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GDT: Jackrabbits vs. Nittany Lions

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  • Re: GDT: Jackrabbits vs. Nittany Lions

    Originally posted by goon View Post
    I forgot about the game till I saw the game day thread started. With my wife having our baby number 2 a few weeks ago I couldn't tell you if I was coming or going or what day of the week it is. When usc came it was hyped for awhile. To me this game didn't have the same hype.

    I know this is a seperate issue but I think some of the value or getting fans from outside of brookings is the lack of double headers. Having to drive in for 2 different games a week getting gas or eating out if not getting consessions at the game. Having 2 games in a day back in the D2 days were like an event. Like you marked it becasue there were always 2 games. Plus their are so many competing entertainment and sporting events that can affect who goes to games.
    That is very true, I spoke to my folks in Watertown Monday night and asked if they were going to the game. They said that although it is only 50 miles, in the winter it is a long way. Back when they had double headers my parents had season tickets, but now it is too much of a hassle to go for only one game.

    It does impact attendance for sure.

    Go Jacks.
    Go State.
    (")_(") Feed the Rabbit!!


    • Re: GDT: Jackrabbits vs. Nittany Lions

      The weekend has 2 single games on schedule. The weather is not expected to be brutal. Both visiting teams should be a handful for the men or women. We will see how the casual fan shows for each of the games. The PSU game did have more students for that women's game than most this year. It was not enough to fill either end, but it was an improvement over nearly empty. I would guess that double headers could help raise attendance numbers some. Meanwhile I can continue to enjoy the games in Frost.
      Best to remember these are kids and they are doing everything they can to entertain us, be scholars, and all in all be great humans. Jackedforlife


      • Re: GDT: Jackrabbits vs. Nittany Lions

        Originally posted by OldHare View Post
        The weekend has 2 single games on schedule. The weather is not expected to be brutal. Both visiting teams should be a handful for the men or women. We will see how the casual fan shows for each of the games. The PSU game did have more students for that women's game than most this year. It was not enough to fill either end, but it was an improvement over nearly empty. I would guess that double headers could help raise attendance numbers some. Meanwhile I can continue to enjoy the games in Frost.
        I think it is time that SDSU ramped up their promotion od these type games. It seems to me that they tend to rely on the old faithful fans to fill the place. But they need to be going after the casual basketball fan. How? Maybe more televison ads or a better game day experience.

        Another theory I had is that when the WBB team was drawing big numbers they really were the only show in town. With the success the last two seasons of football and MBB they are competing for fans. And, in some minds, even a successful women's team still isnt exciting basketball.
        -South Dakotan by birth, a Jackrabbit by choice.


        • Re: GDT: Jackrabbits vs. Nittany Lions

          Originally posted by SoDakJack View Post
          I think it is time that SDSU ramped up their promotion od these type games. It seems to me that they tend to rely on the old faithful fans to fill the place. But they need to be going after the casual basketball fan. How? Maybe more televison ads or a better game day experience.

          Another theory I had is that when the WBB team was drawing big numbers they really were the only show in town. With the success the last two seasons of football and MBB they are competing for fans. And, in some minds, even a successful women's team still isnt exciting basketball.
          Which is a shame when you're watching a top 50 (possible at-large?) team. Jacks play a great tempo of a game. When they are "on" like the first half of Penn St., they are a BLAST to watch. I'm certain my neighbors here in NYC were wondering about Jacks, Rabbits, and other exclamations Wed night. What a thrill. Wed night's game could have been the 2009 NCAA game vs Baylor. But it wasn't and Jacks prevailed.


          • Re: GDT: Jackrabbits vs. Nittany Lions

            I don't suppose the JumpTV watchers count in the total attendance. If so you could have added my butt to the total. I was away from Brookings, and started notice the game thread and how the score margin was starting to close, so I checked into Getting Live Events seems to be a mess still. There should be only one path to logging on, but the current set up allows one to get Jack Insider and bunch other unwanted stuff. I hope someone from Learfield reads this.

            BTW, it was a very exciting finish. Attendance has never been good in Nov-Dec, just too many things going on. As far as more promotion, I don't think it would pay its way. Old St. Nick has already cluttered too many minds for new info to sink in.


            • Re: GDT: Jackrabbits vs. Nittany Lions

              Regardless of the attendance the crowd was still loud. It sounded like there was more that 1700 people in Frost. If the crowd is into the game and loud, i don't really care about the number of people there. 1700 people is still a lot of people for a women's game. I guarantee if a high profile women's team played at a another high mid-major team there attendance would be the same if not lower. I can't imagine what the the attendance numbers would be like if a ranked women's team played against another Summit League team on the road. Women's games just don't draw the number like they used to. JJ and Jill sounded like they were impressed with the turnout during the broadcast.


              • Re: GDT: Jackrabbits vs. Nittany Lions

                I just got back on the board. Was I banned? It wouldn't let me log on, and when I tried to get a new password, it would give me a message that it was sent, but it never came. Oh well. Anyway, I just want to give you kudo's on a great win over a very good Penn State team. That was big. My only so called criticism was your attendance, which you all have made fun of USD in the past, but for having a nationally ranked team in your house, not a great showing on fans part. I'm also not jabbing ya, just making an observation. But either way, a huge win. I couldn't congratulate you till now.


                • Re: GDT: Jackrabbits vs. Nittany Lions

                  Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
                  I just got back on the board. Was I banned? It wouldn't let me log on, and when I tried to get a new password, it would give me a message that it was sent, but it never came. Oh well. Anyway, I just want to give you kudo's on a great win over a very good Penn State team. That was big. My only so called criticism was your attendance, which you all have made fun of USD in the past, but for having a nationally ranked team in your house, not a great showing on fans part. I'm also not jabbing ya, just making an observation. But either way, a huge win. I couldn't congratulate you till now.
                  I suspect you might have a email address contray to what is on your profile or something of that nature since you did not get the new password. I don't think you were banned. We appreciate your input. True, we did not have a good crowd on Saturday.

                  I was in FM watching the Concordia Choir concert. My significant other's grandson was one of the zillion singers participating in the concert. This is a great tradition, that is the choir and holiday concert, something started years ago and continues today and was competing against the NDSU playoff game, which turn out to be no contest for the Bison. The Civic Center in Fargo for the concert was also a sellout. My point in mentioning this is that Nov-Dec are horrible for bb attendance at USD and SDSU both. So many other things going on. Come the first week in January and after all the bowl game, people will start showing up. Could SDSU gotten Penn State to schedule a January game? Not on your life, we have to take them when we can.

