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Illinois State - WNIT

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  • #91
    Re: Illinois State - WNIT

    I've never heard the Everything Hurts song before so I don't know what it sounds like. I know at Redbird Arena when a player is hurt everyone stays quiet so the training staff can hear the injured player. I guess the deciding factor, for me, as to whether or not that song is a bad thing to do would be if they play it when a SDSU player is hurt or not?

    I think the match up between these teams is a great one. Perhaps the AD's could schedule something on an annual basis? Both teams are young and talented.

    In regards to Lewis being a "project", she is not. She is a 6'5" sophomore who has been playing with a stress facture in her foot for the last half of the season. It has slowed her down a little. I've talked to her parents and she is in a lot of pain when playing. With the rabbit's speed, she was not going to be as affective with her injury. I suspect she was in just to give Shelton or Johnson a break. My big hope for next year would be that Coach P allows Shelton to dunk the ball in a game. I know she has been told not to, but it sure would be great to see. (Coach P doesn't like showboating and is one of the classiest coaches I've seen.)


    • #92
      Re: Illinois State - WNIT

      The Argus Leader has a video highlight of the game.
      (")_(") Feed the Rabbit!!


      • #93
        Re: Illinois State - WNIT

        Originally posted by BirdGrad
        I've never heard the Everything Hurts song before so I don't know what it sounds like.  I know at Redbird Arena when a player is hurt everyone stays quiet so the training staff can hear the injured player.
        It's not like it's a roaring rock tune. It's a quiet ballad. And, believe me, the crowd was very quiet while the player was being tended to. Thank goodness she was OK and was back in the game within five minutes.
        Holy nutmeg!


        • #94
          Re: Illinois State - WNIT

          Nice compliments from the Redbirds coach. She said Megan Vogel is a difference maker and one of the best they have played against all season.


          • #95
            Re: Illinois State - WNIT

            Originally posted by BirdGrad
            I've never heard the Everything Hurts song before so I don't know what it sounds like.  I know at Redbird Arena when a player is hurt everyone stays quiet so the training staff can hear the injured player.  I guess the deciding factor, for me, as to whether or not that song is a bad thing to do would be if they play it when a SDSU player is hurt or not?

            I think the match up between these teams is a great one.  Perhaps the AD's could schedule something on an annual basis?  Both teams are young and talented.

            In regards to Lewis being a "project", she is not.  She is a 6'5" sophomore who has been playing with a stress facture in her foot for the last half of the season.  It has slowed her down a little.  I've talked to her parents and she is in a lot of pain when playing.  With the rabbit's speed, she was not going to be as affective with her injury.  I suspect she was in just to give Shelton or Johnson a break.  My big hope for next year would be that Coach P allows Shelton to dunk the ball in a game.  I know she has been told not to, but it sure would be great to see.  (Coach P doesn't like showboating and is one of the classiest coaches I've seen.)
  've been a good rep from your school on our board and we thank you for your comments. You have a good team and a classy coach, and her remarks at the post-game conference were very gracious. Elsewhere on this thread or another related one, you sill see that the song played is supportive of people in pain...and I can guarantee you our administration is "simon pure" on these types of things and would NEVER do anything that would denigrate an opposing team. We play it straight up here. Again, thanks for your posts and good luck next year to the Birds.


            • #96
              Re: Illinois State - WNIT

              Originally posted by JimmyJack
              [quote author=BirdGrad link=1174012887/90#90 date=1174230706]I've never heard the Everything Hurts song before so I don't know what it sounds like.  I know at Redbird Arena when a player is hurt everyone stays quiet so the training staff can hear the injured player.
              It's not like it's a roaring rock tune. It's a quiet ballad. And, believe me, the crowd was very quiet while the player was being tended to. Thank goodness she was OK and was back in the game within five minutes.

              I still think it is lame. Why not just change it to something else? Not everybody knows the lyrics to that song. I'm in my upper 20's and think the song is by REM, but you could have fooled me with the lyrics. If I had to make a suggestion I would vote to just dump the song as it sure had me confused along with everyone else sitting around me.

              You are entitled to your own opinion but you'll never convince me this is a good thing


              • #97
                Re: Illinois State - WNIT

                Originally posted by BirdGrad
                In regards to Lewis being a "project", she is not.  She is a 6'5" sophomore who has been playing with a stress facture in her foot for the last half of the season.  It has slowed her down a little.  I've talked to her parents and she is in a lot of pain when playing.  With the rabbit's speed, she was not going to be as affective with her injury.  I suspect she was in just to give Shelton or Johnson a break.  My big hope for next year would be that Coach P allows Shelton to dunk the ball in a game.  I know she has been told not to, but it sure would be great to see.  (Coach P doesn't like showboating and is one of the classiest coaches I've seen.)
                My apologies, Birdman, I did not know that about the stress fracuture. I do think she will probably be more effective on defense and offense both once she is healty with those long arms. I think ISU has a lot of class and it appears you have a very knowledgeable coach running your program.


