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Football's future upgrades

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  • Re: Football's future upgrades

    Originally posted by Jacks#1Fan View Post
    Well, Joeboo may be the Drudge report as far as you are concerned, Nidaros, but for the most part, I just find him throwing speculation and rumors around much of the time. Sorry to call him out, but it does get rather ridiculous at times. As for the speculation on the building donors...there are a lot of people who know what the truth is, but most are courteous enough to wait and let the athletic department make its announcements when it is ready to do so.

    Anybody who has worked with fundraising knows that working with donors is a private matter until both the donor and the organization are ready to make it public. Isn't it sufficient for all of you to know that when Dr. Oien says he has half of the money already, that they HAVE half of the money, without worrying about where it came from (which will be properly done at the proper time), And certainly, since the other half has to be raised if the full facility is to be built at this time, the department is working with additional donors, who also might prefer anonymity until the proper time.

    This may be a discussion board, but it gets pretty tiring to see the half-truths and rumors that are thrown out rather broadly and without good sources. Having to set them straight (thank goodness for Cadsev when it comes to the athletic side) gets a little tiring also.

    Sorry for the rant, maybe I got up too early this morning!

    Matt Drudge is often throwing speculation and rumors on his website any thing to get hits on his website which translates into ad revenue and that has been going on for years. Drudge often thinks he has broken a story only to learn later he has not or his scenerio is false, so that what made me think of Joe's speculation and rumor being somewhat similar. I tend to believe both Joeboo, and Matt Drudge are often looking for reaction. He apparently is getting exactly what he wants. It is tiring to me to so no this not a rant as far as I am concerned. With all your years with the Foundation, you do know of what you speak.


    • Re: Football's future upgrades

      Originally posted by Nidaros View Post

      Matt Drudge is often throwing speculation and rumors on his website any thing to get hits on his website which translates into ad revenue and that has been going on for years. Drudge often thinks he has broken a story only to learn later he has not or his scenerio is false, so that what made me think of Joe's speculation and rumor being somewhat similar. I tend to believe both Joeboo, and Matt Drudge are often looking for reaction. He apparently is getting exactly what he wants. It is tiring to me to so no this not a rant as far as I am concerned. With all your years with the Foundation, you do know of what you speak.
      My apologies Nidaros...I thought you were applauding joeboo...shows how much I know about the Drudge report. I do appreciate the fact that you know I have the background to speak with some authority in this area, however.


      • Re: Football's future upgrades

        Originally posted by BTownJack View Post
        Amen to that Jacks#1Fan! Thanks for the great post!
        first of all i throw things out on here because I have heard of them somewhere else....the point I am getting at is I think it is dumb to call me out for speculating names when no list has came out or nobody has posted it atleast... is it not fair to speculate... I see a lot of it on here and nobody seems to care until I get involved... And I think it is just ridiculous that you guys attack and gang up on me because I throw a name out there with out proof that it isn't true.... If you are attacking with a list show the list but to say I will post the list when it comes out just proves to my point all of us can be Monday morning quarterbacks if we want to.... I can now say that maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to come on here and say that somebody told me that Colton Iverson is close to signing with UNL when a former teammate of his told me that it was down to Minnesota and Lincoln and he thought he was going to Nebraska because thats where his girlfriend wanted him to go.... I can say that it wasn't the right thing to come on here saying that Louie Verbeled to SDSU when an athletic director at a high school near Brookings told me, and a guy that is from White River who knows Louie personally and said his dad told him that SDSU was #1 on Louie's list.... The point I am getting at is all of you can come out and mock me for predicting these names when the list comes out and few if any are on the list but at least I have the guts to come on here and say what people that most people would think to be creditable tell me..... Because not only do you guys mock me now you do if it comes back to be not true...


