posted this elsewhere (since we have two big sky threads going on): Usd has scheduled a press conference for tomorrow (thursday) noon, and it seems obvious it will be to announce they are accepting the invitation to join the big sky.
I wonder who leaked the story? I think USD will like the bounce the story gets when it comes out tomorrow in the press conference...if everyone can keep quiet tonight and not give confirmation to the press (Yankton Press & Dakotan and the Argus Leader appear to have the story but aren't getting it confirmed with sources).
So KSFY broke it first...your paper, 76, had the story but was doing the right thing and trying to get proper confirmation. I haven't seen it announced yet on the P&D yet this evening.
Having the last laugh is nice, they gotta be feeling lonely up in GF right now. This is especially nice after listing to people in the media and Sioux fans gloat about how great the Big Sky is. A few media people even talked about how their situation is better than NDSU's.
Well, this is interesting. KSFY broke the story but over on KELO...nothing until the end of the sports at just about 10:30 and the sports guys said tomorrow USD was going to have a press conference to announce it is joining the Big Sky in all sports.
Well, this is interesting. KSFY broke the story but over on KELO...nothing until the end of the sports at just about 10:30 and the sports guys said tomorrow USD was going to have a press conference to announce it is joining the Big Sky in all sports.
Saw that too. Had to rewind a few times on my DVR to make sure I heard it correctly. We know one station is wrong.
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