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Oakland Game 2

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  • Re: Oakland Game 2

    Originally posted by jackmd View Post
    I've made this argument before. RO and others will say they are just college students and can behave in an irresponible manner because of that fact. My family funds an endowment that provides scholarships to students at SDSU. Our name is on that scholarship. When a student athlete or not is selected to receive money to fund their education from that scholarship they accept the responsibility to represent the values of those individuals who provide that opportunity. You represent more than just yourself when you put on Jackrabbit gear, on the field, in the stands and elsewhere in the community.
    Put me in jackmd's camp. I used to run a softball team. Pretty small potatoes, I know. But our main sponsor gave us roughly 3-4k a year and we made darn sure than we didn't tarnish their name whatsoever. Same goes for these kids. You're one of the biggest representatives of the university that most will see. You need to act accordingly. Just another life lesson...which is what college is all about.


    • Re: Oakland Game 2

      Originally posted by RabbitObserver View Post
      I thought we were talking about student athletes being held to a higher standard? My post was referring to just the student sections, not the athletes.

      And I wasn't excusing behavior, more explaining it. Of course, Zooropa read way too far into my initial post.
      Fair enough. I find myself becoming more of a curmudgeon every year. You swear it will never happen to you and then it does. I think our students are fairly well behaved, athletes or not, but they are human and they are young adults. Things happen, its how you deal with them that really makes the difference.
      We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

      We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.

