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Me Too U.

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  • #61
    Re: Me Too U.

    Originally posted by JackJD View Post
    KULawJack and Yotemeal (the former, a soon-to-be minted lawyer and the later, a recently minted lawyer): A lesson for the courtroom can be gleaned from this thread. I thought Yotemeal's story was cute. BUT: see what happens when one argues by analogy! Keep that in mind when you try your first jury trial against an older, experienced trial lawyer!

    Entertaining thread! is my #1 source for free practice pointers.
    University of South Dakota:
    Oldest university of the Dakotas; Home of S.D.'s only accredited law, medical and business schools; S.D.'s designated liberal arts institution; National scholars galore; Alma mater of 10 S.D. governors, 20 members of Congress, all sitting S.D. Supreme Ct. justices and 1/2 of all S.D. physicians; Warmer than Brookings; Where JackMD received his advanced degree!


    • #62
      Re: Me Too U.

      Originally posted by JackJD View Post
      Fairness in a smack thread?
      More legitimacy to the smack then.


      • #63
        Re: Me Too U.


        FB: 1 of 5 - Southern
        MBB: 1 of 13 - Tennessee State
        WBB: 9 of 14 - Cal State Bakersfield, Kentucky, Northern Illinois, Texas State, Oklahoma State, Middle Tennessee State, Alabama, Wisconsin-Milwaukee, IPFW

        *think I got all the numbers right


        • #64
          Re: Me Too U.

          Originally posted by Coyote_Fan View Post
          If you are going to accuse USD of being Me2U than SDSU is just as much to be called Me2SU.

          SDSU played follow the leader just as much as USD did. If there was a pioneer from the old North Central Conference of recent times that school would be Northern Colorado, afterall they were the first to make the move. SDSU wouldn't go to D1 on their own because they need(ed) NDSU by their side all the way. SDSU even admitted that they wouldn't go out on their own to join a conference. It was either the both or neither. Would SDSU really have passed on a conference bid if NDSU wasn't invited. It's proven that USD is going to go forward whether that is with UND or not. UND has their own problems with the mascot issue but that is not going to stop USD from taking a Summit bid even if UND isn't included. I am sure it's USD's preference to have UND in the Summit as well but it's not a make it or break it deal as it was with SDSU being handcuffed to NDSU.

          SDSU wants to say that USD needs SDSU more than SDSU needs to USD. Whether that is true or not is argumentative. What is fact is that SDSU needs NDSU much worse than USD needing UND. It's true based on recent actions.

          If SDSU was such the pioneer they would have moved up with Northern Iowa decades ago. SDSU did not go out on their own or didn't lead anyone else to D1. So please stop saying that USD followed SDSU because in a direct sense it's not true. They may have indirectly but they also indirectly followed Morningside, UND, NDSU and SDSU as well as the NCC became more and more an irrelevant conference. If MSU or St. Cloud goes D1 I am not for one second going to claim they followed USD because it's a ridiculous claim and a boring argument.
          NDSU and SDSU had a strong partnership when they went DI and it continues to this day, both schools seem to always be on the same page and that is hardly something I can say about what USD and UND have going. That is a shame since both NDSU and SDSU benefited greatly from a strong partnership, the two accomplished a lot more together than they ever would have apart.

          I don't know what the deal is with USD and UND, it seems like you guys just have a forced marraige and you both want to get back what you lost. You can say that isn't true all you want, but if that wasn't true you both would still be in DII and there is no way you would be posting on a SDSU board.

          I don't think you really followed anyone, you guys just flat out screwed up. Both UXD's gambled by thinking the XDSU's would fail and both have and will continue to pay for that mistake.


          • #65
            Re: Me Too U.

            Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
            Lost Yote is trying to decide whether to howl over his plight or follow the leader.
            And since lost yotes are never able to decide (we were for the move to DI as a conference before we were against it, but then changed our mind 5 years later...), they do what they always do--howl over their plight WHILE following the leader!
            “I used to be with it. But then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it seems scary and wierd. It’ll happen to you.” — Abe Simpson


            • #66
              Re: Me Too U.

