I thought it was pretty good stuff when Fred Oien came out against those who felt we were walking away from our in-state rivals by going to D1.! He stated correctly that it's no longer a rivalary when one team dominates the other the way the Jacks have dominated Augie and USD over the years. He also stated that in recent years the Augie and USD fan contingents failed to travel to to Brookings for games. If you have traveled to either Augie or USD for games in recent years or other Jack away games you have to be impressed with how large the following has become for away games. I don't think there is another DII school team in the country that has a fan base like the Jacks do that is willing to travel to see there favorite team. All you had to do is to watch the womens Basketball Natl Championship game to see what I'm talking about. I will not miss the dome atmosphere and lack of ability in running an event where you have staff and concessions for 1500 and guess what 8000 mostly Jacks fans show up. With the exception of the North Dakota schools and State the rest of the conference just doesn't seem able or willing to run a first class event (see my post on Bisonville and demise of NCC for my feeling why). It certainly won't be as easy or convenient to go see the jacks play away games but what is it really a rivalary anymore anyway. Hopefully the jacks will become the states first team where you can go watch a first class event.
No announcement yet.
You are right on the mark. I saw the Jacks play several road games last year and the support was outstanding. The Northwest MO St. and Women's Elite 8 come to mind and where very impresive. The rabbits had to almost feel like they where at home. Now to the low point. How do you run out of Hot Dogs and programs before the game starts like USD did last year. Pretty bush league if you ask me. I won't even start with Augie and their high school gym. It will be nice taking it up a level.
Go State!
I was also at the SDSU/USD Basketball game at the Dome that you were referring to and it was a joke that a University striving to generate revenue for athletics could be so ill prepared to handle a crowd and leave money on the table. I wish USD and Augie well however State has continuted to distance themselves from our in-state rivals in recent years. I think a big part of it is the SDSU administration is so much superior to the Athletic Directors and staff at both USD and Augie. Neither are prepared to run a program in the NCC let alone DI.
I think you guys are right on with the leadership. I feel Fred has wanted to do the best he can and he likes to quote Stan Marshall often. Stan was indeed a futuristic person, as was Reuben "Jack" Frost. Dr. Frost was coaching basketball the first year I lived in Brookings 1953-54. I recall he was a rather docile coach, he never stamped his foot like Scott Nagy does when a rebound is missed or the opponent scores an open shot. Maybe the reason for Frost's lack of interest was because his mind was on other things that involved developing an entire athletic department which he did do. The next year he stepped aside and hired Sox Walseth who later coached the Buffalos at Colorado U. Sox did a great job before moving on 2 years later. Then they hired Jim Iverson who took the Basketball to a newer level winning the NC in 1963. I think a great sign of an AD is the ability to hire and retain good coaches.
So yes SDSU has been blessed with many good people who were aboard way back in the past. The past makes the future more certain.
USD and Augustana have not had that. Both Don Morton and Roger Thomas were at Augie at one time, and they have had a ton of good people pass through. Salaries are the biggest reason they moved on so we will set ourselves further apart with good salaries for good people.
As a fan of the NCC, I have to offer some reasoning to this string of posts. If any SDSU fan truly believes that they will fill Coughlin Alumni for a battle with Utah Valley, UC Davis, or even UNC, then they are guilty of being both ignorant and arrogant. What is the best attendance for a SDSU vs. UNC football or basketball game in the past decade? I am sure it wouldn't compare to that of USD or Augie vs. SDSU games. I also believe the statement regarding the superiority of the SDSU administration and staff is yet to be determined. We will see how this Div. 1 moves turns out, but I would guess 10 years from now the sentiment for Fred Oien might not be so great. Please tell us more about the superior football coaches that have graced the sidelines of SDSU. If I am not mistaken, USD and Augie have been to the DIV 2 playoffs more often than SDSU has in the past 40 years. Granted, USD hasn't been blessed with any football geniuses in the past decade, but I would put the records of USD's basketball coaches against any other coach in the conference. Augie has the best FB coach in the conference. He has worked miracles considering what he has to work with. His only downfall is that he is an SDSU grad.Augie recently hired a tremendous men's bb coach who will give SDSU and USD a run for their money on the recruiting trail. I admit to playing devil's advocate, but there has to be some SDSU fans who are a little leary about this move and the potential damaging affects to the SDSU athletic programs.