        • Re: Football's future upgrades

          Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
          first of all i throw things out on here because I have heard of them somewhere else....the point I am getting at is I think it is dumb to call me out for speculating names when no list has came out or nobody has posted it atleast... is it not fair to speculate... I see a lot of it on here and nobody seems to care until I get involved... And I think it is just ridiculous that you guys attack and gang up on me because I throw a name out there with out proof that it isn't true.... If you are attacking with a list show the list but to say I will post the list when it comes out just proves to my point all of us can be Monday morning quarterbacks if we want to.... I can now say that maybe it wasn't the smartest thing to come on here and say that somebody told me that Colton Iverson is close to signing with UNL when a former teammate of his told me that it was down to Minnesota and Lincoln and he thought he was going to Nebraska because thats where his girlfriend wanted him to go.... I can say that it wasn't the right thing to come on here saying that Louie Verbeled to SDSU when an athletic director at a high school near Brookings told me, and a guy that is from White River who knows Louie personally and said his dad told him that SDSU was #1 on Louie's list.... The point I am getting at is all of you can come out and mock me for predicting these names when the list comes out and few if any are on the list but at least I have the guts to come on here and say what people that most people would think to be creditable tell me..... Because not only do you guys mock me now you do if it comes back to be not true...
          Hearing something from somebody, which might be only a rumor and/or false rumor, and then coming on and throwing it out as what you believe is pretty poor policy...especially when it comes to speculating on who is donating what...and posting a list of possible "rich guys" who could be donors for which project. I don't think that takes guts...I can tell you I know exactly who the principal donor is to the SADC and have known for several months, but I respect the athletic department's need for privacy in this matter. I don't come on the board to attack you, joeboo, but have to admit it gets rather tiring to have to keep setting the record straight. I posted twice to your erroneous statement on there being a field house or practice facility as part of the SADC and it is that type of thing that gets a little old. I apolgize if I hurt your feelings...and I shall make this my last post on this subject.


          • Re: Football's future upgrades

            Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
            I heard Vinatieri was the one who got the ball rolling with a big donation over a year ago.... don't know if there is any truth to that just what people in brookings had heard..... O ya I have heard of Dana... not of Sanford I think Sanford's money is great but his obsession to put his name on everything is getting to me....
            my original post where in there does it sound like what I have been saying is fact.... As far as the fieldhouse I truly believed that there was a fieldhouse because in the blueprints in the media guide has a fieldhouse if I am wrong I am sorry.


            • Re: Football's future upgrades

              Originally posted by Jacks#1Fan View Post
              Hearing something from somebody, which might be only a rumor and/or false rumor, and then coming on and throwing it out as what you believe is pretty poor policy...especially when it comes to speculating on who is donating what...and posting a list of possible "rich guys" who could be donors for which project. I don't think that takes guts...I can tell you I know exactly who the principal donor is to the SADC and have known for several months, but I respect the athletic department's need for privacy in this matter. I don't come on the board to attack you, joeboo, but have to admit it gets rather tiring to have to keep setting the record straight. I posted twice to your erroneous statement on there being a field house or practice facility as part of the SADC and it is that type of thing that gets a little old. I apolgize if I hurt your feelings...and I shall make this my last post on this subject.
              It can't be said any better. I'll just leave it at that and I'll stop feeding the troll.


              • Re: Football's future upgrades

                Everyone playing nice?

                For those who may not know, Joeboo is a Jackrabbit fan who is a student at Black Hills State University.


                • Re: Football's future upgrades

         about them future football upgrades?


                  • Re: Football's future upgrades

                    I think the building will be a good start.... next I think they need to do something with the visiting/student side then work with tying it all together with a massive grandstand full of press boxes/suites and chair back seats..... Also if possible try to do what UC-Davis did and leave room for expansion I would like this stadium to last my lifetime and I am 20 so as much as I do want it to out grow SDSU I want it to be able to be expanded rather then have to completely rebuild... I don't want to be in USD's situation with the Dome


                    • Re: Football's future upgrades

                      Originally posted by JackJD View Post
                      Everyone playing nice?

                      For those who may not know, Joeboo is a Jackrabbit fan who is a student at Black Hills State University.
                      I do realize that and appreciate his support, but if everyone posted every thing heard over coffee or what some one speculates as true, I think the moderators would have their hands full. We know football upgrades are coming, but we have no knowledge of when and who the major donars are. I think we need to be careful about what we say and as I said Joe seems to be often looking for a reaction based on rumor or something he heard in Rapid or Pumkin Center or where ever he frequents. Its difficult to not respond.


