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What's wrong with the men's team?

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  • #61
    Re: What's wrong with the men's team?

    When this season started I thought that we would win 10 games. Now I feel that I over estimated our capabilities. I hope that I am wrong and that we come on strong in the last half of the season.
    It is my feeling that even though we are playing a fairly tough Division I schedule, we still have a number of Division II talent wise players. My guess would be 30-40 percent of our roster. What do we do about that? We have all seen programs where scholarships are taken away fron some athletes. After reading comments from Coach Nagy this past week, I am wondering if he has this very idea in the back of his mind. I have just as much respect for Coach Nagy, Troy and the rest of the staff as anyone on this board but they were the ones responsible for recruiting this group. Recruiting is the name of the game. It is far from easy., long road trips, missed time with the family etc. We knew this season was coming 3 years ago but now we are asking "What is wrong with the Mens Team?" It is obvious to me that we were not prepared for this season and ,yes, our staff does need to take some responsibility for that.
    Go State!!


    • #62
      Re: What's wrong with the men's team?

      I'm with those who say people need to generally lighten up.

      It's OK to be an intense fan--heck, if we weren't all intense fans we wouldn't be here.

      I created this thread because I found some interesting statistical info on Ken Pomeroy's blog and thought it would be good discussion fodder.

      I didn't intend this to be a flame war. But it's the most reasonable thing in the world for a fan to ask "what's wrong with my team" when things aren't going well. If the question bothers someone, it's only because they care enough to let it bother them.

      Enough about that. A win or two makes a big difference in everyone's attitude. The Denver win was huge--this was a team favored to win the Sun Belt, which is not a bad basketball conference.

      The next game is UMKC, who won't be pushovers either. There ARE no more pushovers on our schedule, and won't be, ever, not even if we get up to Gonzaga-Kansas-Duke sort of prominence.

      Hopefully after a win tonight against UMKC we can put aside the 'what's wrong' question for good this season and start focusing on 'what's right'.

      By the way, how about that women's win at Wisconsin? I've been on a cruise for the past week so I'm just catching up on things.

      Go Rabbits!
      "I think we'll be OK"


      • #63
        Re: What's wrong with the men's team?

        I agree. Just wanted to let everyone here know that although I can get a bit intense, I really enjoy the discussions on the board. I do think it can be more enjoyable when we can have friendly dissagreements when we lose, as well as excitement when we win. This seems better than just being cheerleaders with blinders on. I don't know about you all, but when I talk sports with my close friends, it can get very intense. But no one is offended by the arguments made by others.

        It is a lot of fun, and I don't bear any hard feelings toward anyone on the board. I hope no one bears any towards me. Can't be at the UMKC game, hope its another great one. I can't believe I missed the Denver game! Dang!!
        “I used to be with it. But then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it seems scary and wierd. It’ll happen to you.” — Abe Simpson


        • #64
          Re: What's wrong with the men's team?

          I think (hope) that everyone is in agreement that just because people on this board post their frustrations with the team's play (myself included) doesn't mean anyone wants to see them fail. Just the opposite. I log into this site everyday because I'm d@mn proud to be a Jackrabbit and I live 2 states away from the action. I couldn't be prouder when I tell people that I'm from SDSU and have had a chance to watch games this year against Kentucky, Marquette and Illinois. None of those games turned out the way we had hoped, and the Marquette game was downright embarrassing. However, my pride in the university and the basketball team never wavered.

          I think just because negative comments are made and questions are asked some feel like a traitor is in the midst. Just the opposite. Feeling strongly about SDSU is exactly why everyone is questioning and arguing. It's natural and I think Dr. Phil would call it good for us as it gets everything off our chest.
          "You just stood their screaming. Fearing no one was listening to you. Hearing only what you wanna hear. Knowing only what you heard." Metallica


          • #65
            Re: What's wrong with the men's team?

            Originally posted by SF_Rabbit_Fan
            I agree.  Just wanted to let everyone here know that although I can get a bit intense, I really enjoy the discussions on the board.  I do think it can be more enjoyable when we can have friendly dissagreements when we lose, as well as excitement when we win.  This seems better than just being cheerleaders with blinders on.  I don't know about you all, but when I talk sports with my close friends, it can get very intense.  But no one is offended by the arguments made by others.
            Sounds like any discussion I have with my friends regarding politics, religion, sports, etc.... When in the appropriate forum the discussion can get heated (the local pub or internet forum for example). Elsewhere in life I have to keep a much more level head curbing my emotions and keeping my frustrations in check. In short, this forum is a place for me to vent regarding some of the frustrations of the transition to DI.

            One of my pet peeves is a level of expection that is too high. I hate it when those generally in disagreement about the move to DI point out our current struggles as a reason why we shouldn't have moved up. I say they are not unexpected especially given some of the misfortune that the men's BB team encountered at the time of transition.

            I welcome the disagreement but let this go too far with some of my comments Saturday. I hope my apology is sufficient.

            Lastly, if the men's team lays an egg tonight, I'll call them out.
            We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

            We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.

