Thanks everyone for your comments. I hope we are not wasting computer space with this thread.
Rabbitinverm has commented on my two boots and as of now, I think both were deserved as I have been thoughtless at times.
As much as we have had problems accepting Josh Mueller as a good athlete, I got very carried away over on the Argus forum. Rabbits good friend Cory Beck did what his job required him to as it was getting out of hand. I was not singled out for the boot, but rather for making some very unkind remarks about Mueller and his family That is what got me in trouble and off the Argus board. BTW Corey Beck is no relation to publisher Randall Beck for whom I do respect a great deal.( A true coincidence in surname. ;D)
My experience with SiouxSports was much the same but it was more complicated. Many UND fans could not get over the fact that a college located in a town the size of Brookings was going to move up to D1. This was in 1999 I believe. There was one SDSU alum on that forum that has been a technical writer up in Grand Forks for years and we had a number of heated exchanges plus I made fun of their D1 hockey program, a real no-no on that board. The clincher that got me booted was telling that board that the next time the Red River flooded, I hoped the whole dam# town of Grand Forks and the UND Campus ended up in Winnepeg, Canada. Not a good comment to make, but those guys had ways of getting under your skin. I let it happen.
Well thats my true confessions and I am not about to add board number 3 to this list. So whether here or elsewhere I feel its important to read, think and then post. Sometimes additional research helps. When you see well thought out posts on this board, the person doing the posting has read, thought and researched before making a post.
As far SDSU, I would not have my retirement income I do have if it were not for my degree earned way back in 1965. It open what few doors that were opened during my work career. Its a great university that has grown from a few students in the 1880's to the over 11,000 that we now have. Along the way, we have had some very outstanding people excell and then been recognized as distinguished alums.
Its a great institution to be associated with.
Thanks everyone for your comments. I hope we are not wasting computer space with this thread.
Rabbitinverm has commented on my two boots and as of now, I think both were deserved as I have been thoughtless at times.
As much as we have had problems accepting Josh Mueller as a good athlete, I got very carried away over on the Argus forum. Rabbits good friend Cory Beck did what his job required him to as it was getting out of hand. I was not singled out for the boot, but rather for making some very unkind remarks about Mueller and his family That is what got me in trouble and off the Argus board. BTW Corey Beck is no relation to publisher Randall Beck for whom I do respect a great deal.( A true coincidence in surname. ;D)
My experience with SiouxSports was much the same but it was more complicated. Many UND fans could not get over the fact that a college located in a town the size of Brookings was going to move up to D1. This was in 1999 I believe. There was one SDSU alum on that forum that has been a technical writer up in Grand Forks for years and we had a number of heated exchanges plus I made fun of their D1 hockey program, a real no-no on that board. The clincher that got me booted was telling that board that the next time the Red River flooded, I hoped the whole dam# town of Grand Forks and the UND Campus ended up in Winnepeg, Canada. Not a good comment to make, but those guys had ways of getting under your skin. I let it happen.

Well thats my true confessions and I am not about to add board number 3 to this list. So whether here or elsewhere I feel its important to read, think and then post. Sometimes additional research helps. When you see well thought out posts on this board, the person doing the posting has read, thought and researched before making a post.
As far SDSU, I would not have my retirement income I do have if it were not for my degree earned way back in 1965. It open what few doors that were opened during my work career. Its a great university that has grown from a few students in the 1880's to the over 11,000 that we now have. Along the way, we have had some very outstanding people excell and then been recognized as distinguished alums.
Its a great institution to be associated with.
