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New arena for USD

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  • #16
    Re: New arena for USD

    Originally posted by SUPERBUNNY View Post
    Hey, leave my future wives out of this! JK!

    Glad to hear there will be a major improvement in the facilities at USD. The Dome is awful for basketball. The BOR has to get with it and give approval to this and to SDSU to ok the facilities plan at SDSU. Not to build at SDSU but just the plans so they can work on getting the $$$$$$$ in place. That is still a head-scratcher to me.

    Govt decisions are not based on common sense, it makes perfect sense for them by keeping the schools from advancing on adding million dollar projects to its campuses.
    "The most rewarding things you do in life, are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.” Arnold Palmer

    Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.


    • #17
      Re: New arena for USD

      Originally posted by SUPERBUNNY View Post
      Hey, leave my future wives out of this! JK!
      This is why I need a spell checker.


      • #18
        Re: New arena for USD

        Originally posted by UWMandSDSU View Post
        As in Joe Robbie Stadium (former name of the stadium the Dolphins use to play at), the Joe Robbie award (awarded every year to the MVP of the State HS Football Championships). Joe Robbie died in 1990.
        I did not know that.


        • #19
          Re: New arena for USD

          Originally posted by jackmd View Post
          No, wasn't that big a name, just a successful businessman who needs the tax break and enjoys attending USD events because he lives in the Yankton area. He didn't graduate from college. Donates money not only to USD but SDSU and is a HUGE Notre Dame fan (season ticket holder and booster). They approached him about the project, asked for a pledge and returned to tell him they would be moving forward. Time will tell.
          From what I understand, these types of discussions aren't supposed to be happening as per the recent BOR decision to table plans. ie, you can't get pledges from donors for a project that doesn't even exist.

          Again, just my understanding, but I believe SDSU is being very cautious with potential donors regarding the new SDSU football stadium until it gets board approval.

          Did I miss something?
          “I used to be with it. But then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it seems scary and wierd. It’ll happen to you.” — Abe Simpson


          • #20
            Re: New arena for USD

            Originally posted by SF_Rabbit_Fan View Post
            From what I understand, these types of discussions aren't supposed to be happening as per the recent BOR decision to table plans. ie, you can't get pledges from donors for a project that doesn't even exist.

            Again, just my understanding, but I believe SDSU is being very cautious with potential donors regarding the new SDSU football stadium until it gets board approval.

            Did I miss something?
            I think fund raising can not be stopped in it's tracks by anyone especially the BOR. Granted they have power in the approval process, but if a Mildred White calls like she did to VJ Smith years ago, we do not tell her about approval being on hold or stuff like that, we embrace the donor and their gifts. I do not see any harm in getting pledges, and I don't think the BOR said anything to that affect. Seems to me they would be encouraging the foundations to get their ducks in a row. Pledge cards can be torn up and put into the circle basket anytime the donor requests such action. When it's a matter of cash in the hand, then it gets sticky as it did with USD who I vague recall had a law suit because a donor's name did not go on the building as promised. Just my opinion.


            • #21
              Re: New arena for USD

              Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
              I did not know that.
              Here's more information about Robbie from the South Dakota Hall of Fame. I knew he grew up in SD, but I did not know he was Lebanese. You don't hear of many South Dakotans with Lebanese ancestry.



              • #22
                Re: New arena for USD

                Originally posted by 2002jack View Post
                Here's more information about Robbie from the South Dakota Hall of Fame. I knew he grew up in SD, but I did not know he was Lebanese. You don't hear of many South Dakotans with Lebanese ancestry.

                As was Sen. James Abdnor, whose Lebanese parents lived at Kennebec, where Jim still maintains his family's home.


                • #23
                  Re: New arena for USD

                  Originally posted by 2002jack View Post
                  Here's more information about Robbie from the South Dakota Hall of Fame. I knew he grew up in SD, but I did not know he was Lebanese. You don't hear of many South Dakotans with Lebanese ancestry.

                  Actually, I think we hear of many South Dakotans of Arab heritage including, but not lim,ited to, a strong contingent of Lebanese. Don't forget the first Arab-American US Senator, Jim Abourezk of Sioux Falls -- his parents emigrated from Lebanon. Arab-Americans have been leaders in South Dakota communities since statehood.

                  Sioux Falls has a significant population of Arab Americans including Egyptians, Syrians, Iraquis. Gene Abdallah, former US Marshall for South Dakota, currently serves in the SD Legislature.

                  There's an active Syrian-Lebanese Orthodox Church in Sioux City, IA.

                  One of my roommates in college days was of Lebanese heritage...his ancestors had arrived in the USA before my Irish ancestors.

                  Added: oops, major thread drift.


