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GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

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  • 1bizon1
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Originally posted by WestSideRabbit View Post
    Just leaving Fargo. What a deflating feeling. Thanks seniors for the fun. Lots to build on and look forward to. New facilities and great young players. We will get over the hump. Today felt like our day but it wasn't. I'm glad I was here for it.

    Great meeting with Slosho, TransAm, and 1Bison1 today. Thanks for the beer.
    Great meeting you too Westside. You and the Jacks fans are Class 1 all the way! Too bad somebody had to lose this game. Hope all of you made it home safely!!

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  • marenlee
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Great game that had my pacing the living room and punching the couch. The Wildcat was driving me nuts as I kept telling myself "There is no way SDSU could make this work." Then after Zenner ran it in, all I could think was "There is no way we can stop the Wildcat." I think everything was all summed up with Coach K's and Stig's post game handshake. Great respect between the two ball coaches and programs.

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  • jackrabit1
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    So this is what having a buffalo rip your heart out feels like.

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  • marenlee
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Originally posted by JACKGUYII View Post
    Many on Bisonville so classless. No credit to the Jacks and officials kept us in the game.
    Typical. Combing through posts only reading what you want to. There's only a FEW people talking like that. And most people bitching about the officiating are not crediting that for the close game.

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  • Theee Catrabbit
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    A great game when you get down to it. I can't complain about anything except the final score. I had a good time.....cargo dome might want to get that scoreboard looked was driving people nuts......

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  • goon
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Originally posted by mitchellrabbit View Post
    I agree and hope the Bison roll through the rest of the playoffs.
    IsuR too.

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  • mitchellrabbit
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Originally posted by IBleedYellow View Post
    Screw regionalization. Nuff said.
    I agree and hope the Bison roll through the rest of the playoffs.

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  • IBleedYellow
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Screw regionalization. Nuff said.

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  • thumper_76
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Originally posted by IBleedYellow View Post
    Good game by the Jackrabbits. Pretty poorly officiated game and both teams got hosed by that. Who cares though, it was a well orchestrated game by the Rabbits and the Bison had all they could do to win.

    I personally think the Title game was played here tonight. Hope everyone has a safe drive back home tonight or tomorrow.
    I think so as well, unfortunately it will fade into history as our third second round finish, which hurts. This group of seniors deserved to be delt a better hand. Just sucks.

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  • JimmyJack
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Originally posted by IBleedYellow View Post
    Good game by the Jackrabbits. Pretty poorly officiated game and both teams got hosed by that. Who cares though, it was a well orchestrated game by the Rabbits and the Bison had all they could do to win.

    I personally think the Title game was played here tonight. Hope everyone has a safe drive back home tonight or tomorrow.
    I agree and will be rooting for NDSU (again) to win it all (again). Until we get a better, non-cheapskate, system for FCS playoffs, we're stuck with each other. And a bunch of teams on the east and west coasts who would finish in the middle of the MVFC, will keep getting longer-than-deserved playoff runs.

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  • IBleedYellow
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Good game by the Jackrabbits. Pretty poorly officiated game and both teams got hosed by that. Who cares though, it was a well orchestrated game by the Rabbits and the Bison had all they could do to win.

    I personally think the Title game was played here tonight. Hope everyone has a safe drive back home tonight or tomorrow.

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  • JimmyJack
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    It would be nice if fans could just be proud of their team, but some people derive an unhealthy amount of their personal pride and identity from the performance of their football team. They view shaky officiating as a personal insult. I love football, but it is just a game. Mostly right now, I'm disappointed for those seniors. What an amazing group of young men.

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  • WestSideRabbit
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Just leaving Fargo. What a deflating feeling. Thanks seniors for the fun. Lots to build on and look forward to. New facilities and great young players. We will get over the hump. Today felt like our day but it wasn't. I'm glad I was here for it.

    Great meeting with Slosho, TransAm, and 1Bison1 today. Thanks for the beer.

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  • 2002jack
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • shot_5533
    Re: GDT: State at NDSU - Playoff Edition

    Originally posted by JackJD View Post
    Lets get a little control there, shot. Not one SDSU fan has claimed any joy in this loss. No one claimed any moral victory crap. Today we were as good as the Bison but got nipped at the end.
    Ok. Sorry. I just thought we had them and the MGD was talking.

    Great at move with the offense today. Bison didn't adjust to the Wildcat formations. It was driving the Bison announcers crazy. BTW with the exception of Hawk Harrelson, I have never heard announcers disparage refs like them. They flat out said the refs couldn't keep up with the athletes.

    I just wish we would have applied a little pressure and gone for it on defense.

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