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Game day uni

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  • #91
    Re: Game day uni

    [QUOTE=goon;210278]This should also go to prove why we need to keep a real grass field. Fake grass and turfs have never been good to sdsu.[/QUOTEWe better get good at it awfuly quick considering SDSU is the last team withe real stuff. Hate to go 5-6 every hear because of Field Turf. Give me a break.Go Jacks!!
    SDSU...Passionate, Relentless, Champions.


    • #92
      Re: Game day uni

      Originally posted by Chains View Post
      I've heard coach stig say several times that if we continue to make mistakes it will cost us a game and it did. One turnover was a wide rec falling down on one of our famous passes to the flats. Another should have NOT been a turnover as our rec was in my humble opinion down on the play. The third was a turnover on downs laste in teh game which was meaningless. Another fake punt that we had absolutely NO ONE staying home. It was in a situation where a fake punt was a good possibility.

      A really frustrating game to watch. Couple of dropped passes and a ball or two that was poorly thrown. All that said UNI was clearly the better team today.

      Hopefully we can bounce back next week? Hobo Day may just be coming at the right time this year. We need to forget about this one and move on. Still tied for the conference lead and playoffs are still in the picture.

      I was at the game and you could almost see the fake punt coming...I was shocked at how poorly it was covered. A stop there resulting in good field position could have made a big difference in the game. The interception in the first quarter after the running game was working kind of set the tone.


      • #93
        Re: Game day uni

        In the post game, coach seemed to hang the poor passing game on the receivers. Whatever it is, it needs to be fixed, or we're just not anywhere near serious contenders for postseason play.


        • #94
          Re: Game day uni

          Originally posted by MH351 View Post
          In the post game, coach seemed to hang the poor passing game on the receivers. Whatever it is, it needs to be fixed, or we're just not anywhere near serious contenders for postseason play.
          Attended the game. I had said earlier that UNI's offensive coordinator would cause problems for us and he did. Rollin falls- interception- Tight end goes out and up TD In the first half they took 3 shots deep down the field- first one TD 2nd one pass interference on us- 3rd one incomplete 2nd half- another deep shot- complete In my opinion it set up their short passing game and they ran with success and the game was over. We got out coached here in all phases of the game. I did not see the press game coverage after the game. Yes we had a couple of dropped passes- Rollin and Hubert simply have to hang on and Hubert simply can't fumble after a reception. That has happened more than once this year. HOWEVER lets take a close look at our passing schemes- When we go 5 wide-Empty set it is called- our scheme has to be questioned and I'll go farther than that- IT IS MESSED UP!!!!!!!!!! We took our Big TEnd (Daughters) and the nations leading Tailback (Zenner) and lined both of them on opposite sides as our wideout WR!!!!!!!!!! They are very good athletes obviously but they are NOT WR'S! Go ahead coach- if u did hang the poor passing game on the Wr's and yes there is plenty of blame to go around- I think it all starts with the scheme of the passing game. Zenner lead us with 5 receptions on our all but famous swing route for a total of 22 yards. As far as the field turf is concerned- I did walk down to the field after the game and the field was not Field Turf- a different kind of turf but did field turf like we have been seeing. Yes I think our players should have noticed that in pre game but took a few plays at full speed to get it figured out. Most went with tennis shoes after the few slips.


