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Big Sky

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  • Re: Big Sky

    Originally posted by SF_Rabbit_Fan View Post

    I still think they should play this game in Sioux Falls every year with season ticket holders and students getting guaranteed seats, with any leftovers (yeah right) being sold first come first serve. The revenue lost from losing a home game would be dwarfed by additional season ticket sales.

    This would help season ticket sales at both schools, as the only way you're guaranteed a spot to sit is to have a season ticket.

    This plan would not work so well if season ticket sales exceed capacity of Howard Wood.

    If it flops, just go back to playing home/home conference schedule, no big deal. If it is a hit, it could be huuuuuuge.
    Each school would have 5k each and there would be no room for ticket sales if that is the case. Its an awful idea. Unless SF can garuntee we profit more from this game then a home game, it would not be worth it.
    "The most rewarding things you do in life, are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.” Arnold Palmer

    Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.


    • Re: Big Sky

      Originally posted by SF_Rabbit_Fan View Post
      If Brookings business owners are serious about making money and maximizing their profits (I assume this is why they would be unhappy?), they need the Sioux Falls consumer in town as often as possible.

      Brookings will have an integral part of building the new stadium, this is very true. However, Sioux Falls fans will be an integral part of filling that stadium. Or is SDSU going to fill the 22,000 seat stadium with Brookings County residents?

      IMO, the Sioux Falls game would only last 5-10 years anyway. After that, the combined season ticket sales and student allotments for both schools would exceed capacity at Howard Wood.

      People talk about what a failure the Sioux Falls game with Cal Davis was, but that game had 7200 people in attendance. There were games in Brookings that year with attendances of 5700, 4100, 4000, and 1900.

      If we have 5 home games a year, we take one into sioux falls, that leaves 4, so your saying that because the game is in SF that will bring more SF market to Brookings to make up the difference of taking away one of the home games and that it would be good business in Brookings to have 1 less home game? Really does not add up if you ask me.
      "The most rewarding things you do in life, are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.” Arnold Palmer

      Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.


      • Re: Big Sky

        Originally posted by Coyote_Fan View Post
        I am probably one of the only Yote fans disappointed today. Since I can't hold my opinion in I will probably anger about 80% of the Coyote Fan base. I think the Big Sky was the better option and it will take awhile for me to get over USD taking a pass on the Big Sky. I am actually not even as angry with being in the Summit/MVFC as I am how USD's administrations handled the situation. They were indecisive, wish-washy, flip-floppy or however you want to name it. They burned bridges and led UND onto a plank and let them jump off. They definately let down the Big Sky Commissioners office. I am sure Fullerton is not going to want to have much to do with USD after today.

        My only ammunition that I had left is going to be gone soon. USD can't win on the road and after SDSU wins 8 of the next 10 in football the all time series will go over to the Jacks. I thought maybe we had the right people in place at the top but Sayler is starting to sound more like a politician rather than an AD. First he says one thing and then only a few days later does a complete about face. He basically all but lied to UND, the Big Sky and USD fans. Most USD fans don't care how it was done they just want to renew the beloved rivalry with SDSU. Actually getting any wins in the rivalry isn't all that important. SDSU is going to whip up on USD until Sayler has the gonads to hold the football team accountable which I doubt he will.

        The MVFC is not my problem, it's the Summit League which I don't like as well as the Big Sky. People may not like my opinions but at least I am not a hypocrite. I still think many D2 programs would beat USD and it's definately a possiblity that USD may be the 3rd or 4th best program in South Dakota. One can only sit on one win so long. I think if Augie and USD played it would be a good game but if it was at Augie the Vikings might just pull it out. They actually can win a close game which is foreign territory for the Yotes.

        And one more thing, I plan on keeping my Big Sky Avatar as well. I am not just going to turn my back on the Big Sky like USD did. Maybe I can be an honorary Jacks fan for a week.
        I very, very rarely go off on anyone on a chat board, but so much of this is pure BS it is hard to read... Get over yourself. USD made the Right decision. Read it again. USD made the right decision.

        USD's admin. did EXACTLY what UND did.. it took the best option on the table.

        Consider yourself and every USD fan fortunate.. this last second "Wishywashy" deal saved your athletic department MILLIONs over the long term and more than likely advanced their teams ahead years in terms of recruiting, talent, success and butts in the stands.

        SDSU's ability to "Whip your butts" has no bearing on which conference you are in.. In my mind, we would win more than we lost for the foreseeable future no matter where you are, but you go BSC I don't ever see you bridging the gap... now I firmly believe you will sooner rather than later.

        As for Summit League over BSC or vice versa.. I guess that is a matter of opinion. (I guess as all of this has been) but I see a league that is gaining respect, solidifying its base and building for the future. I see the BSC falling Apart, losing their marquee teams, if not this year, soon, and offering NOTHING in terms of building USD for the future... The Summit offers a comparable RPI, better actually than the BSC now that Centenary and SUU are gone, and teams that are getting better EVERY year, in a footprint, that oh my God, actually falls in your recruiting base... SHOCK, why would that be a good thing.

