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GDT: @ USD Mangy Dogs

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  • Jacks#1Fan
    Re: GDT: @ USD Mangy Dogs

    Originally posted by JackFan96 View Post
    Don't care what anybody says. Those last three plays are firable offenses. Waaaay to much could have and nearly did go wrong. Stupefying dumb. It worked. Barely. But in my opinion, it was massive stupidity.
    Well, since you have an opinion, I'll share mine...I'm glad you aren't the coaching staff. They new exactly what they were doing, and you obviously didn't. Dropping the quarterback back, is a heck of a lot better than making a hand off and letting somebody else run into the line. They had the timing situation on a card, and it worked perfectly. I hope the fan(?) that indicated earlier he wasn't going to watch the defense anymore, didn't fall asleep. It is so interesting after attending the game to come back and read the comments. And oh yeah, I guess making the playoffs six years in a row, getting an #8 seed last year, and a #5 seed this year, means we can lay off the "time to go?" until at least the fifth game next fall.*

    * Yeah, I'm still POed over the start of THE "thread" so early this year. As the saying goes...IMO.

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  • Reality
    Re: GDT: @ USD Mangy Dogs

    I was at the game and it was quite hot in the dome. I'm guessing between 75 and 80. I would think that the administration at USD could figure out how hot the dome gets with 10,000 fans based on the temperature outside, etc. But, it looks like it is easier to complain about the visiting team cramping. Preparing inside the SJack is not comparable as it is usually quite cool in the SJack.

    I would agree with Westside and others - USD looks to be a team that can't control themselves under Nielsen. For every personal foul that was called, there were many more that could have been called. I suspect we saw the best of USD and I think they will struggle on the road next weekend.

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  • 91jack
    Re: GDT: @ USD Mangy Dogs

    Originally posted by UWMandSDSU View Post
    Most teams (HS & College) in this area are accustomed to playing outdoors this time of year, where the temps. are in the 40s. So when players go into an environment where it is in the 70s they are not acclimated and thus they sweat more (and lose electrolytes). Sodium is the key electrolyte lost in your sweat.

    I will say this, I was shaking my head every time a cramp occurred yesterday because it is preventable if you prepare properly.
    I really hope you did NOT watch the Bengals-Broncos NFL football game then. On the second to last Denver drive, the Bengals had players go down with cramps on 3 of the last 4 plays. One of those players was taken to the locker room earlier in the game to get an IV. I didn't watch the whole game so I don't know how much more of a problem it was.
    I do agree that it shouldn't happen as much as it has been but it has happened high school (Gregory), college(SDSU) and the pro's(Bengals) in the last games that I have seen this year. I understand it a little more in high school because they don't have the trainers/diets that they have in the college and pro ranks.

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  • mitchellrabbit
    Re: GDT: @ USD Mangy Dogs

    We are a dirty team, we are cheaters, we are the most hated team in the mvfc. They are pissed off because they thought this was their year to finally beat us and now they have to be cry babies and make excuses. I love it.

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  • Nidaros
    Re: GDT: @ USD Mangy Dogs

    Originally posted by CondeJack View Post
    Yes it looks like they were having a discussion, but if you watch the video, Herbster stuck HIS hand out to shake Sell's, not the other way around. If you need to look at it again fast forward to minute 3:11:08 on the ESPN3 replay. I'm sure you won't.
    I will take your word for it. I thought it was interesting Conversation going on. Not a lip reader so it probably very routine.

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  • CondeJack
    Re: GDT: @ USD Mangy Dogs

    Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
    Another question? AD’s Sell and Herbster were caught on camera jawing back and forth. Sell apparently was not getting any where with the herbster so Sell politely shook hands and departed.
    Yes it looks like they were having a discussion, but if you watch the video, Herbster stuck HIS hand out to shake Sell's, not the other way around. If you need to look at it again fast forward to minute 3:11:08 on the ESPN3 replay. I'm sure you won't.

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  • SturgisJeff
    Re: GDT: @ USD Mangy Dogs

    Originally posted by JackJD View Post
    Watching ESPN-U leading up to playoff show: Goedert’s one-hand catch is a play of the day.

    should have been an unsportsmanlike conduct call when the used player slapped the ball out of his hand.