          • #95
            Re: Game day uni

            Originally posted by common sense rabbit View Post
            Attended the game. I had said earlier that UNI's offensive coordinator would cause problems for us and he did. Rollin falls- interception- Tight end goes out and up TD In the first half they took 3 shots deep down the field- first one TD 2nd one pass interference on us- 3rd one incomplete 2nd half- another deep shot- complete In my opinion it set up their short passing game and they ran with success and the game was over. We got out coached here in all phases of the game. I did not see the press game coverage after the game. Yes we had a couple of dropped passes- Rollin and Hubert simply have to hang on and Hubert simply can't fumble after a reception. That has happened more than once this year. HOWEVER lets take a close look at our passing schemes- When we go 5 wide-Empty set it is called- our scheme has to be questioned and I'll go farther than that- IT IS MESSED UP!!!!!!!!!! We took our Big TEnd (Daughters) and the nations leading Tailback (Zenner) and lined both of them on opposite sides as our wideout WR!!!!!!!!!! They are very good athletes obviously but they are NOT WR'S! Go ahead coach- if u did hang the poor passing game on the Wr's and yes there is plenty of blame to go around- I think it all starts with the scheme of the passing game. Zenner lead us with 5 receptions on our all but famous swing route for a total of 22 yards. As far as the field turf is concerned- I did walk down to the field after the game and the field was not Field Turf- a different kind of turf but did field turf like we have been seeing. Yes I think our players should have noticed that in pre game but took a few plays at full speed to get it figured out. Most went with tennis shoes after the few slips.
            If the Rollin drop is the one where he had to go airborne over the middle and got absolutely hammered,that one is on Sumner as much as Rollin - he really hung him out to dry in that situation.


            • #96
              Re: Game day uni

              Let play the blame game, looks like there is enough to go around.


              • #97
                Re: Game day uni

                Originally posted by bigticket1 View Post
                If the Rollin drop is the one where he had to go airborne over the middle and got absolutely hammered,that one is on Sumner as much as Rollin - he really hung him out to dry in that situation.
                I agree. Another pass thrown too high. That one was absolutely on Sumner and he's lucky he did not get Rollin killed.


                • #98
                  Re: Game day uni

                  I'll just add my .02,we need ALL three downs to make first downs,we don't have an explosive enough offense to waste any(except for ZZ,and we now see what happens when a team can keep him out of the end zone).It all came down to 3rd downs,we didn't convert enough,and we didn't stop enough.Injuries are starting to pile up enough to downgrade the team a little also.I'd like to add,I don't think the WR's are the sole cause of us losing yesterday,the problems are much deeper than that,and are more numerous.I'll let the coaching staff figure them all out and coach the corrections,they are the experts,so we'll see next game how they did in that respect.


                  • #99
                    Re: Game day uni

                    I guess I've been quiet about on this game because I have feared all year that a game like this was coming. It seems that everything about the passing game is badly broken. No opponent will show it any respect until given a reason to. The QB is off; the receivers fall, drop passes, can't get open; how the coaches are using our feeble passing resources is questionable...everything. I guess I expected more from AR and certainly from Sumner. That we don't have more talent at WR goes to recruiting or development. Anyhow, if there were a way to ramp that part of the offense up to even adequate, that'd make a big difference the rest of the way. Just don't know how that's going to happen if it hasn't by now against lesser competition.

                    Shoe Gate is kind of a joke. If, between feedback from players who have played on the turf before and pre-game warmups, we couldn't figure out which shoes to wear, that's pretty sad.

                    The only real fear I have about the defense, even given yesterday's showing, is injuries. I'm willing to concede that yesterday was just an off day, and they'll bounce back. But we do need to force more turnovers. That's the challenge for the D.

                    There were a series of key plays that made a big difference yesterday: giving up a first down on third and long, a couple of dropped passes that sound like they would have kept drives going, the fake punt on a part of the field where we should have been aware that it was an option, the early pick that resulted in a TD, etc. Our third down rate on offense is bad. And that goes to the fact that we don't keep drives alive. That's got to change. And those drives have to result in touchdowns more times than not.

                    So, there's my Sunday morning quarterbacking for you. Not really much that's going to edify you. I'm just concerned that we're more than halfway through the season, and our passing game is an abject disaster. Frankly, my belief that it's going to evolve much this season is gone. Hope I'm wrong, but I've seen no proof to believe I am. And it's just killing this team. Quality opponents the rest of the way will find ways to shut down our one-denominational offense if things don't change. And it can't all be on the players. The coaches have to shoulder the blame for what's been a season-long issue.
                    Grumbling along and embracing my role. If I didn't care, I wouldn't care. Go Jacks!