                      • Re: Football's future upgrades

                        Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
                        I think the building will be a good start.... next I think they need to do something with the visiting/student side then work with tying it all together with a massive grandstand full of press boxes/suites and chair back seats..... Also if possible try to do what UC-Davis did and leave room for expansion I would like this stadium to last my lifetime and I am 20 so as much as I do want it to out grow SDSU I want it to be able to be expanded rather then have to completely rebuild... I don't want to be in USD's situation with the Dome
                        Haven't we covered this progression already? The plan as I have heard it is:

                        1. Build the SADC.
                        2. Build the rest of the SADC. Wait a few years until money can be found to continue.
                        3. New 8,000-seat grandstand on the east side, replacing the temporary seats. Leave the old grandstand in place while that happens.
                        4. Tear down the old grandstand, and build another 8,000-seat west grandstand including a new press box.

                        Voila. New stadium. Of course the timing of all of that depends on fundraising, etc.

                        As far as lifetimes, there is plenty of space on the east and west to go out and up in the coming decades. And there may be the possibility of adding a U-shaped piece to tie the two grandstands together on the south. Unless anyone figures we'll be going to FBS any time soon, that ought to be enough.
                        Holy nutmeg!


                        • Re: Football's future upgrades

                          Originally posted by thebluehatman View Post
                          Kind of new news. I have heard this too. But go ahead and elaborate for those who have not heard.

                          My understanding of the situation is this -
                          Sanford put up his well-publicized $400M to Sioux Valley. That was originally slated over 10 years. Now, I believe that he's on pace to have half of that taken care of after 2 years. I understand he privately stated that he would donate toward an SDSU stadium AFTER his hospital donation was finished with a stipulation that no one from the University was to contact him about until that time.

                          I would be WAY off base but that information went through 2 people within the athletic department and 1 person outside the University who told me, the info supposidly came from Dykhouse... now, take THAT with a grain of salt, but still fun to think about. It needs to happen sooner or later.


                          • Re: Football's future upgrades

                            Originally posted by JimmyJack View Post
                            Haven't we covered this progression already? The plan as I have heard it is:

                            1. Build the SADC.
                            2. Build the rest of the SADC. Wait a few years until money can be found to continue.
                            3. New 8,000-seat grandstand on the east side, replacing the temporary seats. Leave the old grandstand in place while that happens.
                            4. Tear down the old grandstand, and build another 8,000-seat west grandstand including a new press box.

                            Voila. New stadium. Of course the timing of all of that depends on fundraising, etc.

                            As far as lifetimes, there is plenty of space on the east and west to go out and up in the coming decades. And there may be the possibility of adding a U-shaped piece to tie the two grandstands together on the south. Unless anyone figures we'll be going to FBS any time soon, that ought to be enough.
                            I was just trying to move forward with the subject the way it was presented to me was like this
                            Phase one-- Building Phase one may have 2 phases in which Phase one is the main part and the second phase would be an addition when funds are available
                            Phase two--- would have 3 separate phases sub phase one would be visiting/student gradstand, two would be home grandstand with pressboxes/suites and phase 3 would be working the building into the stadium and other things like restrooms, concessions, ticket booth, and other things like landscape and smaller things like that
                            Phase 3 would be the option to add an upper deck if needed and a grandstand in front of the scoreboard and sometype of a grandstand associated with the building....

                            The time table that I was told was like this
                            Phase 1 1-5 years
                            Phase 2- 5-12 years
                            Phase 3- 20-30 if needed.....

                            I don't want to start anything this may or may not be the plan


                            • Re: Football's future upgrades

                              Sounds something like the underpants gnomes song...


                              • Re: Football's future upgrades

                                Originally posted by BTownJack View Post
                                Amen to that Jacks#1Fan! Thanks for the great post!
                                Rep points for you Jacks#1Fan!