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  • 91jack
    Re: GDT: @ USD Mangy Dogs

    Originally posted by mango4 View Post
    Taryn was going to go down before that could happen.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Taryn almost knelt down on the 1 yards line with one second left on the clock. I don't know what I would have done if we messed around and gave them the ball on the 1. If you are USD, do you go for the win or kick the FG and take it to OT.
    I don't know the rules but when you are tackled, the play clock goes to 40 seconds. After they threw the flag (that they picked up) they set it a 25 seconds so that almost cost SDSU.

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  • UWMandSDSU
    Re: GDT: @ USD Mangy Dogs

    Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
    Where did we practice last week? Outdoors? If so, I think the staff did not pay any attention to Moe and his staff or maybe a week of indoor practice does not fix this problem.
    Two weeks for best acclimation. Practice intensity is not same as game intensity. Intensity, environment and current fitness levels are drivers of sweat rate. Also they probably practiced indoors all week but if players were not replacing fluid and sodium throughout the week by the time game day rolls around some players may be at a sodium deficit on Saturday.

    In all my years of checking the hydration status of athletes over 70% of them go into practices/competitions in a state of dehydration. Middle school all the way up to Professional.

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  • Nidaros
    Re: GDT: @ USD Mangy Dogs

    Originally posted by UWMandSDSU View Post
    Most teams (HS & College) in this area are accustomed to playing outdoors this time of year, where the temps. are in the 40s. So when players go into an environment where it is in the 70s they are not acclimated and thus they sweat more (and lose electrolytes). Sodium is the key electrolyte lost in your sweat.

    I will say this, I was shaking my head every time a cramp occurred yesterday because it is preventable if you prepare properly.
    Where did we practice last week? Outdoors? If so, I think the staff did not pay any attention to Moe and his staff or maybe a week of indoor practice does not fix this problem.

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  • JackJD
    Re: GDT: @ USD Mangy Dogs

    Watching ESPN-U leading up to playoff show: Goedert’s one-hand catch is a play of the day.

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  • RabbitObsessed
    Re: GDT: @ USD Mangy Dogs

    It makes sense that Strev was injured. At the game, I was very much excited whenever he dropped back to pass and actually passed it.

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  • SteelSD
    Re: GDT: @ USD Mangy Dogs

    Originally posted by JackJD View Post
    All right Steelsd and Thumper — you made me curious so I took a look at the message board from down south. Pretty funny stuff. Some tin-foil hats worn down there. Loved the cramp conspiracy.
    Which one of you guys is CF?
    Haha, not me. I would certainly cramp up if I typed that much!! 😀

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  • UWMandSDSU
    Re: GDT: @ USD Mangy Dogs

    Originally posted by Southeast View Post
    He took a pretty good beating yesterday and is not going to have much of a chance to heal if they happen to work their way up to Brookings in two weeks.

    One more thing about the cramps, I watched most of the SD HS Championship games on TV (played in the dome two weeks ago) and there were a bunch of kids cramping up. The announcers kept talking about how they see it every year in the Dome. At one point a kid from my hometown (Gregory) even helped stretch a cramp for a player from the opposing team, which got a fair amount of attention as an example of good sportsmanship.
    Most teams (HS & College) in this area are accustomed to playing outdoors this time of year, where the temps. are in the 40s. So when players go into an environment where it is in the 70s they are not acclimated and thus they sweat more (and lose electrolytes). Sodium is the key electrolyte lost in your sweat.

    I will say this, I was shaking my head every time a cramp occurred yesterday because it is preventable if you prepare properly.

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  • Southeast
    Re: GDT: @ USD Mangy Dogs

    Originally posted by OldHare View Post
    Nielson stated in the post game interview that Streveler played with a very swollen passing hand. Streveler did not practice. I missed that info earlier.
    He took a pretty good beating yesterday and is not going to have much of a chance to heal if they happen to work their way up to Brookings in two weeks.

    One more thing about the cramps, I watched most of the SD HS Championship games on TV (played in the dome two weeks ago) and there were a bunch of kids cramping up. The announcers kept talking about how they see it every year in the Dome. At one point a kid from my hometown (Gregory) even helped stretch a cramp for a player from the opposing team, which got a fair amount of attention as an example of good sportsmanship.

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