                    • Re: Game day uni

                      Originally posted by common sense rabbit View Post
                      Attended the game. I had said earlier that UNI's offensive coordinator would cause problems for us and he did. Rollin falls- interception- Tight end goes out and up TD In the first half they took 3 shots deep down the field- first one TD 2nd one pass interference on us- 3rd one incomplete 2nd half- another deep shot- complete In my opinion it set up their short passing game and they ran with success and the game was over. We got out coached here in all phases of the game. I did not see the press game coverage after the game. Yes we had a couple of dropped passes- Rollin and Hubert simply have to hang on and Hubert simply can't fumble after a reception. That has happened more than once this year. HOWEVER lets take a close look at our passing schemes- When we go 5 wide-Empty set it is called- our scheme has to be questioned and I'll go farther than that- IT IS MESSED UP!!!!!!!!!! We took our Big TEnd (Daughters) and the nations leading Tailback (Zenner) and lined both of them on opposite sides as our wideout WR!!!!!!!!!! They are very good athletes obviously but they are NOT WR'S! Go ahead coach- if u did hang the poor passing game on the Wr's and yes there is plenty of blame to go around- I think it all starts with the scheme of the passing game. Zenner lead us with 5 receptions on our all but famous swing route for a total of 22 yards. As far as the field turf is concerned- I did walk down to the field after the game and the field was not Field Turf- a different kind of turf but did field turf like we have been seeing. Yes I think our players should have noticed that in pre game but took a few plays at full speed to get it figured out. Most went with tennis shoes after the few slips.
                      Hubert and AR:

                      You know what else I have seen happen more than once this year (maybe 50 or 75 times) ... AR and Hubert blocking down field for our 1300 yard rusher, turning 15 yard runs into 60 yard runs... that simply has to continue to happen..... I have seen both take violent shots over the middle several times this year, and hang on, very similar to the one right before half by Hubert that kept the drive alive...that simply has to continue to happen... I can't believe UNI still won the game after their receivers dropped some passes in the 1st half after our guys layed some big hits on them.... how UNI found a way to overcome those drops is beyond my understanding !! We will bounce back...don't panic....did any of us really think we would run the table in the MVC? A lot of football left to be played by a good team, should be fun. HOBO DAY should be a great game!


                      • Re: Game day uni

                        Bad game. Move on. Beat YSU and you're 6-2 and need two of the last three to get in the playoffs.
                        Holy nutmeg!


                        • Re: Game day uni

                          Originally posted by JimmyJack View Post
                          Bad game. Move on. Beat YSU and you're 6-2 and need two of the last three to get in the playoffs.
                          No disagreement here. I think after winning 5 in a row, it feels like a real let down for fans, coaches and players alike. Its time to move on.

                          One mismatch was Winston Wright and those big TE. Winston I met at the endowment banquet a couple of weeks ago. He is 5'10 in the program, but might be 5''9' as that's what he seemed to be in person. A one on one matchup in the endzone with a 6' 3 or 6'4 TE, is no contest. Winston is a very good athlete and a fine person, but when you are out matched height wise there isnt anything Winston or anyone else could do. I tend to believe the UNI coaching staff knows our roster better than our coaching staff knowing the UNI roster. It seemed that way yesterday, maybe I am not giving enough credit for the staff efforts in game preparation. I guess it comes down to execution, and the UNI QB seemed to have all day to throw a pass.


                          • Re: Game day uni

                            The reason we lost is pretty plain and simple, we wore the blue pants instead of the yellow pants...simple as that I tell ya!!!


                            • Re: Game day uni

                              WHAT???????? Are you serious? I can't believe they did that. I blame the coaching staff and the equipment manager. They should know better than to mess with a streak.
                              "The purpose of life is not to be happy - but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all."
                              -Leo Rosten


                              • Re: Game day uni

                                How many of our players will grade 100 % after yesterday's game? Mental errors weigh heavily into the choice for offensive and defensive players of the week. Oh well someone will be picked by default.

