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@ ipfw gdt

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  • #91
    Re: @ ipfw gdt

    Originally posted by filbert View Post
    And yeah, I know "if you have to explain the joke, maybe it wasn't that funny in the first place" but I'm not sure that saying takes into account the utter lack of sense of humor of some people, who simply can't find anything at all the least little bit humorous.

    So, I'll explain, and in so doing, kill the joke:

    First, I really like absurdist humor. Monty Python, MST3K, and Firesign Theater are my humor foundations. (I jovially despise slapstick, on the other hand.)

    Now, when SDSU was adrift on the stormy sea of transition, we had our built-in rivalry with NDSU. But I thought that it would increase interest--or at least amusement, on my part, anyway--to select another team we played pretty much every year to do me some personal hatin' on (note that's hatin', not hating. Hatin' has a humor content. Perhaps this is where we have all gone astray.)

    Anyway, after it became apparent that IPFW was establishing a tradition of kicking the holy crap out of the SDSU men's basketball team at their place, I decided that they were the perfect school to become the object of my hatin'.

    They have, sadly, not yet disappointed me.

    But, the (absurdist) humor aspect of it is that there's really no particularly good reason for me to single out IPFW for hatin' vs. any other Summit League school. I've been there, been to Allen County War Memorial Coliseum, and it's really a pretty nice campus and nice basketball venue, and the people seemed like really good people, too. And yet I hate 'em. 'Cause they're really bad hosts to our men's basketball team, mainly. They really ought to let us win there every so often.

    THAT'S the running joke.

    My apologies if that's too nuanced for some to comprehend.

    But I still hate IPFW.

    And if you don't agree with me, you're probably someone who's never watched Red Eye with Greg Gutfield, and so you probably torture kittens.

    (That last sentence was humor, too, by the way, in case any cat lovers stumble on this thread.)
    Sorry, Filbert...didn't see your better explanation on "hating." Much better.


    • #92
      Re: @ ipfw gdt

      Its was a game we could have won, but if we are down 23 and five minutes later we are back in the game, thats a good sign, not necessarily progress, since we could have been the winner for the first time in Fort Wayne with a few stops. Maybe that would have improved the FW taste in Filberts mouth.

      You have to be very dense to not understand Filberts humor. I am not on the same page politically with Filbert buts thats not important on this message board, which he does own. I have never viewed the Fox News Gregalogues. Looks interesting and will check out more once I get to a good hsi source. They ran real choppy on my present source. Where the Tea Party movement is going is any one's guess, and will leave it at that. I always thought Fox News to be fair and balanced as a flat tire, but thats my opinion. Greg might be an exception to my conclusion. I will tune him in.


      • #93
        Re: @ ipfw gdt

        Originally posted by Coyote_Fan View Post
        Another Jack fan that hates on another team they play. This is not an uncommon theme in Jacks game thread posts. Of course if the Jacks would have won IPFW would have likely been a very respectable institution. Not to specifically call out you Filbert but for many Jacks fans it's only been five years into D1 and I certainly hear alot of hating and disrespecting. I almost never hear Coyote fans hating on the teams they play. Just an observation.

        I believe in respecting other teams whether the Yotes beat them or not. Even if the Yotes might be considered a 20 point favorite in a particular game I usually hear USD coaches and players giving the upmost respect to other teams. I didn't hear this at all from the Jacks womens team when they were getting ready for USD. I didn't hear many fans that though USD could keep within double digits of the Jacks eventhough they did for much of the game until the end.
        I've made some ridiculous posts in the past so I'm going to let this one slide.
        We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

        We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


        • #94
          Re: @ ipfw gdt

          Originally posted by jackmd View Post
          I've made some ridiculous posts in the past so I'm going to let this one slide.
          You've never made one that ridiculous, JackMD.

          Many lessons can be taken from Coyote Fan's post. One of those lessons: DO NOT judge a fan base or a particular university by the posts of one or a few. (E.g. LakesBison is not representative of NDSU fans or those having degrees from NDSU. Similar concept for Coyote Fan and USD fans and grads).

          Someone earlier in this thread took a shot at the USD Fan Message Board having only six members. While I haven't looked at the USD Board for a while, when I have looked, I have wondered whether Coyote Fan's ponderous pontifications on all things Coyote served to discourage some who would like to post but figure "why bother?".


          • #95
            Re: @ ipfw gdt

            And since this thread drift has persisted...reminds me of one of the great cheers used by the U of Minnesota for any occasion. No matter what the game, match or event, without regard to the opponent, you can bet somebody in the Minnesota crowd will yell "Who hates Iowa?" and everyone will respond: "We hate Iowa!". That cheer even got going when SDSU played Minnesota in football.

            Minnesota played Iowa State in basketball and the cheer was started -- it was really funny because both sides joined.

            filbert still hates IPFW.


            • #96
              Re: @ ipfw gdt

              Originally posted by ringthebells View Post
              Off topic, but does anybody know if our recent addition is also moonlighting as a HS basketball referee? I swear it was MacKenzie reffing the other night.
              He is the freshman girls bball and assistant varsity coach at Brookings High School.


              • #97
                Re: @ ipfw gdt

                Originally posted by JackJD View Post
                You've never made one that ridiculous, JackMD.
                Speaking of ridiculous posters, why is CF still on the board? He basically has one post that he slightly changes and uses it one thread after another. While of a different style, IMO, his posts are really no different than LakesBison.

                You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can never teach a stupid dog anything.


                • #98
                  Re: @ ipfw gdt

                  My deep hatred for IPFW stems from using an extinct animal as their mascot. On top of that, one that met its' demise from human caused global warming (cave fires). Very disrespectful imho.