              Originally posted by Evolution Prime View Post
              It might be more useful to compare the first year of transition instead of this years stats. That would give a better reference in the transition period. Of course we are going to have more wins this year against DI members because we are further along in our transition. Completed actually. We should at least be fair in our analysis, even if it is just comparing wins and losses.
              Was it a fair comparison, probably not, but the 49-3 win total statistic is interesting none the less. How many of us would have predicted 49 wins in our first year of eligibility when we began the transition? Forty nine wins is a benchmark, we'll see if USD can match that in a few years. Also, what do us Jackrabbit fans exect in the future. I see 7-9 wins in football, 18-24 wins in womens bb, and 14-18 (hopefully more) in mens bb for a total for a total range of about 40-50 wins/year. Once again we'll see if the Yotes can match that.

              What does the three win total tell us about USD? It tells me they didn't make much of an effort to step outside of their comfort zone and attempt to accomplish much. Mostly a schedule of DII and NAIA schools. They are still an unknown in the world of DI athletics. I remember a few years ago hearing from some of the USD faithfull that when they make the move to DI they will do it the right way, not the way SDSU did it. I guess I'll just sit back and watch greatness unfold down in Vermillion over the next couple of years.


              • #67
                Re: Me Too U.

                Originally posted by Hammersmith View Post

                FB: 1 of 5 - Southern
                MBB: 1 of 13 - Tennessee State
                WBB: 9 of 14 - Cal State Bakersfield, Kentucky, Northern Illinois, Texas State, Oklahoma State, Middle Tennessee State, Alabama, Wisconsin-Milwaukee, IPFW

                *think I got all the numbers right

                So the difference between USD and SDSU in their first year of D1 is Woman's Basketball?

                Good thing I don't care about that then.

                And really if you want to make it a "fair comparison" you could throw out woman's basketball for USD and add track. I believe SDSU "fast-tracked" WBB like USD did track and field.

                But really, for MBB and Football, the 2 sports most people care about, after 1 year, USD and SDSU are even.
                Originally posted by JackFan96
                Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


                • #68
                  Re: Me Too U.

                  Originally posted by RabbitObserver View Post
                  So the difference between USD and SDSU in their first year of D1 is Woman's Basketball?

                  Good thing I don't care about that then.

                  And really if you want to make it a "fair comparison" you could throw out woman's basketball for USD and add track. I believe SDSU "fast-tracked" WBB like USD did track and field.

                  But really, for MBB and Football, the 2 sports most people care about, after 1 year, USD and SDSU are even.

                  By NCAA rule, you can't "fast-track" football, Men's Basketball, or Women's Basketball. SDSU "fast-tracked" Volleyball and Wrestling.

                  Go State!


                  • #69
                    Re: Me Too U.

                    Originally posted by 89rabbit View Post
                    By NCAA rule, you can't "fast-track" football, Men's Basketball, or Women's Basketball. SDSU "fast-tracked" Volleyball and Wrestling.

                    Go State!
                    Glad someone knows the rules better than me. And that totally makes sense. Thanks!
                    Originally posted by JackFan96
                    Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


                    • #70
                      Re: Me Too U.

                      Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                      Originally Posted by NorCalJack
                      Oh, here comes our little brother now. Looks like he just started crossing the lake and has a ways to go. Good luck little bro.

                      I don't know, I think he lost that roadmap the rabbit gave him. He looks like he has been walking around in circles, lost.
                      NorCal, you proved you could hang with Sturgis Jeff on a post like this. Kudos, and those unsigned rep points are from me. This is HI-Larry-US

                      P.S. This gives new meaning to the term, "Frozen Coyote."
                      P.S.S. What you don't see off camera is a jackrabbit, blazing a trail. Lost Yote is trying to decide whether to howl over his plight or follow the leader.
                      Actually NoVa if you look along the shoreline you will see the trail that the Jacks blazed. There are a set of rabbit tracks, but it looks like the Coyote, the predator he is, has lost the scent. That is why I thought that picture was too funny not to post.

                      By the way, I know Coyotes use other animals scent to track down their victims, so Coyotes are use to following other animals. It is in their DNA. But in this picture it looks like the Coyote has lost the scent and is now aimlessly wondering around on the ice looking for a good place to land.

                      But in all fairness to the Coyote, water usually collects in low lying areas and so you can only go up from here. Eventually I think the Coyote will reach the Summit.

                      Go State!!!
                      (")_(") Feed the Rabbit!!


                      • #71
                        Re: Me Too U.

                        Originally posted by RabbitObserver View Post
                        So the difference between USD and SDSU in their first year of D1 is Woman's Basketball?

                        Good thing I don't care about that then.

                        And really if you want to make it a "fair comparison" you could throw out woman's basketball for USD and add track. I believe SDSU "fast-tracked" WBB like USD did track and field.