Why must we always wait for Augustana to catch up? This is one time it wont happen. If you dont like our plan then support your Augie Doggies till the cows come home. No one will stop you from doing that.
We dont need your negative comments here but it adds to our board-- so banter away.
Obviously you have no clue about where SDSU is going or who our opponents will be. So far there is no mention of Utah Valley. Who are they?
We are damn tired of carrots on the court. What a bunch of immature fools that you have attending Augustana. They are suppose to be fine upstanding Lutherans. I am a Lutheran and the behaviour at SDSU games by Augustanta students is shameful. If I were the Bishop of the South Dakota Synod, I cut off the support funds.
As far as Jim Heinitz, he is average. Does he have a winning record? No. Does Steiglermiere, Daly, Haensel and Gregory, the answer is yes. So who else is creditable at Augustana? No one.
By the way in 1988, one reason SDSU missed the playoffs is that we played Montana and lost, and Augie played Southwest or some other weakling and got in the playoffs on a technicallity.
We know where we are going? Does Bill Gross have a clue? I doubt it.
As far as Biliter, he wont be in our way at all since we will have access to better athletes. Billiter is a bouncing ball. If he gets another D1 offer, he is gone. Whats is his loyalty to Augustana? None. So we are going give a rats ass about Billiter. Nagy took care of him when he was NDSU and dont look for any victories over SDSU in 2003-04. After that Augie will have to beg to get a game with SDSU. None will be played in that High school gym called the Almen Center.
As far as football crowds at Howard Field, I believe the crowd numbered 4000 with a capacity of 15,000. Of that 4000 most were probably SDSU fans. Yes you won but that may be your last hurrah with SDSU.
Its bye bye Augie and NCC. Maybe now Augie can finish in the top tier in the NCC.
Dont be fooled by the NCC fan. He has a coyote email address. Yes where are the genius in Vermillion? Still trying to figure out what classification should be in. What is the story on Kelly Higgins? Why did he leave so quickly? What the real story here?
I hate Augie as much as you do...I myself prefer the red and white. However, it is obvious that I struck a nerve, perhaps resulting from a fear of that small private school in Sioux Falls. The only point I was attempting to make was that SDSU does not have far superior coaches and they will not be filling their stadiums like they have for their rivalries in the NCC!
P.S. Relax...they're just teenagers playing games.
Originally posted by NCC FANHiggins was basically fired. He wasn't getting the job done and screwed up some big events. It sounds like this is Austin's last hurrah as well.
I do like your president Jim Abbott. I hope he can mobilize USD so that it will not be too long before you also make the move up. Jim is a good business man. Your Alum Al Neuharth could buy the entire campus if he wanted to. Instead he has this big press award that one year went to Cokie Roberts. I saw her acceptence speech on Cspan. Good publicty for USD. Guess what colors she was wearing on Dakota Days in Vermillion? Would you believe yellow and blue? I guess her lackies back in Washington DC looked up the wrong school. Chuckle chuckle.
NCC Fan,
I can understand your lack of confidence in our program's ability to draw without the likes of you. After all you have brought sooooo many people to Brookings the last few years. :Rather then worry about how we are going to fill our stands (I think we have plans in place to do just that), I would be worrying how you are going to replace SDSU and NDSU on your schedule. More big drawing schools like Lincoln University of Jefferson City, MO. Enrollment of 2,500. This school is the poster child for why SDSU and NDSU are getting out of D II. Nice way to finish up your season. At least you won't run out of hot dogs!
Go State!
the on thing scsu fans will miss about sdsu fans is the fact that they travel well. we always look ahead to the sdsu game at hallenbeck hall. you always have a hoard in the upper deck. the largest crowds in basketball are always sdsu, und, and st johns. now i hope you dont think hallenbeck is bush league, i like our old gym. as far as usd goes i had a feeling they were classless with a guy like josh mueller on the team. he is a low class dick! anyway good luck at the d1 level. husky fans will pull for you. (unless you are playing scsu)