famous and some what wealthy


                            • Re: Football's future upgrades

                              Well, Joeboo may be the Drudge report as far as you are concerned, Nidaros, but for the most part, I just find him throwing speculation and rumors around much of the time. Sorry to call him out, but it does get rather ridiculous at times. As for the speculation on the building donors...there are a lot of people who know what the truth is, but most are courteous enough to wait and let the athletic department make its announcements when it is ready to do so.

                              Anybody who has worked with fundraising knows that working with donors is a private matter until both the donor and the organization are ready to make it public. Isn't it sufficient for all of you to know that when Dr. Oien says he has half of the money already, that they HAVE half of the money, without worrying about where it came from (which will be properly done at the proper time), And certainly, since the other half has to be raised if the full facility is to be built at this time, the department is working with additional donors, who also might prefer anonymity until the proper time.

                              This may be a discussion board, but it gets pretty tiring to see the half-truths and rumors that are thrown out rather broadly and without good sources. Having to set them straight (thank goodness for Cadsev when it comes to the athletic side) gets a little tiring also.

                              Sorry for the rant, maybe I got up too early this morning!


                              • Re: Football's future upgrades

                                Originally posted by Jacks#1Fan View Post
                                Well, Joeboo may be the Drudge report as far as you are concerned, Nidaros, but for the most part, I just find him throwing speculation and rumors around much of the time. Sorry to call him out, but it does get rather ridiculous at times. As for the speculation on the building donors...there are a lot of people who know what the truth is, but most are courteous enough to wait and let the athletic department make its announcements when it is ready to do so.

                                Anybody who has worked with fundraising knows that working with donors is a private matter until both the donor and the organization are ready to make it public. Isn't it sufficient for all of you to know that when Dr. Oien says he has half of the money already, that they HAVE half of the money, without worrying about where it came from (which will be properly done at the proper time), And certainly, since the other half has to be raised if the full facility is to be built at this time, the department is working with additional donors, who also might prefer anonymity until the proper time.

                                This may be a discussion board, but it gets pretty tiring to see the half-truths and rumors that are thrown out rather broadly and without good sources. Having to set them straight (thank goodness for Cadsev when it comes to the athletic side) gets a little tiring also.

                                Sorry for the rant, maybe I got up too early this morning!
                                Amen to that Jacks#1Fan! Thanks for the great post!