                        But really, for MBB and Football, the 2 sports most people care about, after 1 year, USD and SDSU are even.
                        Heck! SDSU even played twice as many games at the DI level too so that just shows that the Yotes would double there wins if they would have played more than 16 or so TOTAL COMBINED GAMES AT THE DIVISION I LEVEL FOR ALL THREE SPORTS!

                        Way to go out on a limb with the scheduling. Yowza.
                        "All I know is what I read on the message boards."
                        "Oh, well, there's your problem, then."


                        • #72
                          Re: Me Too U.

                          Originally posted by RabbitObserver View Post
                          So the difference between USD and SDSU in their first year of D1 is Woman's Basketball?

                          Good thing I don't care about that then.

                          And really if you want to make it a "fair comparison" you could throw out woman's basketball for USD and add track. I believe SDSU "fast-tracked" WBB like USD did track and field.

                          But really, for MBB and Football, the 2 sports most people care about, after 1 year, USD and SDSU are even.
                          If you dont care, why do you bother to observe?


                          • #73
                            Re: Me Too U.

                            USD hasn't done much yet at the D1 level but what they have done already is more than what many SDSU fans thought.

                            1. First of all many SDSU fans never thought USD would go D1 in the first place

                            2. Many SDSU fans figured USD would have gone back to D2 by now

                            3. Many SDSU fans believe(d) that USD would not find a conference for several years into transition. The Summit is looking like a decent bet.

                            3. Many SDSU fans claimed USD would get killed in football their first year in D1. They had a couple of bad games but other than that they competed well. Most SDSU fans would not have thought USD would be able to compete with UNI as good as they did.

                            4. Many SDSU fans would not have thought USD Mens Basketball would have won on the road as soon as they did.

                            5. Almost no SDSU fans thought the USD Womens team (in a rebuilding year albeit) would give North Carolina as big of a scare as they did. There is and will be plenty of improvement to be made for the Coyotes.

                            6. My biggest personal disappointment is the scheduling practices seem to be timid, which will have to change. They should have gone out and scheduled more agressively for the first year or transition. I don't care much about year 1 as long as things continue to improve. At least for USD they have made it past the worst part of transition which is year 1. There is a long ways to go but aways has been traveled as well. USD has done about what I thought they would do in their first year.
                            How Bout Them Yotes


                            • #74
                              Re: Me Too U.

                              Originally posted by Coyote_Fan View Post
                              USD hasn't done much yet at the D1 level but what they have done already is more than what many SDSU fans thought.

                              1. First of all many SDSU fans never thought USD would go D1 in the first place

                              2. Many SDSU fans figured USD would have gone back to D2 by now

                              3. Many SDSU fans believe(d) that USD would not find a conference for several years into transition. The Summit is looking like a decent bet.

                              3. Many SDSU fans claimed USD would get killed in football their first year in D1. They had a couple of bad games but other than that they competed well. Most SDSU fans would not have thought USD would be able to compete with UNI as good as they did.

                              4. Many SDSU fans would not have thought USD Mens Basketball would have won on the road as soon as they did.

                              5. Almost no SDSU fans thought the USD Womens team (in a rebuilding year albeit) would give North Carolina as big of a scare as they did. There is and will be plenty of improvement to be made for the Coyotes.

                              6. My biggest personal disappointment is the scheduling practices seem to be timid, which will have to change. They should have gone out and scheduled more agressively for the first year or transition. I don't care much about year 1 as long as things continue to improve. At least for USD they have made it past the worst part of transition which is year 1. There is a long ways to go but aways has been traveled as well. USD has done about what I thought they would do in their first year.

                              How is it that Coyote Fan knows exactly how all the SDSU fans are thinking? Do you do polling?


                              • #75
                                Re: Me Too U.

                                Originally posted by Coyote_Fan View Post
                                USD hasn't done much yet at the D1 level but what they have done already is more than what many SDSU fans thought.

                                1. First of all many SDSU fans never thought USD would go D1 in the first place

                                2. Many SDSU fans figured USD would have gone back to D2 by now

                                3. Many SDSU fans believe(d) that USD would not find a conference for several years into transition. The Summit is looking like a decent bet.

                                3. Many SDSU fans claimed USD would get killed in football their first year in D1. They had a couple of bad games but other than that they competed well. Most SDSU fans would not have thought USD would be able to compete with UNI as good as they did.

                                4. Many SDSU fans would not have thought USD Mens Basketball would have won on the road as soon as they did.

                                How "many" is "many"?