                  • #24
                    Re: New arena for USD

                    More drift, but a business family in Brookings happens to be Lebanese. I am speaking of the late Naim Bozied, who Jim Langer worked for while on scholarship in Football. I want to say the son's name is Tom and now is a real estate agent for Century 21, and they are on the corner of sixth and Medary, but used to be at Sixth and Main where the one bank is now located for years. And before the serivce stations, they owned Bozied Hatchery which was subsequent location of Horts II at Third st and Fifth Ave. Also Naim's daughter is a spouse of Professor Emertitus Robert Burns, of the political Science Department. I think I covered it all, but I sure there are many more Lebanese who are scatted about South Dakota. The Bozied's were/are very good business people.

                    I should have known better than to mention Joe Robie, after finding out he has not been among the living for 20 years, but I was trying to think of the USD alums with resources and would likely make major donations towards a basketball facility. My apologies to anyone who might be close to Joe and his family.


                    • #25
                      Re: New arena for USD

                      Nidaros, 20 years after we are gone no one will remember when we went either!


                      • #26
                        Re: New arena for USD

                        Originally posted by MikeHenriksen View Post
                        Nidaros, 20 years after we are gone no one will remember when we went either!
                        Probably not.


                        • #27
                          Re: New arena for USD

                          New arena or not USD is light years away from SDSU in almost every way when it comes to fan support. The Jacks may be getting 1500-2000 for many games but USD is struggling to average 500 although they may announce higher attendance numbers. The fan support for anything outside of football right now is absolutely pathetic at the U. USD has their rivalry games vs UND yesterday and the Yotes board gets a grand total of ZERO posts. Mick Garry is probably laughing during his live chat with the lack of activity. I have argued otherwise but in all honesty if I am the Argus I pull Mick off the USD beat alltogether and give them no beat writer at all. It's not deserved based on fan activity. It's very discouraging to be a USD fan with such apathy and such a non caring attitude. For the fans that show no interest they deserve every bit of every loss they have to endure. On the other hand most of them really don't care either way.

                          There is no real threat from the south to the college dominance for the Jacks in the state of South Dakota. Sometimes the truth hurts but for so many to not realise it is what hurts even more.
                          How Bout Them Yotes


                          • #28
                            Re: New arena for USD

                            At least for the Yotes they are joining the MVFC/Summit which should help generate some fan interest.


                            • #29
                              Re: New arena for USD

                              Originally posted by Coyote_Fan View Post
                              New arena or not USD is light years away from SDSU in almost every way when it comes to fan support. The Jacks may be getting 1500-2000 for many games but USD is struggling to average 500 although they may announce higher attendance numbers. The fan support for anything outside of football right now is absolutely pathetic at the U. USD has their rivalry games vs UND yesterday and the Yotes board gets a grand total of ZERO posts. Mick Garry is probably laughing during his live chat with the lack of activity. I have argued otherwise but in all honesty if I am the Argus I pull Mick off the USD beat alltogether and give them no beat writer at all. It's not deserved based on fan activity. It's very discouraging to be a USD fan with such apathy and such a non caring attitude. For the fans that show no interest they deserve every bit of every loss they have to endure. On the other hand most of them really don't care either way.

                              There is no real threat from the south to the college dominance for the Jacks in the state of South Dakota. Sometimes the truth hurts but for so many to not realise it is what hurts even more.
                              Haha, CF no longer in the Red thanks to this post.
                              Originally posted by JackFan96
                              Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


                              • #30
                                Re: New arena for USD

                                Originally posted by Coyote_Fan View Post
                                New arena or not USD is light years away from SDSU in almost every way when it comes to fan support. The Jacks may be getting 1500-2000 for many games but USD is struggling to average 500 although they may announce higher attendance numbers. The fan support for anything outside of football right now is absolutely pathetic at the U. USD has their rivalry games vs UND yesterday and the Yotes board gets a grand total of ZERO posts. Mick Garry is probably laughing during his live chat with the lack of activity. I have argued otherwise but in all honesty if I am the Argus I pull Mick off the USD beat alltogether and give them no beat writer at all. It's not deserved based on fan activity. It's very discouraging to be a USD fan with such apathy and such a non caring attitude. For the fans that show no interest they deserve every bit of every loss they have to endure. On the other hand most of them really don't care either way.

                                There is no real threat from the south to the college dominance for the Jacks in the state of South Dakota. Sometimes the truth hurts but for so many to not realise it is what hurts even more.
                                The expectation is that fan support will improve with a new arena, a more regional conference affiliation (clearly not the NCC geography but better than before), and the renewal of the rivalries with SDSU and NDSU. Obviously that all seem very logical and I hope true. I think it is somewhat remarkable that USD has been able to recruit some of the quality athletes they have with current facilities. It's a statement to the commitment of the current admin and coaches.
                                We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                                We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.

