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GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

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  • trueblue
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    My wife tells me to not let it ruin my day. To be so close and come up short is a feeling I've felt all too often. Listened on the radio and the suspense of the last few minutes was all I could take. Disappointed for such a great group of seniors!

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  • JackJD
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    And, this board has had a general rule about not dragging in issues from other message boards. Folks on opposing-team message boards are entitled to their opinions on their home boards and today I'm not particularly interested in reading on this message board what someone thinks about the opposing fan message board. So, let's not drag that junk over here.

    (Added: My wife is reading this board on her tablet and she said 'someone is going to ask whether I'm crabby.' Well, duh...ya think? But you know what, we went toe to toe in a heavyweight title match, a team with four losses playing at the home field of the favored team, defending champs, with one blemish on its record. And we can make the case that we deserved that win -- maybe more than NDSU deserved the win. But, deserving a win isn't the way it works. Our program now expects to be in the playoffs and with the way this season ended, we expect to compete for a national title. It wasn't that long ago and we didn't have that tradition. We do now. And, yeah, I'm crabby. These guys worked their tails off this season and overcame a lot of adversity. Good day to be a Jackrabbit albeit a crabby one.)
    Last edited by JackJD; 12-06-2014, 07:34 PM.

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  • JackJD
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Originally posted by shot_5533 View Post
    You are happy with the loss? Worse than a potted plant Nidaros. Jacks are allowed to win you know. Moral victories suck and the Jacks should be past that by now. Shame on You for thinking that.
    Lets get a little control there, shot. Not one SDSU fan has claimed any joy in this loss. No one claimed any moral victory crap. Today we were as good as the Bison but got nipped at the end.

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  • Southeast
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Originally posted by JACKGUYII View Post
    Many on Bisonville so classless. No credit to the Jacks and officials kept us in the game.
    No surprise there. Standard procedure for so many of them. They were falling into pre-meltdown mode and that blame-it-on-the-refs thing makes them feel better about themselves.

    Great game, great season. They say the home field is worth three points. Next year let's get a couple playoff games at home.

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  • shot_5533
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
    Maybe we should fire Clint Brown he runs the defense. Just joking. Here go again shot 5533 has all the answers.
    You are happy with the loss? Worse than a potted plant Nidaros. Jacks are allowed to win you know. Moral victories suck and the Jacks should be past that by now. Shame on You for thinking that.

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  • JackJD
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Damn, that's a hard loss to take but I'm sure proud of those Jackrabbits and their coaches.

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  • JackJD
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Listening to the post-game stats from Tyler M. Those will be interesting to review -- as the score shows, fairly even except in penalties. NDSU had some uncharacteristic miscues. Didn't their #6 get called for at least three penalties himself?

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  • shot_5533
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Originally posted by JACKGUYII View Post
    Many on Bisonville so classless. No credit to the Jacks and officials kept us in the game.
    You should have heard the Bison radio announcers. What homers. Makes you appreciate the Jacks.

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  • shot_5533
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Jacks should have won. They had them. One sack would have helped. You are allowed to rush more than four you know.

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    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Many on Bisonville so classless. No credit to the Jacks and officials kept us in the game.

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  • BigGoosie13
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Also, this was the best prepared we've ever been in a big game, Congrats to Stig and the rest of the Coaching Staff for one hell of a game plan.

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  • JackJD
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Zach had 32 carries for 132 yards rushing.
    For his career: 6548, that 196 shy of Josh Ranek's SDSU record...11 yards shy of Adrian Peterson's (Ga Southern) record for FCS

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  • Nidaros
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Originally posted by shot_5533 View Post
    Is blitz or pressure even in Stigs vocabulary?
    Maybe we should fire Clint Brown he runs the defense. Just joking. Here go again shot 5533 has all the answers.

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  • BigGoosie13
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Thank you seniors for a hell of a ride, they leave as the most victorious class in program history.

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  • JackJD
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    We'll see if NDSU has such a close game the rest of the way to #4. I think today was the championship game.

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