                • #98
                  Re: Illinois State - WNIT

                  I wanted to give my two cents after attending last night's game. The crowd was great although I was surprised the attendance count wasn't more than 5700. There still was a set of bleachers on the west end that weren't pulled out. If they could have pulled those out, they could have got another 300-400 people in there. Also, there were some select reserved seats that were open. Let's hope if we get Indiana/Iona in here this week they place will be totally full.

                  I want to say the thing that I think is worth mentioning is how well Allison Anderson played last night. When Verdegen went to the bench with 2 fouls and then again with 3 fouls in the first half, Allison came in and didn't miss a beat. She didn't do anything spectacular and she only made a couple of "freshman mistakes" the entire time she was in there. She did exactly what we needed her to do as our backup point guard. She is very, very agressive and I think she's going to be a really good player for us in the future.

                  In the end, it was our effort that won us this game. We didn't shoot the ball well from the field or the free-throw line but the scrapiness of our team was great. I think a lot of that can be attributed to both the crowd and the energy they had from 2 weeks without a game.

                  Great game by the Jacks and let's hope we can put on an even better show in the next game!


                  • #99
                    Re: Illinois State - WNIT

                    I got some pics from the game, they might be a little blurry but its all good.
           The group of people that were waiting since noon
           this one is definately a charge on megan's part
           one of Boever's layups
           some of our finest reporters at work
           starting the second half
           Grimsrud for 2
           I believe that is Verdegan on a layup
           Vogel on the Breakaway
           The Crowd is alive
           Vogel Free Throws
           Bean is pumped up


                    • Re: Illinois State - WNIT

                      On the "Hurt" song, yes the lyrics may be fine, but the crowd perception is that it is not a good choice and I think it should be replaced silence.


                      • Re: Illinois State - WNIT

                        Originally posted by TK22867
                        [quote author=JimmyJack link=1174012887/90#92 date=1174237632][quote author=BirdGrad link=1174012887/90#90 date=1174230706]I've never heard the Everything Hurts song before so I don't know what it sounds like.  I know at Redbird Arena when a player is hurt everyone stays quiet so the training staff can hear the injured player.
                        It's not like it's a roaring rock tune. It's a quiet ballad. And, believe me, the crowd was very quiet while the player was being tended to. Thank goodness she was OK and was back in the game within five minutes.

                        Not everybody knows the lyrics to that song.[/quote]

                        All I was doing was trying to clear up a misconception about the song. I'm not trying to convince you or anybody else of anything. It's an REM song from 1993. I'm with Jacks99, though. If people don't listen to the lyrics, they might get the wrong idea so maybe it could be replaced with a more respectful silence. Just tell Micah Grenz what you think. He's a reasonable guy.

                        Holy nutmeg!


                        • Re: Illinois State - WNIT

                          Ick I don't like silence. Play music or the students could start a chant and that could get ugly.


                          • Re: Illinois State - WNIT

                            Originally posted by Haldersham
                            [quote author=BirdGrad link=1174012887/90#90 date=1174230706]
                            In regards to Lewis being a "project", she is not.  She is a 6'5" sophomore who has been playing with a stress facture in her foot for the last half of the season.  It has slowed her down a little.  I've talked to her parents and she is in a lot of pain when playing.  With the rabbit's speed, she was not going to be as affective with her injury.  I suspect she was in just to give Shelton or Johnson a break.  My big hope for next year would be that Coach P allows Shelton to dunk the ball in a game.  I know she has been told not to, but it sure would be great to see.  (Coach P doesn't like showboating and is one of the classiest coaches I've seen.)
                            My apologies, Birdman, I did not know that about the stress fracuture.  I do think she will probably be more effective on defense and offense both once she is healty with those long arms. I think ISU has a lot of class and it appears you have a very knowledgeable coach running your program.[/quote]

                            No problem at all. Yes, when she is healthy, Lewis is a force. Appreciate the comments about our coach. We wouldn't trade her for anyone. She is always a class act.

                            If you guys play Indiana, I will definately be rooting for you. I can't stand the Big 10 (or is it 11?) ;D


                            • Re: Illinois State - WNIT

                              I was thinking that the song was bad when I heard it too but I guess I had the lyrics wrong. Either way it just doesn't sound right and they should get rid of it..but that's just my opinion.

                              This Illinois State team was really good. That #21, Keynatta Shelton (I hope I spelled that right??), was more athletic than any of our girls by far. She's only a FROSH! I made a comment to my friend about how #15 was playing well and that I figured that she was a senior. And she was. Also, I was also a little disappointed with #10 (being MVC player of the year) until I found out she was only a sophmore as well. She played well but I was expecting better. My point is that seniors really do the difference and luckily we have a special one. But with #21 and #10 they will be really good for the next couple of years for sure.


                              • Re: Illinois State - WNIT

                                Originally posted by SDSUJack3031
                                That #21, Keynatta Shelton (I hope I spelled that right

                                You can call her Yatti I do think ISU will have a strong team for at least the next 2-3 years. We will have to see if the incomming players are as good as the class we got the last couple. #10 (Kristi) was probably tired from the 3OT. We wil miss our Megan very much (#15) she has been such a joy to watch over the years. She came to us with our coach from Iowa State.

                                SDSU has a great future as well. Very young and talented team!