        I am sorry you stuck your head out so far for the Big Sky that you can't safely pull it back without taking more grief than I would want to face, but seriously.. Grow up.

        The SDSU fan base has for the most part, been nothing if not very excited for your school, I admit we have a hat in the battle and your actions affected us, but don't lie to yourself.. WE would have been just fine no matter where you went. This just happens to be preferable...

        Just like I said over on the AGS site.. UND fans need to go out and win and prove that their school made the right choice in going to the BSC.. USD needs to do the same in the Valley and the Summit. Be a TRUE fan and support your team. Even if they didn't fall in step with your vision, if you are honest, you know they made the right call.

        end rant.


        • Re: Big Sky

          Frankly, in the big picture, I think Coyote Fan is right. USD and the state of South Dakota would have been better off in the long run if USD had gone to the Big Sky. The Coyotes had the opportunity to do something different and potentially special but chose the more familiar and safer path. That's all history now. The details of how the decision was made no longer matter. Welcome to the NCC Revisited. Let's all make the best of it.
          This space for lease.


          • Re: Big Sky

            Originally posted by Jacked_Up View Post
            Frankly, in the big picture, I think Coyote Fan is right. USD and the state of South Dakota would have been better off in the long run if USD had gone to the Big Sky. The Coyotes had the opportunity to do something different and potentially special but chose the more familiar and safer path. That's all history now. The details of how the decision was made no longer matter. Welcome to the NCC Revisited. Let's all make the best of it.
            Different and special, meaning pay out their asses to travel every year, possibly crippling their ability to expand the athletic department?
            Originally posted by JackFan96
            Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


            • Re: Big Sky

              Originally posted by RabbitObserver View Post
              Different and special, meaning pay out their asses to travel every year, possibly crippling their ability to expand the athletic department?
              And not be a part of the Summit Tournament in Sioux Falls, instead traveling to Sacramento or Portland for a tournament.

              I just don't think there is a good argument for why the Big Sky would have been better for USD.
              Holy nutmeg!


              • Re: Big Sky

                Originally posted by RabbitObserver View Post
                Different and special, meaning pay out their asses to travel every year, possibly crippling their ability to expand the athletic department?
                Yep, that would be about right. And it would be bad how?
                You know that you're over the hill when your mind makes a promise that your body can't fill. - L. George


                • Re: Big Sky

                  Originally posted by RabbitObserver View Post
                  Different and special, meaning pay out their asses to travel every year, possibly crippling their ability to expand the athletic department?

                  totally agree. apparently there are two people who disagree with the coyotes not going to the big coyote fan and one jack fan. i know my 80 yr old dad, who is a lifetime coyote fan, is happy. of course he also said last night that he doesnt understand why they all had to go divsion one. d2 was just fine.


                  • Re: Big Sky

                    "People who live in the past generally are afraid to compete in the present. I've got my faults, but living in the past is not one of them. There's no future in it." Source: coaching quotes (website) Sparky Anderson


                    • Re: Big Sky

                      Now we have 2 threads about the game being in Sioux Falls. Lock 'em both.
                      Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


                      • Re: Big Sky

                        One more vote for locking said threads.


                        • Re: Big Sky

                          Both threads??

                          I guess people forget this is board is for SDSU athletic discussion and just because a "few" are upset that there is talk of this precious "game" ending up in the SF we should become the Soviet Union and just not be able to talk about it? I guess I'm just not sure there's anything to be upset about by just discussion it as an option.

                          I get this feeling that by the time "the game" is here, I'm not going to give a $hit whether it's in Brookings, Vermillion, SF or the f-ing Moon. By that time my vote will probably be for the third. I can't even begin to imagine how sick of talking about it Stig will be by that time, considering everytime he's been on the radio here in SF the past 5 years, he's asked "why doesn't SDSU want to play USD in fb"(say this phrase with a pansy-a$$ whiny voice and you'll get my drift).

                          Go Jacks!!
                          SDSU...Passionate, Relentless, Champions.


                          • Re: Big Sky

                            Originally posted by propar80 View Post
                            Both threads??
                            Move all the "game needs to be in SF" talk from this thread into the other or lock this one so we don't have 2 threads talking the same. One is enough. Don't want to waste the time thinking there is new talk regarding the Big Sky decision and find out it's only SF talk.
                            Over? Did you say "over"? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!--Bluto--


                            • Re: Big Sky

                              On the subject of the Big Sky developments, here's a link to an opinion piece from the Spokane, WA newspaper. I wonder why the Spokane paper has such interest: Spokane is the home of Gonzaga, a member of the non-football West Coast Conference. LINK
                              Last edited by JackJD; 11-07-2010, 11:04 PM.


                              • Re: Big Sky

                                Originally posted by JackJD View Post
                                On the subject of the Big Sky developments, here's a link to an opinion piece from the Spokane, WA newspaper. I wonder why the Spokane paper has such interest: Spokan is the home of Gonzaga, a member of the non-football West Coast Conference. LINK
                                EWU(located in Cheney) is just outside of Spokane.

